Zach Hill Announces for County JP, District 9 Race
My name is Zachary “Zach” Hill and I am running for the office of Justice of the Peace for District 9.
Misty, my wife of 10 years, along with our two sons, Micah and Nathaniel, have been residents of Drew County for 8 years, with 7 of those years living in the Ladelle Community.
For my career, I have worked for the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service as an agriculture extension agent in Jefferson County, as well as an agriculture research associate for the past 7 years. We are active members of Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church for 8 years, where my wife and I serve in many capacities.
The reason I am seeking the office of Justice of the Peace is the opportunity to serve the people in my community on the Quorum Court, just as I serve in the church. I wish to be a voice for all the people in District 9, with a conservative Christian mindset on all matters that fall to the Quorum Court, which includes county taxes, budgets, roads, and sanitation. Making sensible and constitutionally sound decisions, such as keeping taxes low, improving county roads and sanitation, is extremely important to me and to the citizens of Drew County. I will be very thankful and honored to receive your vote for Justice of the Peace for District 9. God bless!
Early voting begins October 24th and the general election will be November 8.