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Victoria Pedraza Pleads Guilty to “Permitting Abuse” in Death of 2 Year Old, Will Testify in Husband’s Death Penalty Trial – Wednesday Update

July 25th, 2012 by

Victoria  Pedraza accepted a plea in Drew County Circuit Court, Tuesday afternoon, in the death of her 2 year old daughter, Aubriana Coke.

Victoria will serve 5 – 20 years in ADC, depending on a jury’s sentence, after she testifies against her husband, Daniel Pedraza, who is facing a possible death sentence, on a capital murder charge of his step-daughter.

If Victoria doesn’t testify, or doesn’t testify truthfully, her plea will be thrown out, and she will again face a capital murder charge, as well.

When asked why she felt she was guilty she admitted (with assistance of her attorney) that she “did not take action to prevent the abuse by Daniel Pedraza, which eventually lead to the death of her daughter.”

Judge Gibson was unavailable, so Judge Don Glover presided over the hearing.

24 Responses to “Victoria Pedraza Pleads Guilty to “Permitting Abuse” in Death of 2 Year Old, Will Testify in Husband’s Death Penalty Trial – Wednesday Update”

  1. tax payer says:

    A possible 5 to 20 year sentence means she’ll actually serve from 1 to 5 years. Sounds like justice to me.

  2. Brandy :) says:

    This is a sad sad story I don’t under stand so called wanna be parents these days. If you don’t want kids and want your freedom then why lye on your back and conceive them I just don’t under stand and if it’s an mistake then there is a word called ADOPTION!!!! I can’t take this story in I think the mom and step dad both should be put on death sentence!!! That’s jus my opinion

  3. Dragonheart says:

    You know what??? I call BS. She should face the same charges as her husband.

  4. Concerned citizen says:

    This girl deserves the same as her husband despite her testifying against him, she should have been speaking up about it when it was going then the baby life could have been spared. She us as guilty as he is which I believe she had something to do with it too other than letting it go on. She need the max sentence too…..just because she wants to talk now her life will go on after 2 years….y’all know that’s about all she is going do! SICK AND SUCKS!

  5. Suzy says:

    People, until our laws are changed to condemn these murderers, there is NO JUSTICE. I am a grandmother and I can tell you, there were alot of other people who knew this was going on as well and they too should have reported it. If you see something that doesn’t look right, it usually is not. WE as a public should be concerned with each other and if need be make those anonymous phone calls and report it yourself.

  6. wilmar LADY says:

    Uuuuummm. Drugs, stealing, robbery & simple assault charges get more time here in drew county than killing a baby. Sad sad sad!!!! Especially killing a baby.

  7. Charles Henderson says:

    Maybe she was afraid of her partner. Maybe he abused her just like he did the baby?
    Don’t be so swift to condemn her.
    Her life is ruined. She lost a child. She’s going to jail.
    She wasn’t the one who killed the child.
    No one knows what they will do until they’re faced with the situation.
    This “hollier than thou” attitude is sickening.
    Don’t you think those prosecuting the case know what they’re doing?
    The man who killed the baby may get death. Thats what they wanted, not some poor abused woman.

  8. Nana says:

    Too bad she wasn’t as concerned with saving her baby while baby was being tortured to death as this “mother” is with saving herself now that she’s sitting in jail. Even a mama cat will fight an old tomcat when he’s trying to kill her kittens.

  9. me says:

    suzy, it does no good here to call; it sad but it the truth. i heard that dhs was called a fews times in this case!!

  10. Jennifer says:

    This article makes me sick. She is just as guilty as he is if she was aware of the abuse and did not report it. That poor baby. May she rest in peace. And even if they dont do the time here, they WILL answer for their actions to a higher authority. You can get away with things on Earth, but you will have to answer to God eventually!!!!!

  11. don g says:


  12. Whatever says:

    She is just as guilty as her husband and she too should face the DEATH PENALTY!!!!! There is absolutely NO excuse good enough for allowing someone to torture that poor baby girl. She is a murderer also, in my opinion she’s more guilty than him just for allowing him to hurt that child!!! She too hurt the child by not doing anything about it, can you imagine how that little girl felt when her mother wouldn’t even rescue her, that baby probably had a broken heart among other things, just a sad sad case!!

  13. Elizabeth says:

    People you are not God and you don’t have the right to judge others only God has that right! You don’t know what was going on behind close doors. You have no ideal what that woman was going through with her husband! Stop judgeing others. Remember what goes around will come around and twice as bad! What happen will hunt her for the rest of her life. God knows the whole story and God will deal with it and each and every one of us for all of our wrong doings. Treat others as you would want them to treat you!!!!!

  14. Sad Mother says:

    I deeply wish that comments on this story were closed. Yes, this is a very controversial topic, but everyone with their torches and pitchforks need to take a step back and be quiet. Everyone is entitled to thier opinions, but it doesn’t mean you always need to voice them. Yes, if you were in the situation, you will take it upon yourself to tell everyone how she messed up and how you would’ve handled it. But you weren’t there. You weren’t in that home or under those circumstances. None of you have the right to condemn anyone of anything, myself included. Don’t throw stones in a glass house.

  15. Concerned says:

    This is crazy because why would a person try to take up for a woman that allegedly allowed her husband to abuse her child. The child had old and new bruises so there was several times where she could have let someone know what was going on with this child. How could a “Mother” allow anyone abuse their child and not do anything. And we are supposed to understand. No matter how bad I was beaten only God would prevent me from preventing the same to my child. If she did not want this child she could have easily gave her to the child’s father or her own mother. She only received 5-10 years, how could anyone say this is justice. Yes people are entitled to their own opinion and we will speak them. Why aren’t you speaking for this child that lost her life in this horrible situation, she is not allowed to have an opinion of how she would have liked to be treated. She will not have chance to attend her first day of kindergarten, attend her first prom, or have her father walk her down the aisle when she get married. Why worry about how the mother feel, we need to worry about this child having to deal with being beaten on a regular basis.

  16. teresa says:

    only God can judge us!!! i understand what the mother was going through, i was in a marrage like that .its not as easy as folks think it can be and in less you been through it you dont understand!!! its not as easy as you think it is.i lived in it for years and remember you will be judged for judgeing others!!!!!

  17. teresa says:

    i so agree with elizabeth !!!

  18. teresa says:

    and also dhs was called a few times!!!! something should be done to them for not checking!!!

  19. Someone with a brain says:

    I sincerely hope that none of the people who commented on this story ever end up on a jury. If you can’t put together a grammatically correct paragraph with no spelling mistakes, then you can’t understand the law or what justice truly means. Besides, you can’t claim to know what’s right when you don’t know the whole story. Teresa, this is for you. DHS was called months before Mrs. Pedrazza married Mr. Pedrazza, and they did check on the complaint. However, the baby wasn’t being abused at that time because the Step-father was not yet in the picture. DHS doesn’t have the power to look into the future, so don’t blame them.

  20. do not judge says:

    to all you that are judging..have any of you been in an abusive relationship? if you have, what did you do to get out of it?…just what i thought..and if you haven’t then how can you say what you would have done or what you would not have done?…well perhaps some of you need to go to sunday school and refresh your 10 COMMANDMENTS…i will refresh it for you….one of the 10 COMMANDMENTS IS….THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE…as you are being judged also..and that doesn’t mean being judged by anyone else but until you have walked in this lady’s shoes then you can’t say what you would have done…and until you have been on the other side of the fence then your negative comments needs to be kept to yoursef..instead of all you negative people commenting they need to be down on their knees praying for this family that has lost this precious baby and pray to give this family strength…just saying…Prayer makes all the differences in the world…

  21. isaac says:

    i agree with brandy, regardless if she testifys or not they both need to be put to death little BRIANNA COKE did not deserve that

  22. isaac says:

    what about thou shall not kill just saying

  23. becky says:

    I know more than i want to know about the living situation of these two people seems like it is gonna take a jury and god to make the right decision for them they are the ones who are haunted by their actions and will think about those actions everyday for the rest of their years of living. The baby is in a better place than the place she was in i can’t imagine her living in that situation all of her life and carrying that on her shoulders until she moved away from the home they say you can’t pass judgement but a jury and god can we”ll see what becomes of this hopefully it will be soon. We’ll forget this in time but the FAMILIES will think about this the rest if their life GOD BLESS THESE FAMILIES AND KEEP THEM IN PRAYERS

  24. You cannot say says:

    I know this young lady and I was very shocked to hear this when it happened. While part of me deeply agrees that so little punishment for something so terrible…. There is a part of me that knows there is more to this story than we know. My entire life I have always said I would NEVER put up with abuse. And those who know me, know that I am very strong willed and rarely deflect from my beliefs. However, two years ago I found myself at the mercy of an abusive alcoholic in my third marriage. I can only thank God above he decided to leave me for another woman because my desire to not fail again clouded my good sense. Do not ASSUME you KNOW what you would have done in her place. I may not agree with the short sentence she will receive but she will have to live with her regrets for the rest of her life and in the end she will face the judgement of her faith or religion…. Not me

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