UAM Planning $9,000,000 Renovations on 2 Dorms
December 5th, 2012 by$9,000,000 in bonds have been approved for upcoming renovations to the Bankston and Horsfall Hall dormatories on the UAM campus.
Bankston, which has “community” restrooms, will have a new front wall constructed, about 8 ft in front of the current wall, with the new space providing “suite style” restrooms. The current windows will be used as entrances to the new restrooms. Also a new roof will be added, along with a new heat and cooling system. One source told MLive, “You’re not even going to recognize the building, and the students will have much better facility to live in.”
The original 1934 bathrooms in Horsfall Hall will be the main focus of that project, making them more modern and private for students.
The new improvements are expected to be complete by the fall of 2013, and will be repaid with revenue from university housing.
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They can spend 9 million dollars on dorms, but they can’t accomodate their greeks accordingly. When Jeter Hall was torn town to expand the forestry building, the greeks were promised that we would be provided for. In my opinion, and many others I’ve spoken to, this is why greek life is suffering at UAM. I honestly think that the administration at UAM doesn’t want the greek life to prosper. It’s pitiful how much the greeks are shoved to the back compared to other campuses.
I’m very excited for the renovations! My school goes to UAM every summer flr band camp and bankstan can get really hot. I plan on going to UAM after i graduate. Having spent 6 summers on the UAM campus i understand how truly bad they needed these renovations. I wish then luck