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Ticket & A Tow Bill – Yet Another Reason not to Drive Around. ROAD CLOSED Sign

March 15th, 2016 by

imageimageFor at least the third time in 36 hours, a driver decided that the road closed sign did not apply to them, but found soon out they were wrong.

Drew County sheriffs deputies (again) forged through the water to assist the driver, who will receive a citation and a wrecker bill, as will anyone else who bypasses the road closed signs, and puts first responders and emergency workers at risk.

The Mississippi driver of the northbound blue Infinity was not injured, unlike her checkbook

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Newer article: Juanita Mitchell

Older article: Kathryn Ann Brown

2 Responses to “Ticket & A Tow Bill – Yet Another Reason not to Drive Around. ROAD CLOSED Sign”

  1. MHS89 says:

    These people need to be given a LARGE fine for stupidity and endangering others. Sheesh!!

  2. Delores Lewis says:

    Take a chunk out of her check book and my opinion they should spend at least one night in jail!!

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