“Take a life, Give your Life” Questions Discussed in Jury Selection Process for Double Murder Trial
October 31st, 2018 byAs small group jury questioning began, attorneys ask jurors about possible religious, ethical and emotional issues that they may be influenced by, during the testimony and sentencing portions five this trial.
One juror commented on the Fridays they had hard, “take a life, give your life”.
Some jurors described issues pertaining to the question, “would you be distracted by your family obligations, as this trial goes on,” specifically referring to and medical issues of a relative.
Another juror, while thinking about their relatives, said “it’s hard to think someone could just kill someone”, while in tears.
This segment of jury selection, while expected to take 30 minutes per seven jury “mini panel”, actually took around an hour for each group.
At 11:30 AM, 3 of the first 7 were released, the other 4 will be on the jury, when the trial begins at 9 am Wednesday.
The next mini-group of jurors began then, and continued until around 1230. The other jury panel is scheduled to come in for potential questioning at 3:30, this afternoon.
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