Super Why & AETN Visit DCE’s Camp “Learn-A-Lot”
June 26th, 2018 byDrew Central Elementary’s Camp “Learn-A-Lot” was honored and excited to have AETN representatives and “Super Why” visit our summer literacy program.
Each child and several visitors had the opportunity to visit with “Super Why” (Chris Chambers), have their picture made, and receive a goody bag from AETN/PBS. They are visiting summer literacy programs across the state and promoting summer reading and we were very excited to have them at our school. Students have been actively involved in several literacy activities this week thanks to AETN/PBS.
We appreciate their partnership with our school in our summer literacy program! AETN/PBS provides great programing for children and adults alike! You are urged to support your public television station (AETN) in Arkansas.
Camp “Learn-A-Lot” will wrap up a month-long summer literacy program on June 29. Students have participated in several additional enrichment activities this month that have made literacy learning fun for students!
We give a special thanks to our partners in learning!
The Drew Central Mainline Health Clinic conducted a hand-washing activity June 8, and a physical activity with hula hoops that students enjoyed very much on June 15. Each child received their very own hula hoop to continue physical activity at home. Both of these activities promote healthy living.
The Foster Grandparent Program provided the services of two Foster Grandparents to assist in each of the classrooms. They worked with individual students on needed literacy skills. Thanks to Rosalyn Busby and Andra Brown for making this happen!
The AmeriCorp Program provided the services of several AmeriCorp members to assist in each of the classrooms. They worked with individual students on needed literacy skills and also assisted the teachers. Special thanks to our partner, Jenny Satterlee, AmeriCorp program director!
Students were transported to the Monticello Branch Library June 14, for storytime (“The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly”), an art activity, and a tour of the library. A library staff member is coming to Camp “Learn-A-Lot” June 28, from 10:30-11:30 to allow parents an opportunity to sign up for a library card to encourage visits to the library and summer reading with their child.
On June 20, students enjoyed a movie…under the Stars…at the Malco Hollywood Cinema at a special summer rate for children. Students enjoyed “Captain Underpants.”
Drew Central Nutrition Director, Tiffany Barnard, provided breakfast in the classroom and lunch in the cafeteria each day at no cost to students. On several days, teachers took the students to the new pavilion at the high school for a picnic.
On the last day of Camp “Learn-A-Lot”, students and teachers are going to McCloy Park for a “Camp-Out” fun day!
Camp “Learn-A-Lot” daily instruction focused on foundational literacy skills using the Science of Reading research provided through the R.I.S.E. Arkansas initiative. Students worked on letters, sounds, word recognition, reading, comprehension, and other literacy skills that will help them become proficient readers.
Camp “Learn-A-Lot” would not be possible without the $29,500 grant from the Arkansas Community Foundation! The grant not only provided funding for teacher salaries and materials, it also provided funding to purchase books for every child to take home and keep, and much-needed transportation to and from the summer literacy program location at Drew Central Elementary School.
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