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Sunday Shooting Sends Monticello Man to ICU-Update

November 13th, 2008 by

Around 5 p.m. Sunday, two 18 year old males were “playing with a gun”, reportedly a 38 caliber handgun, in a stairwell in the Pilgrim’s Rest apartments, located at 1032 North Cooper Street.

The gun went off, shooting one of the men in the abdominal area, causing nearby residents to call for police and an ambulance.

The 18 year old was hospitalized at Drew Memorial Hospital. in intensive care.  Unconfirmed reports indicate that he was released on Tuesday.

The shooting has been ruled accidental, at this time, although the prosecuting attorney’s office will decide if any charges will be filed.

A minor female was also present at the scene, as a witness.

Arkansas State Police Special Rick McKelvey is overseeing the investigation.

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2 Responses to “Sunday Shooting Sends Monticello Man to ICU-Update”

  1. jb says:

    This is a perfect example of people not using common sense and this was an accident born of stupidity. First thing, no one should be “playing with a gun.” Second thing, what in the world are two 18 year olds doing in this situation anyway? When I was around the age of 9 or 10, I would get into serious trouble from my dad when I was even the slightest bit careless with a gun, even if it was unloaded. That is why I can’t believe that 18 year olds were “playing with a gun.” Most accidents with guns in the home are because the gun was supposed to be “unloaded.” That is the problem with our society today, it will tell you that it is ok to do whatever you want and not have to take responsibility or use common sense. This is the kind of stuff that the anti-gun people love because they think it is the reason why people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns. In reality, the problem lies with people not using their heads for something other than a hat rack.

  2. Citizen says:

    JB I totally agree with you, the other problem is that these kids were probablly not taught any sort of gun saftey like you were.

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