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Steven Lawrence Forrest

September 20th, 2016 by

PhotoScan (2)Steven Lawrence Forrest, 66, born March 15, 1950 of Ashland City, Tennessee, formerly of Monticello, Arkansas passed away September 11, 2016. He was a United States Veteran of Vietnam Conflict.

Preceded in death by his father, Joe Forrest, his sister, Sherry Ann Forrest, his grandparents, Oscar And Lucy Forrest, Samuel and Susie Pemberton.

He is survived by son, Kevin Jones of Eldorado, Arkansas, daughter Joanna White of Bryant Arkansas, mother, Mildred Pemberton Forrest, four grandchildren, four brothers, Donald Forrest of Lufkin, Texas, Glen Forrest of Monticello, Arkansas, Gaylon Forrest of Springdale, Arkansas, Paul Forrest of Monticello, Arkansas, four sisters, Francis Burnett, Anita Booker of Monticello, Arkansas, Alesia Hendrix of Oklahoma, Sarah Land of Hermitage, Arkansas and a hosts of nieces and nephews.

Graveside services held Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at Middleton Veterans Cemetery in Nashville, Tennessee.

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One Response to “Steven Lawrence Forrest”

  1. Ken Pickett says:

    Steve and I became good friends in the late 1970s because of our military service in Alaska, his at Ft. Yukon and mine at Galena, and because of our Arkansas connection. Then I took a job in Oregon after I left the military and totally lost track of him. It pains me terribly to finally find him after all these years because he passed away. If through some almost-miracle any of his family or friends in Arkansas or Tennessee see this, I send very late but sincere condolences. Lord willing, I plan a visit to his gravesite. Ken Pickett, Conway, Arkansas

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