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State Auditor Andrea Lea & District Court Judge Bruce Anderson Speak at

February 20th, 2016 by

imageArkansas State Auditor, Andrea Lea, spoke to the local TEA party about her Department’s outreach to those whom they are serving in Arkansas in three main categories: Human Resources for all at the Capitol, printing between 5,000 to 6,000 checks per day and trying to find owners of unclaimed property. Recent changes in this Department have reduced positions by 8, down to 30, as well as expenses. She said that if they do their work right, they may put themselves out of a job. Especially in that third area of unclaimed property. She told us that less than 30 % of unclaimed properties are returned to owners. These properties even include unclaimed safety deposit boxes. One such box had military medals awarded to a veteran, which included a purple heart. With diligent detective work, they were thrilled to find the daughter of that veteran. He had become ill and left Arkansas to live with her in another State. Her dad has passed away, but she and her brother now have these very special medals. What an emotional experience for all involved in that successful case! They want to greatly increase the percentage of return, and to help do so, she encourages everyone to go to, or call 1-800-claimit and check if their names are listed there. Two of our TEA members did find their names listed that evening and are pursuing getting their property back. She recommended checking with other States that we may have resided in as well.

Bradley County District Court Judge, Bruce Anderson, also spoke and explained the March 1st District Court election situation to us. Presently, there are part-time District Court Judges who, like himself, have law firm businesses. They split their time between both jobs. Several County District Courts in Arkansas are facing the elimination of one part-time Judge in favor of one full-time Judge to cover two County District Courts. In his situation that is Bradley County and Drew County. Most of the cases they hear are misdemeanor cases, and there are a lot of those at both locations. He has been a lawyer for 33 years and has spent 11 years on the Bench as District Judge in Bradley County. Whatever the March 1 election results are, they will certainly be life-changing for these part-time judges.


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