$250,000 Bond for Man Who Shot at Dermott Police
June 26th, 2014 by10 th Judicial District Circuit Judge Don Glover set a $250,000 bond for a 44-year-old Southeast Arkansas man who shot at Dermott Police multiple times, last week.
Allison DeLord Brown went before Judge Glover facing the charges of aggravated assault / terroristic act and battery (2nd degree ).
Around 6:30 pm, Thursday evening, Brown threatened a nearby resident, causing him to call the town’s Police Dept. When officers arrived at the complainant’s home, they saw the suspect on a nearby lawn mower.
When the suspect pulled a pistol and pointed it at the officers, one officer took cover behind the corner of the home, drawing his duty weapon. Brown, of Drew Street in Dermott then fired his gun at the officer, causing the officer to return fire.
As Brown fled the scene on foot, another officer arrived in a patrol car. Brown then aimed his weapon at the 2nd officer, forcing him to protect himself by shooing at Brown through the car’s windshield.
Brown then barricaded himself in his home, as the Arkansas State Police SWAT team was called in , to extricate him out of the residence.
Chicot County Sheriff Ron Nichols expresses his appreciation to all surrounding agencies for their assistance, and teamwork in controlling this life-threatening situation.
Arkansas State Police are investigating the case, as they do with all “officer involved shootings.”
Neither Brown, nor the officers were hit by gunfire, during the confrontation.
Brown was taken into custody around 4:30, Friday morning.
His bond was said at $250,000, by Judge Glover.
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