Quorum Court In 1 Cent Sales Tax Renewal, Set for June Election – Video
February 14th, 2019 by iPhone
At Monday night’s quorum court meeting, the JP’s discussed the upcoming 1 cent road tax renewal election.
It is expected to be on next month’s agenda, and have the vote in June. It will either be a 6 or 10 year proposal, that comes before the voters.
3/4 of that 1 cent will be spent on county roads, exclusively. The other one fourth can be spent needs within the county general budget.
County treasurer Charlie Searcy, described the need for the tax as “Without the county road tax, we will have to change our operation of the county drastically.”
Drew county currently has 1.8 mills of property tax, which may or may not increase in the near future, if this road tax is renewed.
If the road tax fails, it is believed that the county millage will have to be raised to 5.0 meals, like the surrounding counties around us.