Parks Commission Discusses Williams Monument, Sadie Johnson Center Construction, & Cornerstone Honoring Committee & Mayor
August 13th, 2012 byThe Monticello parks commission met Thursday night at City Hall.
Among several items on the agenda, the monument honoring Albert William for his work on the early baseball fields and other features of Jordan Park were discussed.
Jo Ann Trotter contacted the Williams family, and they will let the committee decide about location where the monument will be built. Possible locations discussed included near the new Sadie Johnson Center; north of the pavilions by the splash pad; or near the planned walking track. A member of the committe reported that several donations for building materials have been made. The monument will likely be similar to the Western Pine monument.
Construction of the Sadie Johnson Community Center is underway. Brick work could begin in the near future. The need for furnishings was discussed. It was reported that several organizations plan to help provide furnishings for the facility.
Also, Ms. Trotter recommended placing a cornerstone on the Sadie Johnson Center, recognizing the committee that worked to get the project going, and the Mayor, who has supported the project.
J & B Construction placed a $219,000 bid for projects funded by a Recreational Grant. Their bid included batting cages, bleachers, and playground equipment for children with disabilities. The city needs to get bids for each individual item separately, since not all vendors provide all needed services.
On other topics, the Soccer Field Restroom & Concession Stand will be on next month’s agenda, and the fence around the basketball court at Jordan Park should be finished with a couple of days.
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