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Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

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Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

O’Fallon Vet

0'Fallon Vet

Commercial Bank

Secure Storage 2

Bradley County Medical Center

Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

ESA Staffing 2

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Dallas County Medical Center_B

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ONE11 Southern Graphics

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Dallas County Medical Center_A

Dallas County Medical Center'


Early Morning Friday Crash Rushes Rescue Team – Helicopter Lands in HWY for Emergency UAMS Flight

November 28th, 2009 by

004The “Dead Man’s Curve” area was the scene of another serious motor vehicle accident, Friday morning, around 3 o’clock.

According to reports from the scene, the driver of this eastbound   Volkswagon Jetta crossed the center line, into the path of the oncoming westbound Plymoth Voyager, causing a head-on collision.

008Both drivers had to be removed from their vehicles by Monticello Fire & Rescue, assisted by Drew County Sheriff Deputies.

z4SEEMS responded to aid the driver of the Voyager, and called for Air-Evac, an emergency helicopter transport, that has performed a training session with local emergency workers, but this is believed to be first “on scene” emergency pick-up in Drew County.

The victim was air-lifted to UAMS in Little Rock by chopper, from where it had landed, on the blocked off center line of HWY 278 East.

The driver of the Jetta was transported by MASI to Drew Memorial.

Triple A transported the Volkswagon, and J.A. Goad Towing removed the mini-van..

Gaines Street Re-opens, Clean Up Continues, After Sunday Night’s Path of Destruction

November 26th, 2009 by

 Clean up continues near Main St. and Gaines St. intersection, as shown in these photos, after Sunday night’s midnight crash, which closed the intersection overnight, and limited use of East Gaines St.

Here’s the informtion on the crash, with photos from Sunday night. 


Gaines Street opens with 2 lanes of traffic and a 4-way stop sign.



The driver of this Dodge truck reportedly fell asleep, before the crash.


Traffic light from Main & Gaines, waiting on inspection.


Light pole on northeast corner of Main & Gaines, leaning over blocked roadway


Clearview Glass staff replacing Barber Shop window.


AT&T crews re-installing phone lines.


"Barber Shop Row" after clean up.


The power pole that was laying across the street has been replaced, in front of lawyer's office.

East Gaines Partially Re-opened, See Story Below

November 23rd, 2009 by

069Around 8 o’clock Monday morning, AHTD personnel took over the damaged section of East Gaines Street from Main Street to Gabbert Street, and opened that area to small vehicle traffic.

076Large trucks will still be detoured back to HWY 425, to travel north to Rose Hill Cut-Off Road, and then turn either north to Dumas, or south to Dermott, McGehee, southbound destinations.

The daylight photos show the damage down by last nights wreck, which is described below.

Midnight Wreck Shuts Down East Gaines From Main to Gabbert Streets & Stop Lights on the Square

November 23rd, 2009 by

042A wreck just before midnight, Sunday night, shut down traffic on East Gaines Street, from Main Street, to Gabbert Street, as well as taking the two stop lights on the square out of service

043A Dodge Truck, apparently veered into the light pole, which hold the traffic light, then continued down East Gaines Street, knocking another power pole to the ground, completely blocking the street.

Some businesses also received minor damage.

E. Shelton to S. Gabbert Street is a good detour route on the south side of the square, and N. Main to Trotter, Jefferson, or Oakland can serve as detours from the north.

Monticello Police and city crews responded to the scene, as did Entergy, to restore power.

SEEMS transfered the driver to Drew Memorial, while Tommy’s Wrecker removed the Dodge.

Rifle Shot Fired into County Vehicle in Courthouse Parking Lot, Accidentally, by Man in Lawyer’s Truck

November 17th, 2009 by


Around 11 o’clock, Monday morning, as an attorney and his client were likely discussing their case before leaving the courthouse parking lot, the client reached into the back seat of the attorney’s pick-up truck to get a box.

004When he moved the box, a 243 rifle, reportedly, accidentally fired, sending it’s bullet out the back passenger side of the attorney’s truck, and into the tailgate of the Drew County Environmental Enforcement vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee, parked next to the north entrance of the courthouse.  Witnesses said that there were several rifles in the back of the vehicle. Read the rest of this entry »

Millage Tax to Remain at 1.8 Mils, Discussion, and Public Comment on QC Insurance & Taxes

November 17th, 2009 by

 As the topic turned to tax related issues, Gay Griffith asked the County Attorney Cliff Gibson for a clarification as to what limits would bind the use of the “1400” account, which is a sales tax fund, that can have multiple designated purposes.   Basically, Gibson responded the court can set it’s own purpose for the money in that fund, as long as it’s done in a public forum, once a year.


Next, Arlene Russell asked to come before the court and discuss her feelings on the possible increase of millage taxes. Russell is reluctant to support the tax increase due to the fact that the county is not “hurting” for money. She feels that the county is likely going to be getting more money. She also mentioned that the Quorum Court should be paying for their own healthcare benefits.

“We pay for our own, and I don’t see how you can in good conscience take it out of the general fund,” stated Russell.

 After several comments from the Quorum Court about the ad velorum (millage) tax issue, they voted to leave the tax on property at the same rate that it has been set at since 1983, which is 1.8%.

Local Musicians Entertain Major League Stars

November 11th, 2009 by

Tom Martin, Chipper Jones, Michael Murphy, Adam LaRoche, Jeremy Payne, Mitchell Murphy, Ryan Langerhans, Andrew Brannon, Willie Robertson, Matt Duff, and Tyler Chambers

CashboX, a local southern rock band, recently got the opportunity to perform for some “big time” stars. CashboX is made up of singer Andrew Brannon, from Monticello, guitarist Tyler Chambers, from Monticello, drummer Michael Murphy from Dermott, and Bassist Jeremy Payne from Lake Village. The band recently recorded the theme songs for the Duckmen 13: Fear the Beard, already out on DVD, and the Buck Commander 3: “The Bigs,” due out next year. The Duck Commander, a reality show about the Robertson family, airs weekly on The Outdoor Channel.



Michael Murphy, Tyler Chambers, Jason Aldean, Jeremy Payne, and Andrew Brannon.

 Because of CashboX’s success with the theme songs, Willie Robertson, star of the Buck Commander DVD series and Duck Commander DVD series and Duck Commander reality show series, sent the band and their families to the ranch of Major League Baseball player Adam LaRoche in Fort Scott, Kansas, where they played a concert for the Buck Commanders themselves. The Buck Commanders present were: Chipper Jones,3rd base for the Atlanta Braves; Adam LaRoche, 1st base for the Atlanta Braves; Matt Duff, a former St. Louis Cardinal pitcher; Tom Martin, a former New York Mets pitcher; Ryan Langerhans, outfielder for Seattle Mariners; and Willie Robertson. Read the rest of this entry »

City Council Fire Dept. Committee Discusses Plans for 1 or 2 More Fire Stations

November 4th, 2009 by

The city council met Tuesday night for several special committee meetings. The first meeting was for the Fire Department Committee. The council met to discuss locations for a new fire department. Fire Chief Steven Faulkner presented the committee with maps and drawings of possible locations for the new fire department, and what the mile and a half response time area would be for those locations.

Alderman Tim Chase stated that he believed that if the council was going to build a new fire department, they needed to renovate and maintain the central location, and build a fourth one in another location. Alderman Beverly Hudson stated that while that would be ideal, it would cost more money to do that.

The committee decided to meet again in December to discuss the future location of the fire department.

Will Duct Tape Really Fix Anything?

October 23rd, 2009 by

001After the collapse of the building on the east side of  the square’s south side, a temporary repair was noticed that had recently been applied to the building on the west end of that same row of building.

002The tape appears to be Duct Tape, a product that is usually made of aluminum, and used in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry, and not the standard grade of “duck tape.”

But it is still a shining example of a potential problem.

Council Discusses Cleaning Up “Eyesore” Buildings

October 19th, 2009 by


Beverly Hudson lead a debate last Thursday during the regular city council meeting on condemning buildings for city clean ups. She opened the topic by showing pictures taken by Truman Hamilton depicting the old, abandoned buildings. Hudson wanted the council to enforce the ordinance already in place that states that if the council deems a building to be a nuisance they can condemn it and ask the owner to tear it down and clean it up, or if the owner refuses, the city can take down the building. Read the rest of this entry »

Building Collapses & Shuts Down Traffic around Square-More Photos

October 14th, 2009 by

The back section of the former Thrifty Chicks, also known as the old Tree-0 and Apples & Amens building collapsed, shortly after noon, Tuesday afternoon, likely under the weight of heavy rain.

Monticello Police and Fire Units responded, and Drew County Deputies also assisted.

The front of the top floor was reportedly being used as an office by Judge Clifton Bond, a retired attorney and judge.

Centerpoint energy was also called to the site to turn of the natural gas supply, which was smelled immediately after the rumble of falling bricks came to an end.

The building collapse was covered on TV by KATV-7 and KLRT-16, who used photos provided by

Channels 4 & 11 were also reported on the event.


MonticelloLive Celebrates 2nd Birthday Under Burgess

October 13th, 2009 by is celebrating it’s 2nd  birthday this week, since business operations and reporting duties were taken over by Joe Burgess (“the MonticelloLive guy”) back in October, 2007.

Readership has grown constantly over the 2 year period, as shown by the 1.6 million pageviews that the site has received over in the past year.

While another website keeps posting impressive numbers, MonticelloLive makes it possible for readers to view our actual daily pageviews totals.  Just click on the black, white, & orange One logo at the bottom left of  MonticelloLive newspages. 

MonticelloLive is designed to be “User Friendly”, we don’t make you play “hide & seek” to find stories.  All new news stories at that the top of the front page.

When you click on the MonticelloLive icon on your desktop screen, it doesn’t take you to a roadmap of the website, you’re immediately taken to the most recent news items posted that day.  I’ts that simple.   If you want to see school lunch menus, obituaries, yard sales, or the classifieds, they’re just one click away, at the top of the page. 

News and events may be submitted to MonticelloLive by sending an e-mail to

And if you around town and see a big guy in a shirt, that’s probably Joe. You many want to slow down, because there may be a car wreck, fire, or other event nearby that would be better to read about, than be a part of.

If there are no flashing lights around, just stop and say “hi”.  Joe’s usually a friendly fellow, who likes to hear what folks think about Monticello.

Finally, say “Happy Anniversary” to the sponsors that make our time together each morning possible.

MHS Recycling

October 12th, 2009 by

DSCN7905Monticello High School EAST is making an effort to “go green”.

Every Thursday, students collect paper from the recycle bins that are placed in every high school classroom.

They also collect from the OEC and Administration Building.

After all of the paper is collected, the Drew County Recycling Center picks it up and starts the recycling process.

Each student on the recycling team feels that they are doing their part in helping the economy.

Small Gator Found on E. McCLoy St.

October 2nd, 2009 by

005010Shortly after Thursday night’s thunderstorn, a small alligator was seen crossing East McCloy Street by Drew County Deputy Steven Mitchell, near the city warehouse around midnight.

The alligator, estimated to measure around 2 1/2 foot long, was detained by city employee Charlie Hammock, with local law authorities present, and turned over to the Arkansas Game & Fish Commision.

Hyatt Field & Cotton Boll Stadium Back in Operation, after Lighting Repairs

September 28th, 2009 by

084Monticello’s Hyatt Field and Cotton Boll Stadium are back in business, following repairs to the base of the stadium lighting fixtures.

Monticello School superintendent Bobby Harper told MonticelloLive that Hyatt Field’s poles have had the welding operation completed, and have been inspected by certified welding inspectors, and that the field is back in service.

081Starko Inc. had been contracted to weld 4 inch by 12 inch gussett plates to the base of the 4 light poles at Hyatt Field, with 12 gussetts being attached to each pole.  That began Friday, and continued Saturday and Sunday, until the task was completed.

083The next game to be played at Hyatt Field will be Friday night as the Billies take on Little Rock McClellan. Read the rest of this entry »

$14 Million Loan Application Approved by DMH Board & Quorum Court for Building and Modernization

September 28th, 2009 by


The Quorum Court unanimously approved the Hospital Board’s request to borrow $14 million to fund the Hospitals building modernization plan. Construction could start within the next 15 months.

With the approval of the loan application; Phase I of the modernization will be to build and construct an Allied Health building containing services such as a sleep center, physical therapy, and an outpatient psychiatric program.

Additional services can be added to the building such as chemotherapy and radiation treatment programs and outpatient clinics. Phase II of the program will be the addition of 41 all private rooms replacing the current medical/surgical rooms.

1 Lady, 1 Week, 2 DWI’s

September 24th, 2009 by

038Ann Hartness, age 36 of Monticello, was charged with DWI by the Monticello Police Dept. on Wednesday, Sept 16, following a 1 vehicle accident at the intersection of Patton and Edgewood.

Tuesday evening, September 22, between 7-8 p.m., Hartness was involved in another single vehicle wreck, this time on Barkada Road, just outside of the Monticello city limits, and was charged with DWI II by the Drew County Sheriff’s Dept.

The Ford Freestyle was towed Patton by Rod’s Wrecker, and from Barkada by Tommy’s Wrecker.

Hartness’ vehicle was also towed on Saturday, August 1 by J.A. Goad Towing., following another accident on Jefferson Street.

Light Poles at Football Field May Be Defective, We May Know for Sure Saturday

September 16th, 2009 by

Monticello School Superintendent Bobby Harper told the school board at Tuesday night’s meeting that the 4 light poles over Hyatt Field have been recalled by their manufacturer, which has now reportedly filed for bankruptcy and is no longer in business.

The school district’s architect recently contacted the school to tell them that the poles are being recalled because of welds around the base of the poles, where the poles are attached to a concrete base, which are deteriorating in some cases of poles produced by Whitco, mainly in Texas, but not exclusively in Texas.

The Searcy school district has 20 poles like this; 4 of them are defective; forcing Searcy to cancel their home football games for the season. Read the rest of this entry »

Where Were You? 9-11 Memories and Tribute

September 11th, 2009 by

rememberSoon after the terrorists crashed the planes into the Twin Towers in New York City, and most Americans realized that we were not as safe as we all thought we were, country singer Alan Jackson released a song that summed up how a lot of people felt, and how they reacted.

The song asked, “Where were you?” on that September 11 morning, 2001.

9-11 candleAs we stop and remember where we were that September morning, let’s also remember the Americans that lost their lives that day, and the families that were left behind.

Everyone is welcome to join in, and remember where you were, and what you did that morning,

AHTD Hearing Tuesday Answers Most Questions about Monticello Bypass for I-69

September 9th, 2009 by
CLICK TO ENLARGE -- Monticello Bypass

Click to Enlarge.

The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department held a Public Hearing Tuesday evening at the Sadie Johnson Community Center, to allow public input, as well as answer some questions about the proposed plans for a bypass of Monticello for the future I-69.

001 (2)Approximately 90 area residents attended the informational meeting, to ask questions about their land, houses, and community.  I was able to go through the process of question and answers with a couple who are losing their home of 12 years to the new roadway, as they visited with one of the approximately 9 AHTD representatives who were present for the forum, representing different departments of the AHTD.

005 (2)The official name of the “Monticello Bypass” is known as “job 020471”, and will begin near the “dead man’s curve” area of HWY 278 East, and continue to it’s end, on HWY 425 South, near the Drew Central Bus Shop.

AHTD brought to the meeting 3 16 foot long maps, showing in great detail the exact area, down to storage sheds, that will be directly affected by the construction.

Interchanges will be built at the 278 East and HWY 425 connection points, as well as it’s crossing with HWY 35 South/HWY 35 East.

3 overpasses will be built where the new roadway comes into the Old Deane Road, Old Troy Road, and Midway Route areas of construction.

The 8.6 mile project will also be raised over the crossing of the Arkansas Midland Railroad.

The project could begin as early as acquiring properties with the next year, and beginning the bid process for construction in the Fall of 2010.  The project will begin as a 2 lane highway, and will be expanded into a 4 lane divided roadway in the future. Read the rest of this entry »


August 4th, 2009 by

denmarkThe Jacksonville Jaguars announced yesterday the signing of former University of Arkansas at Monticello wide receiver Clarence Denmark.

Denmark was signed as a rookie free agent and is currently participating in the Jaguar’s pre-season training camp.

Below is a portion of the release sent from the Jacksonville Jaguars Media Relations office:
The Jacksonville Jaguars have signed rookie free agent wide receiver Clarence Denmark. A native of Jacksonville, Denmark played the last two seasons at Arkansas-Monticello after transferring from Troy University. Read the rest of this entry »

Hospital Board Gives Go-Ahead on Modernization Plan at Historic meeting

July 29th, 2009 by

011-2Two representatives with Murray and Company provided preliminary sketches of the phase modernization plan. The Board voted to begin work on Phase I, the allied health building, shown in red in the photo.

The Drew Memorial Hospital Board voted to move ahead with the first phase of the master site plan to modernize the hospital during its regular meeting Wednesday, July 22. Murray and Company will draw up the plans for the new allied health building.

The master site plan consists of six phases, which include new construction, renovations and remodeling to modernize the hospital’s facilities. The Board voted to approach the phase modernization project by starting with Phase I, construction of the allied health building. Read the rest of this entry »

Malco Theater 2

Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

South Arkansas Business Solutions

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Majors Forest & Lawn 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

City Drug

City Drug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners