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One Monticello Life: Rob Leonard

October 22nd, 2006 by
UAM will celebrate Homecoming this Saturday, October 28. For many who will attend, Rob Leonard dramatically impacted their college experience. As Director of the Missionary Baptist Student Union and music minister at Pauline Baptist Church for the past 23 years, Rob has invested his life in others for almost six generations of UAM college students. This is his story.

Jacksonville, Arkansas was home for Rob’s family when he was younger. Growing up as a "PK" (pastor’s kid), Rob and his family were integral parts of Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. For Rob and his brother, Phil, life was centered around family and the fast-growing church his dad pastored. What began as a small congregation changed quickly as the church transitioned to a large, thriving center of spiritual growth. New members were added often; church activities consumed the family schedule. Eventually, the church built a new facility to house its growing membership and ministry.

However, during Rob’s freshman year in high school, while the church grew, his family fell apart. His dad left his mom and moved to Little Rock. His mom was forced to find a job and move her boys to a rental house. The single parent family stayed at their church during this time. Rob’s mom attended realtor’s school and received her license as an avenue of provision for the family.

"High school was a tough period for me and my family," Rob said. "Basically everything I ever believed was called into question. I went from the kid whose dad preached at the biggest church in town to the kid who didn’t really have a church anymore. I didn’t know what was going on."

Sports and choir became reliable friends to Rob, who excelled in both. His football team during his senior year was the first Jacksonville team to win the state championship. His experience being selected to the All State Choir gave Rob some credentials during the collegiate application process and helped him earn a full scholarship to the University of Central Arkansas where he was a part of John Erwin’s madrigal choir. Rob and Carla, his wife, were married while in college, though they had met through church activities while in high school. Carla’s dad was a pastor in Cabot. They dated two and a half years before marrying.

"We were ready to put our lives together. Our parents must have been crazy, or they had a lot of faith in us. Carla was 19, and I was 20 when we got married," Rob said.

Driving back and forth from UCA to Jacksonville, Rob continued to attend the church which his dad had formerly pastored "mainly because of memories," he said. "I remembered how it used to be and just wanted to put it back together after dad left. If I could just work hard, I was sure we could get the church back on its feet."

He continued this commute for two years. His future was interrupted, however, when Buddy Lemons, then pastor of Monticello’s Pauline Baptist Church contacted him. The church invited Rob to consider coming to Monticello to serve as music minister. However, Rob and Carla were not interested, being content where they were. Three months later, Lemons called again to ask Rob to reconsider the ministry opportunity. Again, Rob decided not to interview, feeling that he would be wasting the church’s time due to his lack of interest. Yet, the second call prompted Rob to begin praying about the matter, and he soon realized that his time at Landmark Church was over.

He called Pastor Buddy back and asked if the position was still available. Lemons related that the job was his to which Rob responded, "You have to interview me. I can’t just take the job!"

Rob arrived in Monticello in March 1983 to visit with church leaders. There was an immediate connection. He loved the church, the people, and the town and was offered the position the same day. Listen to Rob’s account of his first Sunday at Pauline.

His ministry at Pauline included serving as the campus minister at the Missionary Baptist Student Foundation (MBSF) at UAM. He never imagined being a campus minister. "I never knew that this ministry would be the perfect niche. When I took the job, I didn’t have any idea what the job entailed," he said. He asked his pastor and was told to look through the former director’s files and he’d "figure it out." With a grin, Rob said that he’s still figuring it out today.

There are few UAM students who don’t know Rob Leonard. He continues to play intramurals with the students, as well as coaching them. He’s a fixture in the UAM cafeteria, and serves as the chaplain of the football team. He travels with them when he’s able and delivers pre-game devotionals. The baseball, softball and even rodeo teams are also recipients of Rob’s constant attention and care. Whether it’s a campus fish fry, sports activity, or special event, Rob tries to be present.

"You have to go where the students are," he said. In particular, "the athletes are on their own schedule. You have to minister to them on their time because of their busy schedule." The MBSF focuses on reaching and serving the athletic teams as much as possible.

When asked why he and the MBSF spend so much time trying to reach students, Rob responded, "Because Jesus changes lives."

"People are looking for something to believe in. They want more than they have, but the only person who can give you more than what you have is Jesus, no matter what you have. He can change lives, and when he changes a life, that is something the world cannot refute."

When asked about his thoughts on Monticello, Rob said, "Monticello has had some good opportunities for people to grow, educate their kids and have solid jobs. It seems like once people get here, there is something about this place that makes you want to stay. I don’t really understand it.

"I had no intentions of staying here. There was not anything here that would keep me. But once I got here, I knew this is where I wanted to be. Now, I’d rather be in Monticello than anywhere else. Maybe it’s the people or the spirit of the place – I don’t want to say that Monticello is a ‘godlier" place than anywhere else – but God has definitely been evident to me in this place, and there’s something about that that is obvious to a lot of people here."

Whether praying with the UAM football team before a game or leading a contemporary worship chorus at Pauline Church, Rob contributes to the life of Monticello. Having impacted collegians and citizens in our community for more than 23 years, he is truly one Monticello life.

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15 Responses to “One Monticello Life: Rob Leonard”

  1. Susan Hollinger says:

    I remember that first Sunday, when Rob sang Amazing Grace and just blew us all away I have so many great memories of Rob, like the time he got the bus stuck under the breezway, The Mexico trip and Washington DC trip, but my best memories of Robert Leonard are of his LOVE, for people for his work and for his GOD. Keep up the good work Rob I LOVE you One of the best things in this world is Robert Leonard hug.

  2. Anna Owens says:

    Rob is such a great guy. Monticello would not be the same without him. Rob has been such of part of my life growing up. I love you!! Stay strong!



  4. Andy Briant says:

    Good article. Keep up the good work, Rob! God Bless you!

  5. Jim says:

    I believe that if we were to look deeply into Webster’s Dictionary, we would find Rob Leonard’s name as the description/example for many items. Caring, sincere, honest are just to name a few. But the one that rings home to me would be ‘hospitality’. When my family moved to Monticello four years ago for me to take a position serving as Worship Pastor in another church, Rob reached out to me as so much more than just a collegue. Rob befriended me, encouraged me, and became a very dear friend. His ministry to PBC and to the University, is absolutely priceless. I can honestly say that I am a blessed man by knowing Rob Leonard.

  6. John Gladden says:

    One of the fondest memories that I have with Rob concerns a certain time in my life when I felt bypassed by the world. I had decided that my life was too boring. I then proceeded to pray for drama. A drama BOMB hit UAM campus. When Rob found out about it, he sat me down and we had a nice little discussion about what NOT to pray for.

    Whereas that is the fondest memory I have, it is, by far, one of the least important. Rob has done so much more for me than that. A good case-in-point would be the fact that he then proceeded to help me cope with all the drama that I had called down from “on high.”

    Fun times!

    Love ya Rob!

  7. Kim Doss says:

    I met Robert Leonard in 1988 when I was at UAM. He is a very special person that genuinely cares about all the students and people in general that he comes in contact with. Great article.

  8. Kellie Nichols says:

    I am blessed to have met the Leonard family so long ago. Rob and Carla have always shared their home, their lives, and their faith with everyone around them. His presence on the UAM campus provides a wonderful atmosphere of warmth, fellowship, and acceptance. And the fish frys are pretty awesome too!!!

    And Carolyn: Great article about a truly wonderful person!!

  9. […] For those of you who do not have Quicktime or can’t install it to view the movie, Meghan Amoroso is the winner. Meghan made one entry this past month on One Monticello Life: Rob Leonard. […]

  10. Mary Kay Norris says:

    Rob has such a love for God and it shows in everything he does!! He could have gone on to “wealth and fame” in the secular world, yet he has chosen to use his talents to serve God and bless Pauline. Thank you for doing the story on Rob. He is one awesome dude!!!

  11. Chris McCall says:

    Rob Leonard…….simply AMAZING!!! —

  12. Rob Leonard is a very fine person.I had the pleasure of teaching his son David and Amy in Choir and now his daughter Emily in Music. this is just a great Christian family, and are all musically inclined!

    A year and some months ago I lost my best friend and student in a house fire. Rob came to my home along with the present mayor to tell me of the loss of Thomas Bostick. I shall not for get this moment nor will I forget Rob.

    Hey Rob if you are reading this, instead of calling me Michael Binns, how about calling me just Michael or Mike? Congratulation friend.
    Love you and the family.

  13. Rob Wherley says:

    I, too, am in a long line of people who owe a ton to this man and his family ~ and wouldn’t be where I’m at today without his guidance. I was at a point in my life that words can’t describe where I was mentally, emotionally, and spiritually when the Lord placed Rob, Carla, their kids, MBSF at UAM and Pauline Missionary Baptist Church into my life. Though I unintentionally don’t keep in touch for it’s been years since I’ve last seen/spoken to the family, but if Rob gets to read this, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t mention your family in my prayers. For you, to me, are truly a blessed messenger for the Lord. With love, Rob Wherley.

  14. Rob, your love for the Lord and heart for people is so obvious to anyone who has ever met you. One of my best memories is when you stood on the top of that huge rock pile overlooking Morraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies and sang “How Great Thou Art”! What an appropriate song in the midst of God’s amazing creation. It was alot of fun and a privilege to have you, Karla, and Emily fishing with us in northern Saskatchewan. When can we do it again? Blessings on your ministry in Monticello. I know God is using you there. You are a true example of servanthood.

  15. Jeff Cheshire says:

    Wow, what memories I have of Rob and Carla! They were a big blessing to me when I attended UAM. MBSF was my home away from home. If you wanted to find me, then just go look in the MBSF. Rob was more than a director, he was your friend. He and Carla made you feel like family. I remember going over to their house for dinner and playing with David and Amy. My fondest memories of UAM mostly revolve around the time I spent at the MBSF. Rob’s love for Christ definitely kept me grounded in my time at college, which I carry with me today.

    Love ya Rob!!


    PS.. If you find a class ring during all of that construction, then it is probably mine…

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