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New Driving Instructions at City Square

January 6th, 2014 by


A MLive reader noticed the new driving instructions painted on the City Square.

The sign says “Left lane must turn left,” but the arrow points right.

“Parking only” seems to be allowed on the left, even though parking places are on the right.

We’ll probably be covering wrecks on the square, today.

25 Responses to “New Driving Instructions at City Square”

  1. Patricia Wheeler says:

    Parking in the middle???? How do I get from right side to make a left hand turn . The Square IS NOT FOR PARKING!!!!! We are tired of “whoever” playing games with the Square.

  2. Jen says:

    This is one of the biggest waste of our tax dollars….they tore out good asphalt and replaced it with pretty bricks that will soon have to be replaced again. The stop light is gone, people aren’t stopping at the stop signs you may as well take them all down that will work real well with the screwed up driving instructions painted on the square! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! We should all voice our opinion when the next election(s) come around…I certainly will.

  3. RAY says:

    Just another waste of tax payers money at work.

  4. Randy says:

    Was this work done on New Years Eve?

  5. Walter Dodson says:

    It must of taken a real rocket scientists to come up with this stuff. I drove up to this this morning and drove off shaking my head. The lanes don’t even match up you have to go into another lane just to be able to keep driving east. I’m still shaking my head as I write this.

  6. T says:

    I think it the bricks look nice, but I found it funny how the lane “dashes” coming south into the square from N Main directs you right into the Union Bank parking spaces.

  7. swampman says:

    which lane is state hwy 278 east or is that parking only???

  8. Confused says:

    Maybe this makes sense to others, but not to me. I’m still thinking about the parking…Am I reading this wrong??? Are they saying parking is in the middle of the street and the area that is parking now, will become a lane of traffic?

  9. come on says:

    That’s our lovely monticello for you!! It ruined the Christmas display with all that construction work, you couldn’t even enjoy the lights. And I drove passed this too today and was forced into a “lane” that ended up directly in front of Panorama. This town just keeps getting better and better. Keep it up guys

  10. also confused says:

    Well, I still don’t get it! And if we, who live in Monticello, don’t understand the instructions how are out of town drivers suppose to know what to do? This is not a neighborhood drive. This is a state highway. This needs corrected immediately! Every insurance agent in town should protest this. Every city council person should act TODAY. And every lawyer needs to be waiting on the square to make money.
    This makes Monticello look like joke.

  11. Taxpayer says:

    WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY! That money should have went toward fixing hwy 425. Cant hardly keep your car in the road and especially when it has rained. So let that be the next project that can be of good use other than a waste!

  12. Dennis says:

    People please. Stop all this bickering and just park where you are instructed to park. Our elected officials have everything under control.

  13. Anna says:

    I have made it a point to avoid the square since they took the stop light down.

  14. Leland McGee says:

    The city could not afford to replace traffic lights after they were damaged due to a traffic accident, but could afford to slice and dice perfectly good concrete and install bricks in the street. Wonder how much that cost the city? Government decision making at its best.

  15. Jen says:

    Yea well its looks like the ELECTED OFFICIALS have it under control, what a mess

  16. ArTravlR says:

    Seriously, we have to go to the stop sign and take a hard left or right? We can’t circle the square in the far left lane? This is maximum FUBAR.

  17. crystal says:

    I agree with the person about four twenty five it really needs a new paint down because when it rains

    u can’t see the lines at all

  18. Roy Montgomery says:

    It looks simple enough to me. I do not understand the confusion. From the square. The first lane is for (as the sign says) left turn. You can circle the square in that lane all day long. If you decide to exit that lane you must yield to the traffic in the next lane which is for access to parking in front of the stores. The farthest lane would be the East bound State Highway. Obviously you can parallel park on the right from the highway. You circle the square and exit into the parking lane at the designated area prior to the spot where you wish to park. Am I right or wrong.

  19. hmmmm says:

    If it were that simple there would not be all of this confusion!!

  20. Sarah Martin says:

    Okay! I have tried to be a Christian and hold my tongue,but I really can’t believe what has been done to our beloved town square. I have been hospitalized and only today have been able to get out. As owner of Cockrells Shoes, I would like to make it clear that you are not supposed to park in the middle of the driving lane going toward Dermott. If you are from out of town, I would like to apologize to you for the confusion. Please drive with care. And to those of you that have to wait 20 minutes at the stop sign to get back from lunch, I apologize. We are also sorry that this was done during the holiday season. Now we will have to endure more construction.You have 4 parking spaces besides Cockrells as many of our customers don’t understand. Thanks!

  21. Becky says:

    I don’t even live in Monticello, but it seems obvious to me that the RIGHT ARROW above YIELD, painted on the street, means the driver in that lane needs to YIELD to on-coming trafic which would be traffic on the driver’s RIGHT side. What is so hard about that to understand?

  22. Brandy says:

    Due to the new situation with the square and the confusion surrounding it, I will be taking a new route home each day, as to bypass the square. Three times today, my husband was in the left lane to travel east, and someone in the right (RIGHT turn ONLY lane) continued STRAIGHT. This is very dangerous. I believe this was a waste of tax dollars, and I am FUROOUS.

  23. C says:


    Before construction:
    Right Lane- Must turn right
    Middle Lane- Straight at stop sign for East Bound 278
    Left Lane- Turn Left to circle square “or for parking in front of stores on the east side of the square”

    After Contruction:
    Right Lane- Straight at stop sign for East Bound 278 or Turn Right
    Middle Lane- Parking for stores on East side of the square. (This Allows you to park in the first few parking spaces that were previously inaccessible for east bound traffic)
    Left Lane-Nothing Changed whatsoever. Still circles the square.

    I understand everyone griping about money being spent on some bricks when there are other things that should have been taken care of first, but there is no point in acting like it is in any way more difficult to navigate “the square.” The only thing that changed legitamately is the fact that the right lane is not longer only a turning lane. It is also used to continue on East Hwy 278

  24. Amanda says:

    Take some of that paint and put it on Midway Route. It is a miracle more wrecks are not happening on that road.

  25. hmmmm says:


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