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New City Trash Truck Arrives

December 13th, 2012 by

The new city trash truck arrived this week.  A training driver from the manufacturer was in town, Wednesday, to show city drivers the operation details of the new truck.

The new truck be likely be put into operation next week, as the new mini-dumpsters are distributed throughout the city.

An information packet will be delivered with each new can, explaing how nad where to place your new min-dumpster.

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5 Responses to “New City Trash Truck Arrives”

  1. Citizen "B" says:

    This is great that a new truck was purchased for the city, but I am concerned about how much is the hard working citizens of Monticello going to be paying taxes in keeping that truck. You know I am always in support to make this town better; I will work across the board with whomever, but I feel if anything need to be purchased, it should be things to fix the roads, and add jobs in the city. More police officers, more stores, or small business.. I mean not trying to knock down and complain but are we really wasting Monticello money on non-sense..????

  2. eastend says:

    Well citizen B this truck is going to take away jobs because it takes only one person to operate this truck that means four people may be without jobs because it is two people on the outside of the two trucks they have now. They had the city of North little rock on Channel 7 news a few weeks ago with their trash department and they had the system we have know three people two a truck if a big city like North Little Rock can still use that system surelly small town monticello can.

  3. d says:

    great job city of Monticello, this will take care of the problems with wild cats on West Gate drive getting into the trash. To the people that talk about lossing jobs. Any person in Arkansas that wants a job can get one this week. Not a paycheck but a job. Think about it!!!!!!!

  4. just sayin says:

    The 2 people on the outside of the trucks are from the jail. no more torn up trash cans, cans tossed in the ditch or in the road. I thankful for the new trucks.

  5. E says says:

    We can do without four fully tax payer funded untrained labor positions and stuff any savings into the pay off the new truck fund. The beautiful thing about an unskilled labor job is that they exist everywhere and you can get another one in 15 minutes.

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