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Note from City on Trash Pick Up

February 8th, 2013 by

Metal handles on cans shoud face street.

The City of Monticello apologizes for any inconveniences caused in the process to convert from bag pick up to cart pick up for solid waste.

Instructions and map of pick-up days are attached to each new can.

Only the new cans will be picked up by the trash truck. (except for Ward 4 residents who don’t have the new recepticles, yet)

Every address with a cart will be picked up one day a week and those days are based off of the voting wards; ward one will be picked up every Monday, ward two on Tuesday, ward three on Thursday and ward four on Friday. If you don’t know which ward you live in, please call 367-3415.

The City ran out of carts in ward four and has ordered more, for those who don’t receive a cart, please continue placing your trash in the same manner as before until your cart arrives, you will be picked up every Friday. On the days with holidays, those wards will be picked up that following Wednesday.

Carts must be turned the proper way for pickup, the silver bar must face the street or the cart cannot be picked up. The lid must be able to close. The cart cannot be within 4 feet of any other object or the cart cannot be picked up. Thank you for your patience.

The Latest “Buzz” About the City’s New Trash System – Ward 4 Info for Friday’s Pick-Up
Feb. 8, 2013

Hopefully, the buzzing will be limited to residents, and not include flies from piling up trash, as the city works to better the ongoing issues involved with swapping over all 4 city wards simultaneously to the new automated trash pick-up system.

Special information for Ward 4 pick-up TODAYis posted below.

Wards 1,2, and 3 have been picked up, as best as they could be.  Residents that had their new “mini-dumpsters” turned around (and other pick-up problems) will soon be contacted by the mayor’s office on how to deal with their individual issues.  Many mini-dumpsters are still sitting around, with their “info-packet” attached.

Ward 4 has more complicated problems.  The city ordered 160 mini-dumpsters too few, so 160 Ward 4 customers are being instructed to place their trash by the roadway, however they can (old cans or bagged) for their new Friday-only trash service.  This takes effect for TODAY’s pick-up, and remains until the new mini-dumpsters arrive 4-5 weeks from now.

MLive has invited the city to post updates to the residents, to improve the poor communications that have taken place about this ongoing issue.

More information will be posted as specific details develop.

New Automated Trash Collection Continues
Feb. 6, 2013

With two days behind us, the city’s new automated trash collection system seems to have annoyed more residents than it has impressed.

This video shows an experienced driver working with dumpsters placed close together.  The local driver has been practicing, but “hitting the streets” is always a challenge.

Please remember to have your dumpster placed with the metal bar facing the street, and keep it at least two foot from other objects (such as cars mailboxes, etc.)

The city is using the old trash truck to try to help, until the new system works out some of the bugs in the process.

Many residents, during the distribution of the new trash dumpsters, complained that they were big, ugly, and would only be picked up once per week.

The city’s decision to purchase the new automated collection system as based on safety and cost reduction.

The new process started Monday, with Ward 1 being collected on Mondays; Ward 2 will be picked up on Tuesdays; Ward 3 will be serviced on Thursdays; and Friday will be the collection day for Ward 4.

If there is a city holiday where your ward’s collection day is missed, your trash will be picked up on Wednesday of that week.

By using the larger dumpsters, the city is reducing pick-up days to once per week.  By moving to the automated system, the city will have only a driver on the trash truck; removing the two men “hanging on the back” of the truck.  This removes possible safety risks, especially during wet and icy conditions

Attached below are information pages from the city’s packet that were hooked to each dumpster.

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49 Responses to “Note from City on Trash Pick Up”

  1. pick up says:

    When I got home from work this past Friday, the trash that I had put out for pick-up was still there, along with the new shiney trash containers. I called the mayor’s office and found out that they decided not to pick up trash last Friday in order to distribute the new trash containers. I wonder if I am going to get a credit on my bill? Oh, and if we were paying for twice a week pick-up, will out trash bill be less with just once a week pick-up????

  2. Archaeopteryx says:

    I see the card says that yard waste will be picked up separately. Does anyone know if that’s true? My understanding is that the city hasn’t been picking up yard waste for two years now.

  3. Weevilsupporter says:

    How can the new policy be effective today, when the city has not delivered all of the trash cans to the residents. Seems to me that the policy should start when the WHOLE city has the new trash cans and policy notice delievered with the trash cans to the residents.

    What are the residents who do not have a city trash can supposed to do with their trash. For example, Ward 4 pick up is Friday. That is 8 days past the last time they had the trash picked up. The city has already removed the bins at the park. If I had my new trash can with my trash already in it this would not be as big of a problem. Just don’t see this is right. If I would not have read Monticellolive this morning, I would not know anything about the policy or the new trash route.

  4. lucky bob says:

    iv been using them fo over 10 yrs all you have to do is recycle some stuff they pick mine up once a week and we have no problems so dont worry. we also get 4 stickers a year to use on extra trash bags when we have a bunch like on holidays ect. the best thing i did was get a beer can smasher wow it saves a lot of space and we make about 10 bucks a week for the cans

  5. MHS 89 says:

    I hope this lil trash can will be enough for large families! Especially since pickup has been reduced to one day a week!! Would have been nice to get some advance notice of when the new pickup schedule was starting. Luckily I didn’t set my can out this morning because obviously it would still be sitting there til this Friday! Oh wait, we can’t leave them out longer than 24 hours or we will be given a ticket!! If only they would give tickets for people running stop signs and for not using blinkers!!!!

  6. patricia wheeler says:

    This is a very GOOD thing!! I can get trash out of the house into a can and it doesn’t have to set in the kitchen for a week. Hats off to you MONTICELLO!!!

  7. Dollar Bill says:

    I tell you what most people in this town would sit an argue with a fence post. Most people don’t like change even if it is for the best of everyone.

  8. Sam Cooley says:

    Welcome to the 1990’s, Monticello.

  9. Worker says:

    Here is a thought. For all of those that don’t like paying for trash pick up, the city could do away with curb side service and distrute dumpsters around town and you can haul your trash to them and you won’t have all the petty worries. You could have trash day any day of the week if you like and you won’t feel like your getting taken advantag of…… So is it really that bad??? It’s just trash give the city a chance to iron everything out. I love the rural trash service. I don’t have to burn mine or haul it to the landfill so it’s not as bad as it could be.

  10. Weevilsupporter says:

    Dollar Bill: The issue is not making a change. The issue is that the city is implementing a change without the proper notification to ALL City residents. As of 1 pm Monday, I still have not received my trash can with the new policy attached to it.

    I think having these trash cans are great. Just notify people!

  11. Assinine says:

    My trash sat in bags in front of my house all day. We started calling the the garbage department at 3pm and they have the phone off the hook. What’s going on around here? Everyone has trash in their yard waiting on the pick-up and it didn’t happen. Nobody in my neighborhood has a City trash can. When government is unresponsive to the people’s needs and takes the phone off the hook that’s called bureaucracy. Time to throw the bums out.

  12. Archaeopteryx says:

    Weevilsupporter is right. We don’t have the new trashcans in Ward 4, and the city clearly didn’t get the word out–the streets of Vivian Manor are lined with garbage bags.

  13. Wondering says:

    hmmm they didn’t pick up our trash today, Im in ward 1. I saw several on the same street still with trash in them. The residents were looking in the lids to see if they were empty. Wonder what happened.

  14. ArTravlR says:

    There is nothing we can do but bend to the will of those we have elected to lead.

  15. Ward 4 says:

    So what do we do with our old trash cans, can we get a one time special pick up for them?

  16. Discordian Static says:

    Weird….Implimented today and had the can out since last night/ before 7am per the instuctions… As of 10 pm can is still sitting at the curb 3/4 full and I’m left wondering what the heck…??? It’s going to sit there by the curb until they pick it up/empty it too. I don’t think the city has a leg to stand on as far as ticketing me when they don’t hold up their end. I would love to see this new system work but it has been well thought out. When I lived in Louisiana our Parish tried the exact thing and it lasted about two years with it constantly having late pickups due to mechanical problems with the truck and good old fashioned poor planning. Good luck but I hope they put the poor guys “hanging on the back” in identical trucks, having several able to get a route done a certain day or the great city of Monticello officials are going to get an earful and eventually tired of this.

  17. Walter says:

    delivered my shiny new yard ornament (trash can). Set it right in the middle of the driveway. Had to stop in the street with flashers on, move the can so I could get into my driveway, all the while holding up some traffic even though I had pulled to the side of the road. This is a busy street by the way. My trash still sitting on the curb and not picked up. Oh, by the way, how’re they going to pick up the trash cans downtown when people park around the square? They really make the downtown look great don’t they? Maybe they’ll make special arrangements for some of them downtown.

  18. Frances says:

    I’m sure there are others physically unable to move the trash containers . What are we supposed to do ?

  19. Mason Hill says:

    I live in Mason Hill where trash has always been picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays- everyone here in the neighborhood had their trash out this morning like always, and of course it is still there, because we had no notice, (and also do not have the new trash cans.) I know it’s such an unimportant thing to argue, but here are my concerns: if they eliminated the two guys on the back, then they have cut jobs. They have also cut it down to one day a week now instead of two to cut their cost- so I hope that this means it will cut our cost as well, otherwise we keep paying the same for less, and they will make more and doing less. Not that it bothers me that much, but it doesn’t make much sense either. My main problem is that we currently have 2 of these trash bins (personally owned) and are both full at pick ups twice a week, (because we are a large family) and now we will have to go to one once a week, bags not in the bin will not be picked up and the lid must be closed as well- what are we to do w/ the extra garbage??

  20. Leslie says:

    LOL! What a joke! Our trash hasn’t been picked up since last Tuesday and now we’ve been informed that the driver is “learning the route” and totally forgot to pick up Creekwood’s trash so it will be picked up tomorrow. Wow.

  21. Lou Lambert says:

    I live in Ward 1 and my trash was pciked up on Monday. No problem, although the map we received wasn’t clear. Many of my neighbors missed the pick up, thinkiing it was suppose to be on Tuesday.

  22. Not Happy says:

    Im in ward 2 and had my trash out the night before. Tell me how they didnt get but some of the cans from my street?? And they were out there right!!! And they are still out there right!! No one told us they were not getting our trash friday. This has to get better!!!!!!!

  23. Question... says:

    How do we know which ward we live in? Is it our “voting” ward?

  24. GIVE EM A BREAK. says:

    Geez People!!!!!! Give ’em a break!!!! The switch over may could have been handled a little better, but it is what it is…… We also didn’t get our pickup on time, we have a large household and had to purchased a second can, I’ve called the city office several times since last Friday with various questions and my husband has gone to the office to take care of different things. Our city workers are working really hard to work the kinks out, the women and men answering the phones and the ones working the routes have been very nice, helpful and as frustrated like everyone else. They are getting rude phone calls and angry customers in the office; these people are God made humans just like me and you!!!! Chill out and give it a chance….it’s new to them too! And God Bless the City Workers for dealing with this!!!

  25. Westgate Resident says:

    So…finally got someone with the city on the phone. We have not received any information, update, or new trashcan. They are 4-6 weeks behind on trashcans and that the trash will only run on Fridays. Our little area over here looks SO trashy. I do NOT like the new idea here…sucks.

  26. Assinine says:

    My last comment on this issue, this has been one big lesson in ineffective City Management. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to implement a new trash program. You simply ease into it, following the new method with the old method as a back up. The Mayor earned a big 0 on communication with regard to this program. Many people in Ward 4 are without trash service. It’s piling up on the streets. New cans have not been issued to us. We don’t know whether to place bags on the street tomorrow (Friday) or not. Bottom line, the people are still going to be getting less for the same amount of money.

  27. Mason Hill says:

    @give em a break-
    You said you purchased a second can- how much is it? does this increase your monthly bill? And did they deliver it? Having a second can would solve my issue w/ it. &I guess agree- its still new to everyone & it’s obvious no one likes change, but eventually it will be fine. I mean this idea isn’t new lol- we are behind the times people! Plus it will look a lot cleaner for everyone to have he same bins out I think.

  28. cathy morgan says:

    I have a city address, but I did not get a can.. I pay the same as every one else for pick up. But the city has decided that since I live in a trailer park, I am not entitled to the same services. I now have to use a dumpster at the back of the park. I know that no one in the Mayors office cares but I am disabled and can not walk that far. I want trash pick up taken off my bill. or at least cut in half. I am now going to have some one else to take off my trash. It is not right that I should have to pay twice.

  29. cathy morgan says:

    It is done Monticello. Some where along the way we the disabled and old have been pushed to the wayside. People who live in trailer parks are less then other people in Monticello. W e are expected to pay the same as any other citizen of this town but are not entitled to the same services. I don’t know about you, but I will remember this come the next election.

    I want to say “THANK YOU to the men on the trash trucks. Thank you for the job well done. THANK YOU for your kindness to those of us that need a little extra help.

  30. pines trl park says:

    since I live in the city I think we deserve a can to not a dumpster down at the end of the park,Handycap people cant walk way back there alot of them dont have transportation to carry it there.

  31. Mad says:

    I just wish my neighbors would have at least read the paper and put the trash in the bin and close the lid.It is a mess next door.

  32. Bhs 429 says:

    Thanks Monticello live! Paybacks to all of the rude people that work at the office.Rotten trash gets attention!Take the phone off the hook. Yeah that works.will deduct fee from bill

  33. Chuck says:

    Come on now, its only fair, if a resident does not get curbside trash pickup and has to take their trash to a dumpster, it should be taken off their bill or at least drastically reduced. Personally, i havent had a problem with the new trash bin. Everything looked ok in my neighborhood. Although i would like the city to buy my old trash cans since i can no longer use them. If i remember correctly, they cost $35+ apiece. They are in very good condition. I’ll take $30 for the pair.

  34. Is it really that serious??? says:

    I have been waiting impatiently for our NEW trashcan to arrive!! Was very excited when I saw it by the road coming home the other day!!! Now taking out the trash is so much easier for me!! Having a new trash can that roles right down to the street instead of dragging the trash to the road! The WARD map took me a minute to figure out….but I indeed did figure it out! The whole process went just as it was suppose to for us! Oh…and I was also excited at how large the cans are! They really hold LOTS of trash.

  35. relax says:

    the city finally caught Monticello up with the whole rest of the country and all monticellonians want to do is complain!!!

    elected leaders don’t have a chance anymore because people want things their way and they want them that way yesterday!!! guess what? the city cant do things exactly the way everyone wants them done because everyone wants it done differently! the citizens are not the experts they think they are. all city officials can do is see what is working in other towns of similar sizes and implement them here hoping they fix our problems.

    having an automated trash truck frees up 2 city employees to do other projects! it makes one city employee just as efficient as 3! now the other two are free to fix things in the city like the water system!!

    i applaud the city for advancing our trash pickup! i applaud the city for trying to be more efficient with the workers they have! i applaud the city for trying to spend some of our tax dollars more wisely!! sure there are still many inefficiencies, but i can assure you the city is working on identifying the ones they can fix and fixing them as fast as they can! Rome was not built in a day!

    the city failed at telling you ahead of time the trash was changing… maybe they expected the average citizens to know how these cans work since the rest of the country has them, maybe they expect you to read your packet explaining things!

    i would love to have a dumpster at the end of my road to take my trash any day of the week… i would never have to worry about what day is trash day, when the inside can is full go throw it in! Ive had this system before and it was great! everyday is trash day! you will never miss it!!

    how efficient would it be to pickup cans at every trailer in a trailer park?? move up 10 feet pick up another one! 10 feet another! 10 foot another! i would be disappointed if the city were picking up every can in a trailer park! that’s slow and inefficient!

    you people complaining just need to cut them a break!

  36. Just Thinking says:

    If I am not mistaking the “guys hanging off the back” are inmates. Isn’t that like FREE labor?

  37. OK with me says:

    I followed the enclosed instructions; most everyone on my street did. Some had the cans backwards. The city picked up the trash on the scheduled day. Most took their cans back to their house. I think it works much better. Folks just don’t like change.

  38. Business Owner says:

    I help run a small business and we are closed on Sundays and Mondays. This would mean I would have to pull my can to the side of the road for pick up after we close on Saturday in order for them to pick up my trash on Monday. Would get fined for leaving the bin by the road until I open back up on Tuesday? Just curious!

  39. Not Relaxed... says:

    Replying to Relax…It’s hard to read a packet when it’s attached to the trashcan you haven’t received yet! And then when you call the city, they tell you that they will NOT be picking your trash up if it’s not in a can, even if you haven’t been given one yet. :S

  40. Discordian Static says:

    @ relax… The city has caught us up with what the rest of the country was doing twenty years ago. Using a mechanical arm system that has proven itself over and over again to be full of problems and issues. Many in the rest of the country (in LA and TX anyway) found this 1 man system to be a financial pain in the rear and found that the constant truck breakdowns didn’t help them get re-elected. In many counties where this was tried this was eventually given up- mostly due to cost of the constant repairs needing done.
    As far as the “two on the back” being freed up to do other projects…I hope you’re right.

    I am glad that those in the city are trying to be more efficient and use our tax dollars more wisely. Not planning for how this could impact the towns disabled and elderly that might have difficulties with their garbage to begin with is a far cry from planning at all. It is negligent. I have to assist my parents with the large can and then go over to my inlaws to assist them with the large and mostly empty can as well. I hope that those without someone have a way to get those cans back and forth safely and that the tax dollars our officials are saving don’t end up in a liability lawsuit.

    The fact that it was decided that a ticket will be issued if the can is left on the curb is total bull-hockey to me. Here in Ward 1 it was Tuesday after 6pm before the driver got to our street. Many followed the enclosed instructions, but the cans were out for over 24 hours. Heck some still have their empty cans out just like they did before this new system kicked in. Threatning to ticket (also known as income for the city) for leaving the cans on the curb is in my opinion beyond their scope. I guess Home owners associations weren’t enoough. I know they will prove me wrong and you can’t fight city hall blah blah whatever… but when this blows up in their faces you CAN vote them out.

  41. Dollar Bill says:

    You people that are saying the city cut jobs by getting the new trash truck let me tell y’all something that’s just how things are these days. Just like when loggers buy new cutting machines a saw hand is more than likely replaced or is put doing another job on the crew. I bet no one is standing in the unemployment line because a new truck was bought. And for the ones complaining about your bill everyone pays a part and that money is used to run the waist site and have all the trash hauled away from here. So just take a chill pill and let this work the way it works in other towns.

  42. ward 2 says:

    Just start to recycle at your house.. then you would be back to 2 pick-ups a week.

  43. cathy morgan says:

    People don’t mind the change. That is ok. We just wanted to be asked. We would like to think we have a voice in the running of our city. I talked to Maxwell before he took office and liked the man. I have talked to him 2 times since and he has been rude at best. How in heck do you get in touch with the city officials. Did you get asked about this change? I did not. Were you and your living area and any handy caps you may have taken into account. Because I live in a trailer park I am not getting the same services you get and I have to pay the same. I have had this service for the past 2 years. Now because of my handy cap I have to pay for this service of dumpster use…..(a dumpster I cannot walk to) and pay some one to pick up my trash. Do you think I should have to pay twice?

  44. Archaeopteryx says:

    Wow. So if a holiday falls on a Thursday or Friday, people in that ward are going nearly two weeks without garbage pickup. Sweet.

    This whole program is a disaster.

  45. RockinR says:

    Please donate your old but in good shape trash cans to the paws or humane society for shelters for dogs and other animals.

  46. Mary Bailey says:

    My garbage wasn’t picked up this week as well as some of my neighbors on East College Street.

  47. GIVE EM A BREAK. says:

    @Mason Hill the additional cans are $60 you pay for it at the City Office and they will deliver it to you; they are out right now but you can pay and get on their list so when they come in you’ll be one of the first & no it doesn’t add to you pick up bill::))

  48. Westgate Resident says:

    Why fix something that isn’t broken…..

  49. relax says:

    a trash can with wheels and a instruction manual doesnt get much easier than that…

    the reason no one asked the citizens about the trash system is because the citizens would all have a different opinions and everyone of them would be right… thats the problem with the world today there are too many people who are right all the time. everyone knows whats best but no one knows the same thing…

    heard a wise man say one time if its not broke, break it… there is always a way to improve something and the minute you stop trying to improve it is the minute you start to fall behind.

    heard another wise man once say sometimes its better to make a wrong move than to not make a move at all…

    right or wrong the mayor is making a move that he feels will better the city and he gets an A for trying. he may get an F in comunication but he gets and A for trying to better the city!!

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