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Drowning Victim Passes Away

June 17th, 2010 by

Antwon Clifton, age 16 of Wilmar, died Tuesday, after being removed from life support at Children’s Hospital in Little Rock.

The youth was the victim of drowning at Lake Monticello on Monday, June 7.

The obituary will be posted when detail are announced. According to Drew County Sheriff Mark Gober, shortly after 8 pm, Monday night, Clifton was swimming in Lake Monticello with friends, when they heard him call for help.

Two friends, along with 3 other people who were near the boat dock area of Lake Monticello’s HWY 35 entrance, helped pull the young man out of the water, while Drew County Sheriff’s Deputies, Search and Rescue Team members, and SEEMS ambulance responded.

The youth was taken to Drew Memorial Hospital, where he was treated, before being Med-Flighted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, in Little Rock.

Due to his age, the young man’s name is not being released at this time.

21 Responses to “Drowning Victim Passes Away”

  1. someonewhocares says:

    please God spare this kids life. I know the pain of loosing a child and PLEASE GOD, spare these people the knowlege, and let them rejoice with a complete full recovery! who ever you are young man im praying for you like iv known you forever!!!

  2. Stacey Owens says:

    Prayers are up for the young man.

  3. KeKe Thomas says:


  4. Jeri says:

    I do pray this young man fully recovers.

  5. concern parent says:

    my heart and my prayers are for you and your child.

  6. cj says:

    im praying for you.

  7. Barbara McElroy Woods says:

    My prayers are with this child and family. About 4 years ago during lunch my husband and I rode to Lake Monticello and swimming next to the boat dock was a huge alligator. I try to tell everyone that I see swimming there. I called Ar. Game and Fish and asked that they put a sign up back then.

  8. carolyn adams says:

    bennie and i are praying for this young man and his family.

  9. Kendra Ridgell-Nolen says:

    Thoughts and prayers for the family.

  10. Jennifer says:

    Has anyone heard how he is doing?? My husband was one of the men that helped get him out..I started cpr till a nurse was THERE… I HAVE HAD THIS YOUNG MAN ON MY MIND EVER SINCE…

  11. haleigh says:

    I heard that as of Wednesday morning he was at Children’s in critical condition.

  12. Susan Davis says:

    Praying for ya all.

  13. EKW says:

    My husband visited him and his family on yesterday. We are all praying that God’s will be done in his life as well as their’s.

  14. Tee says:

    It is so sad this young man did not recover. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

  15. Wilmar Lady says:

    I’m prayN 4 the young man’s family and friends. This is NOT the first death at the lake but PLEASE let it be the last. Stop swimN in that lake. That water is deep. & as posted earlier there are alligators & snakes in that lake.

  16. leroy cortez says:

    very sad about his passing.our prayers go out to his family.

  17. Sincere says:

    So sad! Praying for the family of this young man. Just terrible!

  18. Erin says:

    It is very sad about this young man’s passing. I hate to think of children losing their lives. I take my children there quiet often to swim but we never go out any further then we can reach. Off of the boating dock there are signs that clearly state no swimming or jumping off the boating dock. It is very important that people do not ignore those signs they are put there for a reason. I am praying for this family it is just awful for them to have to go through this. Whether or not there are alligators in that lake I don’t know but we must start paying attention and keeping a close watch.

  19. Lucas says:

    My thoughts are with the Clifton family. I found out about a week ago that this young man was a distant relative of mine.

    Thanks to monticellolive for posting the condolences. There is a time for sarcasm but this tragedy is neither the time or the place for that.

  20. Epiphany Bean says:

    RIP Antwon “Chubby” Clifton..God bro, I miss you!!

  21. Cousin IN Law says:

    Dang Chub, I dont know what placed you on my mind so heavily all of the sudden but i thought I would finally look this up and post on here! I miss you and your cousin misses you and i know Cyn Boochie and everyone else does too! Keep being our guardian angel! Love you!

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