Nix Found Guilty of Second Degree Murder- Sentenced to 45 Years
February 18th, 2012 byThe second day of the Nicholas Nix second degree murder trial, charged with the death of Katlin Lidge began at 9 am, with the defense wrapping up their defense around 10:55.
It took the jury only 1 hour to return at noon with a guilty verdict.
After an hour lunch break, the sentencing phase began at 1 pm, and continued until 2 pm.
It took the jury less than 15 minutes to agree to sentence Nix to the maximum 30 year sentence. The jury also enforced the enhancement sentence which adds n additional 15 years to the sentence for using a handgun in the crime of second degree murder.
Nix will now serve a total of 45 years in ADC, with a best–possible reduction down to 1/4 for good behavior, for a minimum sentence of 11.25 years, minus the “just under 1 year” credit for time served waiting on his 3 trials to take place.
Nix Trial Begins 2nd Day
Feb. 17, 2012
Circuit Court Judge Don Glover is on the bench for this case, as it is being heard in Drew County Circuit Court for a third time, in less than a year.
Nix is charged with second degree murder, this time, after being found not guilty, in August of first degree murder, and having a hung jury on the second degree charge. If found guilty, he could received a sentence ranging from 6 – 30 years in prison.
Jury selection began Thursday morning, with a jury being selected by noon. Opening arguments began at 1 pm, followed by prosecution witnesses, including State Police special agent Clayton Moss, who detailed the shooting scene, as it was when police arrived and recovered a 22 caliber handgun.
The trial will continue Friday morning, at 9 am, and should conclude Friday afternoon.
Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Deen told MonticelloLive, earlier, “I’ve never prosecuted the same case three times before.”
The ongoing history of the case is posted below.
2nd Hung Jury (within 6 weeks) to Lead to Yet Another Nix Trial for Murder of Katlin Lidge
August 4, 2011
Tuesday and Wednesday, a Drew County jury heard testimony pertaining to the charge of first degree murder against Nicholas Nix, for the shooting death of Katlin Lidge.
In June, a 10-2 hung jury lead to a mistrial in the case; and the new jury’s verdict on Wednesday afternoon should lead to the 3rd trial this year in the case.
Sources told MonticelloLve that the participants, testimony, and direction of this week’s trial went basically in the same direction as June’s trial.
This weeks jury wound Nix not-guilty of 1st degree murder, and was hung with a 7-5 spit decision on the charge of 2nd degree murder.
June 29, 2011
10-2 Hung Jury Leads to Mistrial in Nix Trial for Murder of Katlin Lidge
At 12:45, Wednesday afternoon, the Drew County jury told Judge Bynum Gibson that they were “hung” with a 10-2 vote on the 1st degree, 2nd degree murder charges facing Nicholas Nix, for the March shooting death of Katlin Lidge.
The judge read to them a “dynamite instruction” pep talk, designed to motivate them to “harmonize their individual views”, without “surrendering their beliefs”.
The jury returned to further deliberate, just before 1 pm.
At 1:15, the jury returned to the courtroom, telling Judge Gibson that they were deadlocked, (with 10 jurors in favor of guilty of 1st degree murder, and 2 jurors voting guilty of 2nd degree murder) and wouldn’t be able to reach a unanimous verdict.
A mistrial was declared, and the trial set for August 2nd and 3rd, with a jury from a different jury panel.
The jury was selected Tuesday morning in the 1st degree murder trial of Nicholas Nix, for the death of Katlin Lidge.
Opening arguments began at 10:45, with testimony beginning around 11 am.
The state, represented by Chad Green, is seeking a guilty verdict, and sentence of 10 years to life, in the case.
Nix’s attorney, Tim Leonard, will present an affirmative defense of self-defense.
The state claims that Nix went to his sister’s apartment carrying a 22 revolver, prior to the altercation with Katlin Lidge; and had text messaged his girlfriend, earlier that day, that he “might have to kill Katlin” that night.
The defense claims that Nix carried the gun to his sister’s apartment, because he was planning to babysit there, and knew of previous violence in the area.
Nix’s girlfriend testified that Nix asked her to drive him to Little Rock, when he arrived at her apt., asking for help after he “shot someone.” Kierra Veazey agreed to accept a reduced sentence of probation for her charge of hindering Nix’s apprehension.
Arkansas State Police investigator Clayton Moss took the stand next, testifying about the scene, the blood spatter, the recovered weapon, bullet holes, and other details of the investigation, before the court took it’s noon recess.
During the afternoon, the defense presented it’s case, with testimony from Nix, his sister Delisa Reyes, and a local dentist.
Nix claims that Lidge attacked him, knocking a tooth out. The dentist was called to testify that Nix did have a dental injury. Investigator Moss was then recalled to the stand to testify that when he went to pick up Nix in Utah, that Nix didn’t have a tooth knocked out.
~~~~~ Wednesday ~~~~~~
Closing arguements began Wednesday morning, with the prosecution reminding jurors of Tuesday’s testimony of Nix’s sister’s roommate’s statement, quoting Nix, “I’ll do something bad to him. I’ve got a gun.” They also pointed out conflicting witness testimony as to whether Nix was laying on the bed or walking around, at the time the fight began. They emphasized that Nix had “brought a gun to a fist fight.”
The defense used their closing argument to define “reasonable doubt” and emphasize that Nix was being “viciously beaten and choked” by Lidge; and that Nix ran from the scene to get away from Lidge, not from the police.
The prosecution got the last word with the jury, and used it to emphasize that the shot that killed Katlin Lidge was shot from the side, as demonstrated by the fact that it went through his lung and into his heart.
Jury deliberation began shortly after 10 o’clock.
Girlfriend Arrested in Murder Case for Hindering Apprehension of Nix
April 15, 2011
A 21 year old Monticello female was arrested Thursday morning and charged with hindering apprehension (a class B felony), relating to the arrest of Nicholas Jamal Nix. She has been released on citation from jail.
She is the alleged girlfriend of Nix, who is charged with first degree murder for the shooting death of Katlin Lidge.
Judge Enters “Not Guilty” Plea for Murder Suspect Nix, Who Won’t Answer His Lawyer’s Questions
Posted April 13, 2011
In Drew County Circuit Court, Monday, Judge Bynum Gibson entered a “not guilty” plea on behalf of Nicholas Jamal Nix, age 19, on the charge of first-degree murder (class Y felony), the shooting in death of Katlin Lidge.
Attorney Steve Porch had been appointed to serve as Nix’s lawyer, but Porch told Judge Gibson that Nix has declined to communicate with him, thereby making Porch unable to file any motions on Nix’s behalf.
Nix’s mother told the court that she is hiring another attorney, but they were unavailable to attend Monday’s hearing. When asked, she told the court that the new attorney has not received payment yet. (Most attorneys require payment before any services are rendered.)
Since Nix at this time does not have legal counsel, due to his refusal to work with Porch, Judge Gibson then entered a plea of “not guilty” on his behalf. Porch was been instructed to remain as Nix’s counsel, until a new attorney is actually hired.
The case’s next court date will be an omnibus hearing on May 16, which will also be the last day for any plea negotiations.
Discovery and police investigation files were discussed before the hearing came to a close.
A trial date for the week of June 28 has been set.
$500,000 Bond Set for Murder Suspect
Posted March 16, 2011
Nicholas Jamal Nix, charged by police with first degree murder for the death of Katlin Lidge, surrendered to law enforcement authorities in Salt Lake City, Utah, last week.
Nix waived extradition in a Utah court Tuesday, and was escorted back to Monticello by law enforcement officers.
Upon arriving in Monticello, Nix appeared before District Judge Ken Harper, who set Nix’s commercial bond at $500,000.
Murder Suspect Nix Surrenders to Police in Utah
Mar 11, 2011
According to reports, at approximately 12:15 pm today, Nicholas Jamal Nix surrendered to law enforcement authorities in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Extradition proceeding based on the 1st degree murder warrant for Nix will be coordinated through the Drew County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
Nix is wanted for the murder of Katlin Lidge, Saturday night.
Click here for more information on the shooting and it’s victim, Katlin Lidge.
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Good! Now he can get the punishment he deserves!
Shouldn’t he be tried first?
Wasn’t real sharp trying to hide in Utah.
Really u think he needs a trial? He shot the boy in the chest and ran like a coward. He didn’t have a dog in the fight in the first place. But it is “innocent until proven guilty”. And in God’s eyes he is already guilty.
..Mark Mason says:
..March 10, 2011 at 4:27 pm
..Shouldn’t he be tried first?
Well he has to be here to be tried duh..
logic has no emotion
Who said that he was hiding? He surrendered. Be careful- you just might be found in a situation of your own.
he is not a bad guy, so why dont people mind ther own damn buisness
I’m glad they got him. Now they need to get his sister and everythig will be complete.
Really? He’s not a bad guy? He shot and killed someone!
he might be a “good person” but he is a murderer.. He murdered a GREAT person! It takes a coldblooded person to take someone else’s life..
All y’all do is talk about people situations and mistakes…why can’t u people just read the post and go gossip about it instead of commenting like a damn media…most of u people commenting don’t even know the victim smh…innocent until proven guilty…y’all must forgot about that
Yes,he turned himself.That is not hiding.I think it’s a shame that both of these young mens’ lives are over.I can’t help but wonder what this whole thing was about to take such a drastic action.
Also to unknown, good guys don’t go around shooting people.
Leave the judging up to god! Rip Kat
i dont judge but his sister is just as guilty as he is and she need to be sitting up there behind them bars too cuz if she was innocent she wouldve made the 911 call herself sorry if this causes and problems for anyone but we r all intitled to our opinion and to the family and friends and most definitetly his brothers and sisters of the Kappa Family,much love many hugs and kisses but keep ya head up he not here in sight but he is watching over all of us and he made him realize what he did and now its time to go to trial somebody make this better for me
Murder is wrong….he may not be a bad guy, but he did a HORRIBLE thing. That is enough. He has to be brought to Monticello, then he will be tried. The people taking up for him are obviously biased…in a unfair way. At least Nix is alive…Katlin isn’t…..The world is soooo sad…We have to start teaching our communities better.
Katlin was not a bad guy either and he did not deserve to die this way. The suspect should have not gotten involved and try to take the law in his own hands. He deserves to be in jail for a very long time. Katlin had a lot going for himself unlike some of these other low life people around Monticello. Anyone who needs to fight someone who doesnt have a gun is a COWARD to me. Why run off to Utah when you know you gon have to be extradited back to Arkansas anyway…That was dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I meant anyone who needs a gun to fight someone who doesnt have a gun is a COWARD to me.
a good guy?!!!!
He SHOT an UNARMED man , had his sister hide the gun and then RAN1
I don’t know him but from what I have heard and the way he took off to Utah it seems to me he did commit this violent crime. It should not have taken place but at least he did turn himself in to answer for what he done. But as far as being a good person I don’t know I’m sure he has some good things about him but to kill someone is not a good thing. But I do pray for all parties involved an the families. And as far as people minding their own buisness my opinion is that he should have not gotten involved in his sisters issues. He should have called the police if that was done then this probably wouldn’t have happened. He should have minded his own buisness. It is sad a young guy ruined his life and took the life of another. But this is not the the time for people to argue about this two families have lost a loved ones.
Ms. Unknown do you live under a rock, you dont have a clue what goes on there is no such thing as “small town America” anymore.
A “good” guy? You have got to be kidding me!!! He shot and killed a young man and then ran like a coward!!! Harsh facts but apparently true! And his sister was in no way an innocent bystander!!! I hope he is punished to the fullest extent of the law!!! A great young man’s life was lost at the hands of a criminal!!!!
No one deserve to die to the hands of man, but who wouldnt get tired of watchn their sister get beat up, if the chic is that hard to get along with he should have left her along time ago. Its disrespectful to fight women, plus in front of her own BROTHER
All I know is I miss my friend. I’ve cried everyday since. I know how heartbroken I am I can’t even imagine how rob and his other frat brothers and family feel. This is a terrible deal all around. We can sit around pointin fingers and talkin bout who did what n why but the fact is katlin got murdered and no matter what was goin on he did not deserve that. He had so many opportunities ahead of him. He was the kindest loving smart man I know. I hate this happened. And I hate this hound boys lifebis over too all because he got involved in somethin he shouldn’t have. It’s all ridiculous ad never shoulda happened like this. Man this is just so so hard and it’s so sad. Kat I love u. U will always b in my heart. You were a wonderful friend and I miss u more than u know!
Mr. Nix Psalm 54 says SAVE me, O God by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of mymy mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul; they have not set God before them. I didn’t know the two men but I do know of the sister. I am sure both men have good and bad within them, they are born in sin. For those who have sisters or brothers and someone was hitting or jumping on them causeing pain to them ask yourself would “YOU” have tried to help? As good as everyone has made “Kat” he is NOT GOD, he too has SINNED! Now as far as the sister, yes she is a major part in this mess and must take on step up. She had to call for help from her brother. Nix is a small frame young man Kat is a larger man and had already hit, beat, jumped on the sister even though everyone has said have great he was. Hitting a WOMAN doesn’t make you GREAT or DOES IT? Sister you have alot to come clean with. Did BROTHER will shoot this man? or is he covering for…..
Young Boys life is over
This young man took a permanent solution to a temporary problem. His decission has ended one life in death, and his own life will forever be wasted. Where is the problem when a 19 year old kills a young man in his 20s. OK some will not like what I am about to say but the truth hurts. PARENTS children learn from example. We must be accountable for our (parents) irresponsibility in raising our children. I am as guilty as any. We let the babysitters, teachers, grandparents, aunts, whoever will do our job as a parent, we let them. Then we wonder why our children do what they do. There is alot of divorce but that is not an excuse for our children to be ignored. WE must get our children in church and if you are a single parent, you are never alone God is always there with you. My prayers go out to both the families, and to all parents. We as parents need to spend more time in prayer that God will guide us in raising our children.
Im happy he has turned himself in. Ive never had to do it b4 but i cant imagine that life on the run is a good life to live. Maybe now he can b brought to justice. Kat, u r missed dearly. I hope now u can rest in peace knowin that the person that did this to u is going to hav his day in court. I hope this doesnt turn into one of those trials where a murderer ends of doing 5 yrs in prison while cocaine sellers get 30 yrs.
There we go trying to make Katlin look like the bad guy. I knew Katlin and he was a GREAT person, I know this to be true and he did not deserve to die. And now KAY you are making accusation that he hit his girlfriend, that is your side! Guess what Katlin can’t tell us his side, because that so called “GOOD GUY” took his life. So let’s not forget who the real victim is. And by the way KAY if there was Domestic Abuse in the relationship there are other ways to handle it like calling the police and reporting it, not by taking their life. And yes Katlin was a bigger than Nix but have you ever had a gun pulled on you, yea after a gun is pulled it doesn’t matter who is bigger!! Katlin was a wonderful person and that’s how many people will ALWAYS remember him.
I didn’ know either parties involved. But, I’m going to say this, who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Everyone knows that hitting women is wrong but some women are silly and ignorant. Some women hit their BF knowing they have the upper hand because”men aren’t supposed to hit women”Now, as far as the brother, I am quite sure that he wanted to take up for his sister and rightfully so, but to kill him. Why not fight him? Call the police? Pick up something and clock him? Their are more ways to defend you sister thatnshooting him.
Whether he surrendered or got caught, the judiciary system will NOT sentence him with what he deserves. But, who are we to decide what he deserves and doesn’t deserve. He has committed the crime, and a life was lost..for that God will decide his punishment. There are 3 sides to EVERY story…the victims side, the suspects side, and the truth. The truth always comes up missing, and the victim will never get to speak.
People who have no clue as to what they are commenting about should stay silent. First of all. He was not hiding in Utah, he turned himself in.
In response to “just saying”. He did have a “dog in the fight”, his sister. Once the witness statements are taken and the history of “fighting” is introduced, I’m sure a jury of Mr. Nix’s peers will judge him fairly. As for calling the police, which he should have instead of running. It is unfortunate that someone loss their life but until you know all the facts of the case do not pass judgement.
My heart truly goes out to all involved, they all are victims. Most are quick to judge but no matter how good or bad a person may be when faced with a situation of a loved one could anyone really say what you would have done, I don’t think so. The word says warning comes before destruction. People everywhere are going through so much right now that they have allowed the devil to enter their mind. When we hear of this tragedy & other God is sending us a warning that we must get our house in order. Before you judge someone look in the mirror & ask God to show you yourself. People it’s praying time like never before. We must come together & pray for our town, city, country & forigan
Really wish y’all would stop bashing ppl & pray for them! so many ppl talkn and judgin Bt noone knows wat took place or why except for tha ppl n tht house! Such silly ppl
If he wasn’t hiding, then why dud he run to another state? Why didn’t he turn himself in after the crime was committed? Regardless of the circumstances, he shot and KILLED an individual. There were other avenues to resolve these issues other than the coward’s way of pulling a gun! Taking up for his sister may have been honorable, but killing someone hardly makes him an honorable individual!
Still saddened! I just pray that justice is served and if more than 1 person was involved then they are punished by the law as well. I can’t help but to think where is the weapon that was involved & if the ones investigating the case even have it. Maybe that will answer all the questions to who did what. I think what the family, friends, and community are wanting right now is justice.
R.I.P. Katlin. I love you friend.
Pain & Anger blind people. I’m prayin for both families. Nobody see it like this. Our lives are already planned frm wat day we are born til tha day we die & how we die. I’m not justifying this murder but God knew his plan. It’s sad that Katlin got killed but if everybody know Kat like they say they do they know that Kat was a funny person and wouldn’t want us actin like this. It’s hard to forgive we have forgive if we wanna go to heaven! Everybody has sinned there’s no such thing as a little or big sin think about it before u judge someone.
“Kat” was human and not GOD! He had some issues also or he wouldn’t have been in that envoriment. I am not making accusations. But when it is all said and done “Kat” will not be found to be perfect. I am sorry it ended this way. I pray for “Kat” family and you to heal. But we have a living soul “Jamal Nix” a young man, who has NOT grown up and doesn’t know how to solve problems. He is 19 and will be tried as an adult but really is he mature at 19. Think. Young BLACK MEN has always been miss understood. Check the PRISONS. Jamal also has a side of the story, have you heard it? I have NOT! Jamal sister had to tell him something about her getting beat or hit on. Think. Do you think Jamal just walked up and shot “Kat” because he was a black man or just because he was dating his sister? I am NOT taking sides with anyone. But to take another black man’s life will not change this concern. With US this is why PSALM 7 is important because it says Olord my God, in thee do I put my trust; save me from all them that persecute me and deliver me. Can’t you hear Jamal’s heart speaking. Its him NOW what about your brother or child or cousin or friend. Lets not judge. It’s PRAYER TIME!
If trouble hadn’t knocked on your door yet! Just wait- in the meantime, if you know how to pray, then pray for these families.
People need to stop justifying this murder. The suspect was old enough to think and make a decision to commit a murder… HE IS OLD ENOUGH TO DO TIME AND LOTS OF IT!!! I don’t care how young you are… At the age of 19… You now Right from Wrong. The suspect and his sister.. And whoever else is involved need to pay and suffer consequences. The suspect Is not that lost.. He need to PAY!
I am glad the hardest part of this is over. Now justice can be served. I am praying for both families because the life of the victim is lost as well as the offender. It seems so unreal that this ocurred. This situation has helped me realize that your life can end in the blink of an eye with no warning. Life is so crazy now and you can never be too sure what someone is capable of. I just spoke with Katlin the weekend before this happened and never imagined that would be the last hug or conversation. Katlin’s life was short-lived due to a silly disagreement. We can all say this was unfair, but God knew that his angel was too good to be here on this dangerous, unruly earth! Rest in love and peace Katlin.
It’s so funny how people begin to quote scripture while JUDGING!! No matter the circumstance, no one deserves to have their life taken by the hand of another!!! I can see, just as well as others, that Katlin was LOVED by many, and there is no point in trying to bash him now, he’s no longer present in life… Where were all of her friends and frenemies when she was getting “hit, jumped on, and beat”?? I won’t give u the satisfaction to disgrace this young mans life in death… because u should have been taking up for her then, and maybe this wouldn’t have come about!!! Relationships have ups and downs and ins and outs… Nobody else saw what was happening behind their closed doors, all u know is what u heard, or what was told to u…. So let’s continue to celebrate the BEAUTY of Katlin’s life and pray that God will grant peace, understanding, and justice!!!!
Can Jamal Nix get a fair trail? Jesus DID NOT!
Can a man be saved? Is one sin worse than another? Does God love one more than he loves another? People hear about murder and crime everyday, it’s life and then it’s a lost/saved life…
Kat” because he was a black man or just because he was dating his sister
Huh? What does that have to do with anything?
Shut up
To whoever Kay is, hunny sit down. There is no way anyone in this world can make me believe Katlin hit a girl. I was in an abusive relationship and he was there for me. I KNOW Katlin and he would never do that. Thank God that boy is in jail. I love Katlin and pity the fool who bashes him while he rests in the grave. Speaking of judging someone, you’re judging a dead man who you don’t even know. Comment on one of these stories that you know something about, not on Katlin, cause clearly you have no idea who this man was!
This is all just a mess..arguing about it will nt bring kat bk and all if u r going off of hear say so shut your mouths and get on your knees and pray..there’s only one judge and that’s my god and savior so whatever the “justice” may be..only god knows the innocent and thy shall be saved and delivered from evil. Now go work or do something other than gossip. Ril kat! Praying for Nick
Who’s to say that the young man who’s being charge is really the person who pulled the trigger. Just think maybe he is covering up for his sister. But who are we to judge?? Everybody on here speaking about how good this person & that person was or is but who are we to really know how a person really is….Understand that pple put on a front EVERY day for others but behind close doors it’s a totally different story. As BLACK PPLE we all NEED to come TOGETHER & STOP the KILLING…. I saw on tv the other day were in LR they have a program for young blk boys/men called THE OKAY PROGRAM it’s a program to help you out of making bad choices & start making GOOD choices in your life…& it is ran by the LRPD… & this is what both of these guys NEED/NEEDED in their life
Who is this Kay? and what does she mean this environment. It was Pilgrim Rest. College students live in the projects because the rent is cheap. And frankly, I couldnt possibly care less about jamal’s story. He took the life of a wonderful person. As i said before there is no one who could make me believe he ever hit a girl. He was there for me when I was in an abusive relationship and referred to that guy as a coward. This jamal guy is also a coward. I dont believe he turned himself in because he felt like it was the right thing to do. I think he turned himself in out of fear and because someone else told him it would be better for him that fleeing his whole life. The jamal guy broke my heart along with a lot of other people’s. I hope he gets what he deserves!!
There is no justification this murder!!! I can’t believe that people are taking up for this murderer! He is old enough to know right from wrong and how to control his temper! My five year old has that concept!!! Regardless of the prior situation and race, he killed a person! We want to talk about problems in our society-making excuses for murder us definitely one of those problems!!!!
i agree with “unfortunate”. how can you quote scriptures when judging to that degree….some of these ppl should rethink things before they began to comment…wrong is wrong and taking someones life is wrong. when he goes before the lord, do you think he will justify him taking this young mans life because– “he was in that environment”. just what environment are you referring to? (kay) He was well on his way to success, and as far as beating her…really? come on people, judgemental thoughts should be kept to a minimum, because in the end no ones opinion will ever matter. all i hope is that Justice is served for Katlin.
This was a great guy and true friend. I want people to stop saying that he was abusive because he wasn’t. I was in an abusive relationship and I know the type. Katlin was a very close friend of mine the entire time I was in college and has been since I graduated. He was there for me when I went through my abusive relationship. People keep saying that to try to justify what the jamal guy did. He killled a wonderful person who was trying to better himself in every way. I am so glad the guy was caught and I hope he get what he deserves, because my friend Katlin did not deserve this in any way. That was a great man we lost to foolishness.
Just wanted to send a special thanks to Mr.John and Kim Washington who raised Katlin during his school years in Monticello. You guys treated Kat just like your own biological son. Why you all haven’t been mentioned is a big surprise because everyone knew he acknowledged you all as his parents and the boys,now men, as his brothers. May God be with The Washington Family during this difficult time as they too have lost a son….
I knew Kat personally and him putting hands on anyone is hard to believe! If Kat was so bad to her why she post on her fb wall that she miss him and she saw him take his last breath! So that let me know he wasn’t that bad to her! Besides he has had other girlfriends why they haven’t said he was abrusive? If that was the case!
It seems most of us are judging. I am just fair with my judgement. Both men life was lost. I don’t know either man personally. But I am sure there is something good in Jamal. Yes, I will quote the word of GOD, because it is the WORD! No one can change it. It has to be more than what we have read, Nix just didn’t walk in and shoot because there are 7 days in a week. Something else happened. I never stated that “Katlin” wasn’t a good guy, he was not perfect, NONE PERFECT BUT THE LORD! We must make sure we are fair in our dealings because we would want the same treatment if it was us or our love ones. Nix have family also that I am sure loves him as much as Katlin family and friends do. Just be fair none of us know what happened. We are all very sad at the end. But we don’t want to make a judgement call and not know for sure if we are correct. So as I always do …For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.John 3 vs 17. I am Kay and I pray for each of you that you will stay blessed!
My only point is that Katlin was a great person, who wouldnt hurt a fly. I miss him sorely and will not take lightly anyone speaking a harsh word against him, especially when he is not here to defend himself. He defended me when he was here and I defended him, and I will continue to do so. As I said before, if you don’t know him, don’t comment. As for a scripture, Exodus 34:7 “By no means will HE give exemption from punishment.” So this nix guy will be punished by God! And that’s what the bible says.
Without a doubt Nix will not get a trail in Monticello. I am sure his lawyer knows there is no way he could get a fair trial there because of all the comments that has been given or expressed. We all have given judgment as thou we were there. A good man Katlin was from all that I have read and from most, he seems to be too good for HEAVEN. None is perfect but the LORD! It is refreshing to know that GOD is GOD and not US! Let him without SIN cast the first stone, CAN YOU? Not I, for I have sinned. And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world 1st John chapter 3. Be Blessed by GOD!
To Kay and all the others that feel like Kat was not perfect….Your right he wasn’t, but the thing is none of us are.Kat might have made a mistakes, im sure there were chances for him to walk away, just like there were chances for nix to handle things better than he did. The sad fact is neither of the men did and the result is alot of people are hurting from this and will be hurting for a long time. I pray for the children involed not just Kat son, but Delissa two kids as well. I pray for the families of both sides who have lost key members . I pray for the forgiveness of God to rain down over the guiltly. I pray for the spirit of peace to cover everyone who feels the pain of this event. Lastly I thank God for the time Kat spent on this earth. I pray that God accepts his soul into heaven and he finds peace. This was not God’s plan for Katlin life. God wanted him to suceede in life, but Satin stole his life. If we are to blame anyone for this lets blame Satin. Lets all pray a little harder, live life like there is no tomorrow, put down the gun and pick up the bible, everytime there is a disagreement it don’t have to end in a life being lost. I pray that this causes someone to open their eyes……God please let someone learn from this.
KAY you have a problem really. Nobody said Katlin was perfect. For you to say he sound to good for heaven is just dumb. Everybody is telling you the type of person he was from experience. I knew Katlin for more than 5 years and he had flaws just like we all do, but he had a good heart. That’s why everybody is saying he was a good person. I didnt read a comment that said he was God. You really need to think about what you are saying before you just start typing. Sounds to me like you’re judging him.
I am sorry that you feel that way, however, I interpreted what was stated. It is impossible to be perfect here on earth. I am delighted you got to know him for 5 years. Did you know Nix for five years or longer? I am sure the answer would be “NO.” How can you judge him on his kindness or lack of kindness if you didn’t know him? We all have faults. I am an outsider reading what is stated. To be fair to both sides you cannot say Nix is a bad person. What he allegedly did was a crime. As I have said we were NOT there we don’t know what happened. So my view is just as unimportant as yours. It is now left to 12 to judge. We are all entitled to a fair trial. Your opinion of me warrants nothing I am just stating the facts. Once the facts come out we might find out an entirely different dilemma. The end results are the same 2 families are NOW shattered. I pray for both families and all friends of the families. I am reminded of Proverbs 15-1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. So I say to all the readers here be blessed in the Lord.
Why a bond? He fled. Right? O,he turned himself in. That made it better. 1000miles away!!!
Freeman,once in my life no one could have ever told me I had 2 family members that were pedophiles either.Doesn’t change the fact that they were.I don’t know either of these young men or what happened and I don’t much care what happened.The tragedy is that 2 young lives are over.I feel bad for them both and their families.
I wish folks would quit judging him, cause honestly, if it was YOU in his shoes or his family’s shoes you wouldn’t want people talkin bout you/ your family. Y’all ain’t perfect either.. If God will forgive him, y’all should too. No, all who loved Katlin can’t foreget, and I’m not asking you too. I’m just asking you to quit dogging on Nix because think about it, WWJD?!
I personally agree with everything you have said, KAY. Well put.
Wonder y ppl thinking nix wasn’t the shooting and he’s tryna defend his sister?! Ummmm…well. It may take awhile bt the truth shall reveal! And o girl did get on fb stating she watch him take his last breath…seriously? Did u think u were going to get an award?! Y would she hide the gun and then give her brother time to run!!! what’s up w MPD can y’all not arrest this chick as well!
The next day she on fb tlkn bout watching him and his last breath and her and the kids praying? So step up and admit you CRIME you know what u did! Go ahead and tell the world that!?!!
Kay, you may quote the word of God, however, when I believe when the Bible stated “thou shall not kill”, it didn’t put in the clause “under extenuating circumstances.” It seems that that you have issues with Kat because the comment, “that Kat was too good for heaven” was certainly a biased remark. No matter what may have occurred before, the fact is that person took another young man’s life. I didn’t know Kat personally, however, I applaud his determination to better his life in many ways. Using scripture to justify your thoughts is a very noble and commendable thing to do but I justify my thoughts again with the scripture “thou shall not kill.”
Enough said Gib!!
To UkNOWN! These r just very hurt people and words just express exactly how they feel at the moment and many to come! But they/we have the right to speak…as jesus said “for they not know what they do” well let him deal with us…bt seriously at the end of all this we don’t know who exactly pulled the trigger cause everyone that called me the morning of told me it was the girlfriend I didn’t hear about Jamal until watching channel 7! Therefore no we can’t specifically judge him and him alone! But like I states earlier
It’s clear that his sister delisa Reyes had something to do with this and no I’m not talking about just being accused of getn hit I’m talking about either pulling the trigger herself r standing there watching Kat crawl room from room shortly after he was shot since there was blood in every room! This is really just all a mess and I wish it would’ve never happened this way!
To “get out of it ppl” You are absolutely right! She knew he had a loaded gun why allow him in, knowing the current circumstance y’all were arguring r whatever ? Ummm murder planned! there u go no case it’s solved!!
To All the readers, the word of The Lord is what it is. I do not have to defend the word and you cannot change God’s word. kelly Free, All have sinned, no one is immune therefore we have no right to judge!
SMH, Jesus’ famous reprimand for those who spend lots of time judging others, while ignoring their own faults . We certainly wouldn’t want to be judged in the same way we judge others (SMH)–so leave the judging to God, and focus on correcting your own weaknesses instead. Local Man, The more you read or hear you find more info coming out. We don’t know if Nix was the shooter or not.
Justlovinlife, It’s a natural human impulse to judge and criticize others, to note how they don’t measure up to our standards in one way or another. Unite together, but the Bible is clear about the role of judgment in our lives: we should focus on our judging eyes on ourselves and our own ample faults, rather than obsessing on the flaws of other people. Can “YOU” truly say who did what unless “YOU” were there? Yet, 2 people lives are destroyed and both families are shattered because of the end results.
Gib, cand we say, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. –2 Timothy 4:7-8
I, Kay says, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone.” With this simple phrase, Jesus silenced an angry crowd ready to execute a women caught in adultery. His words challenged them to judge themselves before judging others. John 8 1-11 NIV
Let us pray for the families and friends in Jesus’ name.
This is crazy we are judging and make up what happen, nobody knows what happen that day when the only people who really know is katlin, the girl and nix, so who is to say that he did it, yeah he ran but in reality anyone would run if you shot or know that you would get the blame for it, he did the right thing he turned his self in, he is paying as of know. i feel sorry for the familes but in all fairness nix family can go see him and katlin family can’t and katlin lil boy will never ever really know his dad,so stop all the stupid stuff back and forth, everybody has there opinion, just because he may or maynot have shot someone doesnt mean he will do it again. Just let this rest and let the families deal with all this they are going through, katlin family just laid him to rest and they cant even really grieve because of this stuff.. im not saying he didnt do it and im not sayin he did, get all the facts and yeah you cant you were not there.. and no one will ever really know what happen there are always 3 sides to the story and the truth usually is not reveled.. Both families have my prayers.
Great words Kay. Everyone is so Quick to judge Nicholas and so fast to defend Kaitlyn. Those judging don’t even know the WHOLE story. Only god can judge us. Nobody can say what truly goes on behind closed doors.
WOW ….
His name is KATLIN! Please don’t comment if you can’t even spell the victim name correctly! I personally think this comment page should be block! Because this is simply NONSENSE!!!! Leave it alone ppl if you don’t work with Arkansas state police department or Monticello police department you should have nothing to leave on this comment site unless it’s helpful information that they might need!
I believe spelling is the least of the problems right now. People only get upset when there are opinions on here that are not to their liking. simply put people should stop judging only 3 people were there and know.
Either way! I’m far from upset! You said it yourself 3 ppl were there to know and now 2 alive to tell the story! God is still good! And my dear Katlin Lidge is still lving a joyous life so all smile for him and his life! Have fun typing ppl!
ok i see that there are a few that wan tto justify what was done but either way you look at it KAT did not deserve to die for it. we have people quoting the bible to justify nix but i have not heard THOU SHALL NOT KILL. now that is wat the bible say so how can that be justified and this innocent until proven guilty stuff come on he turned himself in what more do u need. so please do not justify him when he broke a commandment however, do not judge him either. to kay how in the world can u make youself bash a deseased person that is low.DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM HE IS NOT HERE ANYMORE.
It’s said his sister will prolly face tampering with evidence charges!!!! And they say the truth shall be revealed!
Dear kay
I refuse to get into a back and forth with u, so this will in fact be my last comment. I not saying kat didnt have faults, we all do. What I will say is he was a good person. I know nix and his sister neither of them were what I would consider bad. Is it wrong to judge. Yes it is, but the God I sever is an understanding God. When Mary lost her brother and she ran to Jesus saying if you would have just been here..Jesus didn’t tell her she had lost faith, he didnt get anger with her instead he cry with her.God understands pain and knows that many times anger comes from pain and instead of judging us he crys with us. Even though to him death is nothing but a form of sleep that we can be awaken from he stills cries with us. What I’m saying is if Jesus can see that pain of his people and understand that they are hurting why can’t you. Why tell people what they should be feeling. For now pray for these people,pray for the families, and leave the correcting to God. Last thing read the book of Job. Because I feel u have a lot to learn about God and Job is one of the books in the bible that teach the darker side of being a Christian. Job tends to say so harsh things about God and his friends speak out about it. Everything that his friends say tends to be thoughts and ideas we are raise on but when God shows up he doesn’t take the friends side. He tells them they were wrong. Again God understand pain and anger. I pray nix get a fair trail just as you do. But unlike you I see the pain all of kat friends and family are going through and I feel their pain. I understand these are God loving people and are speaking what’s in their minds not there hearts. Be more understand of both parties and not just nix but kat as well.
R.I.P. Kat! Gone but never forgotten. Everyone leave the nonesense alone! SMH jus petty
i for one am glade that she was arrested! the man that was shot had no right to lose his life and for her to be in on it even holding and hiding the gun was not her place or anything to do with her! im glade they are both arreseted and put in jail! maybe the family can have peace and be happy that the people that killed her and his son are locked away and doing the time for what they did!!!!!
TO no name…im sure you to scary to say your name! i bet you was a person who smiled all in her face or even may have talked to her. smh this shows how messy people is in this town. you up here putting false information about her. did she tell you that? no was you there? no becase she wasn’t. so who ever you are i hope next time you get your story right. people needs to mind thier own business and stay out of others. its all up to god so let him deal with it now
All this hate and anger will not change the outcome. At the end of the day Katlin is still gone, Jamal has to deal with what he has done, and 2 families have been shattered forever. The blame need to be put where it belongs. Satan is the one to blame. All we can do as God’s children is PRAY and PRAY hard for both families to overcome this tragedy.
Nick is my son name sake, and his uncle. I love the kid. There are two sides to every story. Im sorry for your loss, and Nick, I pray for you mane.
Let the system do it’s job. All of you who are quick to take sides need to allow the court to decide their fate. No one knows exactlywhat went on but the people who were there and God. SIGNING OFF BY WHITE Case Closed!
Text you might have to kill someone+later you end up killing that someone=someone is trying to railroad this boy and we must protect him. And why isn’t he charged with illegally owning or possessing a firearm. Don’t you have to be twenty one to have one? Maybe that would be one charge the jury couldn’t talk themselves out of.
Officers testified five casings were found in the room. How many revolvers spit out casings as they are fired? Someone had to take the time to empty the spent rounds from the weapon.
All year, we have heard one injustice decision after another. Come on! Obviously jurors picked from this town can’t make an open minded and just decision. They make their decisions based on feelings and acquaintances rather than evidence shown in the courtroom.
mistrial=double jeopardy?
I am not sure what the “whole” story is, but it seems that alot of people are not sure exactly what laws are for……some have said things refering to the bible like “don’t judge” or “let God judge”…..get a grip on yourself. If you want freedom like that, run over to Kenya or somewhere like that where there aren’t any judges/laws to protect people and laws can’t control the general public, see how long you last.
As for this case, I don’t know if he is pleading self defense, but I don’t think he would have been up town showing his gun off, shot multiple times in multiple rooms, hid the gun, and ran……..but I know how some people wanna take up for the buddy or family member.
Just remember, he coulda shot your kid.
Good Grief!
I feel bad for both families involved, BUT one has been buried and the other is still breathing air. My sympathy is more with the family of the deceased. The other family can still go visit their loved one whether he is set free or if he goes to prison. I do not mean to sound unsympathetic to the family of the man who committed the crime, but I just wanted to voice my opinion eventhough some may not like it. No matter what his reasons were for shooting the other man, he still needs to be punished.
Just MY thought on the matter….
Doesn’t sound like all parties are able to get a fair trial in this area. Change the venue!
I’m usually not one to judge, but you all can not be serious with this hung jury. Whether or not Nix was trying to protect his sister he MURDERED another man. There is no justification for this incident and he should be held accountable for his actions. Simple as that!
We are entitled to a trial by a jury of our peers. So it looks like a moron got a jury of at least 5 morons.
I feel bad for both parties involved, and I know there is nothing that can be done to bring the young man back either. But does it appear to anyone that the Drew County Court is shopping for a jury that will convict this young man. Two hung jury’s and they are still going to court? His day of judgement will come. As for Kat Rest In Peace young man you’ve done something in a short time that many people will never done in a long life time. Be a true friend to those around you and have a postive meaningful impact on the lives you touched. You may never know it, but your words to someone you’ve touched change them and gave them a different outlook on life. I never knew you but I see this about you in all these comments.
I really don’t think most of you understand…..IT HAS TO BE A UNANIMOUS DECISION EITHER WAY!!!!
I don’t think the court house has this kid in a big conspiracy…..come on people THINK!!!!!
So I finally gathered enough courage to revisit the site and read all the comments be they negative and positive. I am just glad that enough of you are thinking about my DP enough to leave a comment. I will always have memories of “Pops” before Kappa and during Kappa. Like the first day of practice when we were issued our weevil shirts and Kat gave his to Swan not knowing it was mandatory that we wear them for practice. Or preparing for or probate and Kat saying I bet you have never seen a fella with shoulders THIS BIG be THIS SMOOTH. These are the things that I wish you all would hold on to. The memories of a well known and loved individual. But there was one post in particular that just sticks out in my mind. There were several .22 caliber casing found in the house yet they show a picture of a revolver. Indeed how many revolvers eject the casing after being fired? May we all keep a cool head and just do the only thing we can justifiably do Pray for both affected familes and friends.
K A Psi til the day I DIE! I sure hate that you beat me there but I can not wait to meet you there. OOSE in Tez Voice
A revolver leaves casings when you take them out and reload!
It’s my first time revisiting this page simce March. I can’t believe they still haven’t reached a decision in this case. I can’t believe my friend has been gone this long. I read a few of the comments since my last post and I’ve been thinking of what Katlin wouldve said about all of this… “man them folks don’t even KNOW me man” lol. Man I miss my guy. Just thinking about that makes me not even care about the negative responses. Someone even said that I didn’t know what Katlin would do but clearly they didn’t know him like I did. This is a guy I worked with, went to class with, studied with, took to work, he washed clothes at my house, helped me wash my car, and still has my movie and the back to my remote. He is the reason I I have tape on my remote right now! Lol- I still can’t bring myself to speak of him in past tense! Man I love this guy! I couldn’t possibly care less about the ignorance and foolishness some of these ppl are speaking of. Cause I KNOW Katlin. Love you Katlin!
Just give Nix what he deserves….a trip to the death chamber with a needle waiting for him.
Third times a charm! Friend of mine is doing 20 -life after accidentally killing a guy in a bar fight. Wish he had this jury.
it need to be eye to the eye, he needed the die, if they would start killing the people that killed, it will be alot less killer!!
I will volunteer my time to clean the injection sight with alcohol, if it will make people fell beter
i would want that blood in my hand for killing someone for the dealth of another. now all we can do is hope and pray that when its time for him to gt out that the fmily will be the to object any chances of him going free because if he get out with good behavior whos to say if another family member is in an bad relationship that he wouldnt kill again.
After reading this article and the Advance’s article regarding Nix’s sentencing, I can honestly say that I am not surprised by the jury’s decision.