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“Murder for Hire” in Monticello – Info on “Targets” – Tuesday Update

February 10th, 2015 by

imageThe Drew County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a 70 year old Monticello woman for “Solicitation of Murder”.

It was alleged that Mary Maloney, age 70, approached a person stating that she wanted to have “two people disappear”.

During further conversation with the witness she was alleged to have said that she wanted the two people dead.

Following an interview conducted by Sheriff Gober and Lt. Nichols with the suspect. Mary Maloney was arrested on a $10,000 warrant for the charge of Solicitation of Murder.

The investigation is currently ongoing at this time and when completed information will be sent to Prosecutor Thomas Deen for official charges.

Jim Hall has identified himself as one of the two “targets” with interviews and statements.

MLive has confirmed that the other alleged “target” was based on a “business relationship, ” and involved another Drew County man.

26 Responses to ““Murder for Hire” in Monticello – Info on “Targets” – Tuesday Update”

  1. Donna Cargile says:

    Why would s 70 year old woman want to hire someone to kill someone else? I mean geesh, she’s 70 and should know bettrt. Now, chances are she will spend a few years that are left in her life in prison, that is, unless she has a lenient judge, prosecuting attorney that will give her probation. I cannot imagine what made her feel that death to two people were her only answer.

  2. Gina Gentry says:

    10,000.00 bond is ridiculous…. There should be a much larger bond.
    This is such a sad story. I’m praying for protecting for Jim Hall and his family. I pray this lady gets punished for this!

  3. Bobby Jo says:

    This is absolutely disgusting. What kind of person holds so much hatred and selfishness in their hearts to take two people from their children, grand children and loved ones. I hope this person is continuously reminded of the judgment she will face when she is stopped at the pearly gates!

  4. Jim A. Hall says:

    This is my ex-mother-in-law and that I was one of the intended targets!

    I wish to thank Sheriff Mark Gober and Investigator Tim Nichols for their efforts at this arrest. Hopefully they will soon learn if there are any co-conspirators and arrest them as well. Thank you to Cheif Eddie Deaton for his assistance in this matter as well.

    I am very unhappy with the low bond. Since these folks are worth millions!

  5. Elias says:

    What I want to know is how long Jim’s biological children will be in the custody of this woman’s daughter(Jim’s ex wife and the kids step mom) the stink of corruption is growing… Elias

  6. Dana Lawhon says:

    Oh what a tangled web we weave look who got arrested for trying to hire a hit man to kill my friend Jim A. Hall I wonder if her attorney (Paul Keith) and Judge French still want to talk to me now. I bet not LOL

  7. Gina says:

    Only $10,000 bond for solicitation for murder??? What is your Sheriff and judges thinking? Are they nuts?

  8. Alex says:

    There’s a huge difference in saying you want someone dead or want them to disappear and actually hiring someone to murder them. Did she just say she wanted two people dead or to disappear or did she actually try to hire someone to kill the people? For it to be Solicitation of Murder, she would actually have to try to hire someone to kill them and not just say she wants them dead or to disappear because that would be Terroristic Threatening which is a big difference.

  9. Very concerned says:

    I want to start off by saying this man has tormented this family for a long time, this is just another way for him to get people to feel sorry for him “which I don’t” just look on Facebook he is already begging for money, he can’t stand rejection and that’s what he has had for the last couple of years. Man up and move on and leave this family alone!!!!!!!

  10. Jamal says:

    From what I understand, there are a lot of details that have not been released. Possibly the bond was low because there is so much drama on the “victim’s” part. After all, he has posted on most of the public media (Facebook) and if you are involved in a case such as this, I would think you would keep comments to a minimum. It sounds like someone is enjoying the attention. It apparently was a family matter and again, all details are not being released. Her son is a wonderful person! I truly hate it for his family.

  11. Valerie says:

    I hope she will understand the Bible says if you think it you have just committed the sin. I know our Preacher had preached it she goes to my church and neighbor.And they do have money.
    All this over Jim’s kids her daughter adopted them and kept three of them.

  12. Get Informed says:

    Get Informed- The Judge is the one who sets bond amounts. The Sheriff, Police Chief, nor anyone else decides the amount set. And, while Mr. Hall is claiming to be in hiding, terrified for his life, I guess he is not to terrified to be standing up at the mall today, in plain view. He is also soliciting money so he and his family can stay in a hotel hiding out. Get real.

  13. Jeff says:

    “I am very unhappy with the low bond. Since these folks are worth millions!”

    Who cares?

  14. Jimmy Ray says:

    I don’t know about co-conspirators, but if they plan on locking everyone up that wishes you would disappear then they are going to need a MUCH larger jail. Probably a couple of them!

  15. Anna says:

    If they want to lock up everyone who would like to see Jim A. Hall gone, they will have to build a new jail. He has harrassed and tormented almost everyone is this town. He seems to be mentally ill and a threat to the community. He appears to have this whole “conspiracy” therory that everyone is out to get him and everyone he comes in contact with has wronged him. He said he was in hiding after he was told of the “alleged hit” yet he was in Wal-Mart on Tuesday. hmm. Just another ploy on his part to milk money and sympahty from those poor souls unable to see through manure.

  16. Very concerned says:

    Jim Hall is a joke, he is the one that needs put away in a mental institute

  17. Truth hurts says:

    Jimmy Ray got it right! If everyone was arrested who wants the target gone. there would not be enough jail space in this county. Because this poor victim has harassed, slandered, lied and tormented many, many INNOCENT people in this town. Not just his ex and her family. This poor victim who is so scared for his life he is asking for handouts to hide in a motel, has not been afraid to make lots o public appearances for TV and radio interviews. Because he is an “attention w**** And this “poor victim” who is seeking disability because he is unable to work, has been able to spend lots and lots of hours on the computer slandering people, issuing demands to authorities and generally stirring the pot – looks like he could work at a computer job? But then that would cut into his time harassing and slandering innocent people. Most of his supporters are folks who live out of town/out of state…….#they don’t know him like we do

  18. Ann Hall says:

    This is only about the abuse of children, and the attempted cover-up of the abuse and a father who is trying desperately to protect his children from the abuse of an adopted step mother. A prenuptial agreement that was ignored by a judge, who also overlooked the photos of the abuse, denied statements he made in the adoption and the list goes on and on. Joe, lets see if you will print the truth this time!

  19. Weevils51 says:

    What is going on in Monticello these days? Seems like the town is going down the pipes quick.

  20. papert osser says:

    This is a crying shame and the lies are getting bigger all the time.The fact that the target is a man who has been begging money for years for everything should be a reason for the police to look into if he indeed set up this poor woman I can see it already.He sees dollar signs.He proclaims to be a preacher yet her is not a Christian.If he was he would allow the courts to do their work instead her defames this whole fsmily with his conspircacy theorys.He needs to be looked at for his part.No 70 year old woman would waste the golden years on this crook.

  21. D says:

    I will be praying for the families is all this mess. i sure will not be sending money for somone to stay in a hotel.

  22. lacey resident says:


  23. Lori Outlaw says:

    First of all.. That Jim Hall man was NOT the only intended victim of this horrible story. Despite what he may or may not have done to this family doesn’t excuse what she intended to do to the other INNOCENT victim.

  24. Very concerned says:

    Ann Hall, Shut Up!!! You don’t have clue what is going on, all you know is what this idiot is telling you!!! You need to get out while you can because he will find someway to drag you thru the mud also just give him time!!!!! And the last person that needs custody of any children is him he don’t know the first thing about being a parent, just look what he has done to these poor kids already, he has brainwashed them so bad, dragging these kids thru all this, on so called hiding, begging for money and who knows what else, he should be ashamed !!!! Get out and get a real job like everyone else has to and pay your own bills instead of making us tax payers support you!!!! Maybe that way you won’t have so much time to come up with your stupid theorys

  25. victim2 says:

    Jim Hall was not the only intended victim. Whatever he did or didnot do to that family does NOT make murder ok. Being injured while working and filing a Workers Compensation claim does NOT make murder ok. Well, it’s not ok elsewhere but it seems that in Monticello, if you have the right friends & a high enough net worth you can do whatever you want to do. There are no consequences for slicitation of murder of two people. REALLY?? I haven’t been making a lot of noise in all of this, trying to remain anonymous as much as possible. Now I am asking the public to look closely at this situation & consider what the results of her actions

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