Monticello Schools’ New Winter Weather Policy Eliminates “Make-Up” Days
December 7th, 2017 by iPhoneMonticello School District Superintendent Sandra Lanehart recently announced state approval for the new inclement weather procedures for all schools in the district.
If Monticello School District students are out of school for inclement weather (e.g.,snow days), they will no longer have to make them up at the end of the year if they follow the new procedures. This new change comes after the state allowed school districts to propose an alternative make-up policy for up to five days missed for inclement weather.
Each campus in the district has adopted its own procedures for handling the days missed (up to five). Teachers at Monticello High School have created assignments students will have to complete at home during the days missed. All students will be given a paper copy of the assignments on December 12.
These assignments should be taken home and kept in case of inclement weather days. Also, some teachers have made assignments available to students on Google Classroom and can be accessed through technology if available. An assignment log is attached to each set of materials, and students will have to log their time spent on the assignments. According to information found on the assignment log, “Students will be counted present if they turn in all completed assignments as well as the assignment log signed by both the student and guardian.”
Teachers will be available for a portion of each day in case students need help with the work. According to information in an email from Susan White, MHS principal, “Teachers will be available for a portion of each day via technology (email, google classroom, etc.) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the days missed.”
Key Information:
December 12 – MHS students will be given take-home packets for each class
Packets should be kept, so they can be utilized when needed.
Some teachers have posted assignments on Google Classroom
Packets will have to be completed and returned if inclement weather days are taken.
Teachers will be available via technology.
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