Monticello Computers 4 Kids distributes 110 free Computers.
September 2nd, 2015 by iPhoneTuesday, the City of Monticello employees distributed free refurbished desktop computers to seventy-five low income Monticello families.
The new initiative of the City of Monticello works to provide an opportunity for Monticello’s low-income families to have access to a computer. Through a partnership between the City of Monticello and Connect Arkansas, a project of the Arkansas Capital Corporation Group, Monticello Computer 4 Kids Program will work to provide computer literacy and advocate for improved broadband computer access in the Monticello area.
“We are very excited about this to opportunity to start the Monticello Computers 4 Kids program through this seed donation from Connect Arkansas,” said Mayor Tucker. “Now each year, the families who receive its computers will be better equipped for success in today’s technology driven environment.”
As part of the program, seventy-five families received a refurbished internet-ready desktop computer, a six month warranty, Windows 7 pro operating system, online resources to free digital literacy courses that educates families about computers, the internet and internet safety, and other online educational resources; including researching tools, games, and computer coding assistant.
Families registered for their free computer over a two week period, where the first seventy-five families that provided an application and a letter verifying their child qualifies for free or reduced lunch from their school district were invited to the September 1st distribution day to pick up their one free computer per household.
Monticello Computers 4 Kids will also distribute thirty-five computers six local non-profit organizations which the majority of their clients served are low-income residents. Over the next week, Computers 4 Kids will distribute free computers to Mainline Health, Options, Hope Place of Monticello, Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Home, and the Arkansas Baptist Home for Children in Monticello.
For more information about the Monticello Computer 4 Kids Program, contact the Mayor’s Office, 870-367-4400.
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