ML Feature Story—-Sgt. Larry Smith’s Plane Ride Over Lake Monticello
March 26th, 2008 bySgt. Larry Smith, a detective with the Monticello Police Department, has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Larry had recently told another employee of the police department that one thing he’d really love to do, would be to fly over Lake Monticello, and of course, go fishing.
Several of his friends knew of someone who had a plane that he used for business trips.
By now, you can see where this story is leading.
Wednesday morning, Larry’s wish came true, when Ward Rabb took him for an aerial view of Lake Monticello and the surrounding area.
The photos above show Larry in the plane, waiting for take-off, taking off, and landing. Larry’s expression shows how much he enjoyed the ride. When asked how everything looked, Larry simply said, “Small.”
Shown here are Drew County deputy, Larry Smith, Jr., Monticello Police Dept. members, Jerald Clark, Larry Smith, Eddy Deaton, and Trish Harvey. Also shown are Ward Rabb, and Chief Robert Rosegrant. Not shown are Game & Fish officer John Paul Greer, MPD’s Ginger Norris, and Shelly Rabb.
Special thanks to Ward and Shelly Rabb for making this possible.
Oh, yeah, I forgot something.
Larry is shown here crappie-fishing in Gail Hyatt’s pond, later on in the day.
Although these fish were caught in Alaska, last year, I put them in because Larry said if he didn’t catch many, to find a good picture.
Well, that’s Larry for you.
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I just wanted to send out a special thank you to Ward and Shelly. It’s almost impossible to get Larry to quit talking about his flight. That meant so much to him to be able to fly over the lake and see it from above. That man got out of that plane with a smile from ear to ear. I also want to thank Ward for the little talk with Larry. I feel alot better knowing were Larry stands with the Lord.
Just wanted to say thanks to Mr.Ward and Mrs.Shelly for taking uncle larry up for a high ride. . . I know he loved it. I hate seeing him so sick but I know the good lord is watching over him, and will take good care of him. He also knows that all of his friends and family are here for him always and that we all love him very much.THINKING ABOUT YOU UNCLE LARRY! LOVE YA!
what a wonderful place to live…i am so proud to be a part of this community. it warms my heart to see the support and givings that monticello has showed to larry and his loved ones.
So thankful you got to go on your plane ride. You are in our thoughts and prayers and please don’t hesitate to call us if we can help in any way.
May God Bless you and strengthen you.
Sherry Carson
Monticello Ambulance Service, Inc.
well larry and i have known each other for some years and i was very upset to hear the news about my friend, but i know through personal experience that god does work in misterious way’s and im praying and pray that larry will be comfortable during his time,and just know larry that you will always be getting a prayer from me.
Love you Larry and get well soon! You are in my prayers!
i am so sorry to her of your dad’s passing. wish we knew each other so i could in some how comfort you then and now. he was a good man. may his spirit live long