MEDC Report to City Council
September 27th, 2013 by Sarah SpencerMEDC reported that they have had on-going contact with a prospect, and it is still looking positive. They will be meeting with AEDC next week to negotiate incentives.
The public rail access project is moving along rapidly. There is a state incentive being offered to Hood Packaging for their expansion project. Hood Packaging is considering leasing the spec building at the industrial park to use for warehouse space. We are in the process of those negotiations now. The cost frame that was submitted on behalf of the police department and the Monticello School District should get a notification back by the end of September. A successful seminar for job-seekers was held on September 4th. There were 21 people who completed the LEAN manufacturing training. At least 6 of those had interviews immediately afterwards. There was a pre-bid meeting held for the Early Warning Siren System. The bid opening was held on September 5th. There is a perceived low bidder, and they are in the process of going through those bids. An official award will be made on it soon. It is anticipated that by the next tornado season, the Early Warning Siren System will be in place.
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