Local Pharmacist Helps Correct State’s Error, so Grand Manor gets COVID Vaccine
January 7th, 2021 by
Late last week, Grand Manor found out that the form they submitted to the state didn’t get processed. They were supposed to have been one of the first places in line for vaccine, but that “fell through the cracks”.
Brian Smith, owner of the Prescription Pad Pharmacy, started making phone calls to other pharmacists. After multiple calls, he was able to find extra doses at Gammel’s Pharmacy in Crossett, who said, “Yes, come get them.”
Friday morning at 8 am, Beth Thomasson Staten made a trip to Crossett in the rain to pick up the vaccine. By 10 am, she and the staff at Grand Manor were giving the first doses of Covid-19 vaccine to residents and eventually finished up with the staff around 11 am.
Brian said, “Thank you to everyone that made this possible. This was a perfect example of how communication and cooperation got much needed vaccine to patients at risk.”
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