Local Arkansas Scholars Honored by Chamber of Commerce
May 8th, 2020 by
Arkansas Scholars is a program of the Arkansas Business & Education Alliance. Each year, the Monticello-Drew County Chamber of Commerce sponsors this program, in cooperation with Drew Central Schools and Monticello Schools. Chamber volunteers make classroom presentations for all Drew County 8th grade students to emphasize the life-long importance, and earning potential, of school attendance, good grades, and planning for their education beyond 12th grade. The high school requirements for becoming an Arkansas Scholar are: (1) Curriculum- Take the recommended courses which prepare for post-secondary education or employment. Including, at least 3 years of math and science, 4 years of English, and 3 years of social sciences. Two years of foreign language is encouraged. (2) Grades- students must make a semester grade of āCā or better in all academic courses. (3) Attendance- Achieve a 95%
or better attendance record (less than 9 absences a year). (4) Commitment- Complete high school education in eight consecutive semesters. Previously, seniors, who are graduating as an Arkansas Scholar, are invited to an awards luncheon, along with their parents. Unfortunately, COVID-19 regulations
restricted the chamber from hosting an awards luncheon this year, however, the students should all be recognized for their years of hard work and accomplishments.
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