Local Airport Chosen as Arkansas Airport of the Year
October 6th, 2008 byÂ
The Arkansas Airport Operator’s Association has announced that Monticello’s Ellis Field has been chosen as the Arkansas Airport of the Year by their organization.
Monticello was chosen as the top airport, over Arkansas’ 90 other airports, for the successful completion of six projects, among other accomplishments.
Most Monticello residents don’t realize how much the local airport is used by local industries. Currently there are 26 air-crafts based out of the Monticello facility. An estimated 25 flights come and go from Ellis Field each week, and the day that MonticelloLive interviewed airport manager James Barnett, there were an estimated 15 flights in that singe day.
The airport has received a plaque recoginzing the honor, along with a proclamation and letter from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics, describing the reasons that the honor was granted to the local field.
Monticello’s Airport began in 1947, and has been located in the same location since that time.
Goals for next year include studying possible approaches for the field, and completing the chain link fence, in order to prevent deer from entering the runway.
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