Improvements to the Monticello Square Will Bring Major Changes.
October 8th, 2013 by Joe Burgess The announced improvements to the Monticello Square began Monday, and will bring major changes to the beauty, and functionality, of the Downtown area.
The painted white “islands” on each corner of the square, designating traffic routes, will be replaced with curbed concrete bordered raised paver sections.
On the east and the west sides of the Square, facing Commercial Bank and Discount Merchandise, the pavement will be removed, and a sidewalk made of the brick pavers (similar to the ones on the Square) will be installed across the street. Handicap access will be installed on the east and west sides of the Square, as well.
No changes will be made to the inside area of the Square during this project, only to the surrounding street area.
Road closures are not expected, since plans are to add the sidewalks across the street in sections, not all at once.
According to Ideal Construction, the contractor for the project, the project should be completed within 90 days, pending weather accommodations.
I think some one is going a little overboard on the Square thing!!!!! A lot of money spent for nothing. How many people ever walk on the square??? “They ” took all the beautiful big blocks away and put brick….bad idea!!!! Now what????. Go fix a road with holes in it or better yet, go feed a child, buy them a coat. Just drive around the Square and for get spending money on another dead-end job.