24 Year ADC Sentence for Hit & Run Driver that Crashed into Walmart, UPDATE
July 17th, 2020 byOn October 20, 2019, Jamar Roberson was arrested by Monticello police after leaving the scene of 2 separate automobile accidents on HWY 425, near Atwoods and Mazzios.
He then drove around the concrete barriers in front of Walmart,crashed into the general merchandise door and came to a stop in the entrance, leaving his truck running and in drive. He was found by police sitting on the bench near the pharmacy.
Jamar Robertsons trial was held Wednesday, in front of Circuit Judge Sam Pope, facing charges of aggravated assault (2 counts), leaving the scene of an accident with injury, and criminal mischief.
During the trial, Robertson was represented by public defender Tim Leonard. The state was represented by deputy prosecuting attorney David Cason.
During the second witness, Roberson began arguing with the court about how the court was proceeding, being especially aggravated because of no photos were shown of the accident from Mazzios.
He also complained that he was not being treated fairly, “this is my life, y’all don’t know how to represent me, it is not being done fairly.”
Around this time, the jury was removed from the court room. After another round of confrontation with the judge, Robertson was physically removed from the court room but deputies and bailiffs, after continued outbursts.
After the lunch recess, Roberson was brought back calmly into the quart room. He apologized to those present for his actions and said he just wanted the truth to be told. He said he was not a bad person and regretted losing his temper.. He also commented, “everything is a cause-and-effect.”
While speaking to Judge Pope, after asking to represent himself, the judge explained to Roberson there are dangers to representing oneself
He responded, “that is on me.” He then became upset again, before the jury was brought back in, and was taken out of the courtroom.
Judge Pope, “The Court finds that Mr. Robertson will not conduct himself in an orderly manner, Mr.Leonard will represent him in this matter. Based on his actions earlier, Mr. Roberson is not in court.”
Afternoon testimony included videos from MPD officers showing the crash scene inside Walmart, Roberson’s first contact with officers and his failed drug sobriety exam.
The shift captain from that night mentioned ecstasy, heroin, and that the defendant suspected that someone “slipped him drugs in his drink,” specifically “a powder.”
Shortly after 3 PM the jury left the courtroom for a break, and the state rested in its case.
Mr. Leonard moved for a mistrial, due to Roberson not having the right to represent himself. Judge Pope commented on the record that he could not control the court with the defendant acting like he was, in court.
Soon, the jury returned, the defense rested, and closing statements began.
There really was no disagreement about the events that occurred that night. However each attorney had a different analysis on the aggravated assault charges.
Leonard explained that Roberson had not intentionally driven his truck into anyone, to cause them harm. He repeated that Roberson had even spoken to the crash victims at Mazzios saying “I’m sorry, I f—ed up!” before driving off, again.
Cason however explained that his intoxication was based on his decisions, therefore he put himself in the position to cause injury to those persons.
At 4:30 the jury left a deliberate the case.
At 5:25, the jury returned with three questions, including asking for the definition of “purposeful”.
At 6:30, the jury returned with the verdicts.
Guilty of criminal mischief, 2nd degree, with damages over $25,000.
Guilty of leaving the scene of an accident with injury.
Guilty of DWI.
The jury found him not guilty of the 2aggravated assault charges, for the 2 wrecks that took place on HWY 425.
Roberson’s luck with the jury quickly ended, as the sentencing phase of the trial began.
During the guilt phase of the trial, the jury could not be made aware of the fact that he was a habitual offender from Louisiana, including that he had been convicted of these 3 charges, in Louisiana.
Sept 30, 2013
Possession of a firearm by a felon,
4 year sentence at hard labor
Jan 9, 2018
Possession of Drugs (alprozalam)
18 months, at hard labor
July 5, 2006
Revocation of probation
Possession of cocaine
5 years prison at hard labor
The jury was told that their sentence could be enhanced, because of the prior felony violations. The maximum sentence for the criminal mischief and leaving the scene of an accident with injury were up to 12 years for each charge, plus up to another year for the DWI.
They were told he would be eligible for an automatic parole hearing in 1/3 of his sentence time. If he received any credit for “good behavior,” he could be eligible for parole in 1/6 of his sentence.
At 7:15, the jury left the room to decide his sentence.
Five minutes later, they returned with the maximum for all 3 charges.
Jamar Robinson was then formally sentenced to 12 years for the criminal mischief charge, followed by 12 years for the leaving the scene of an accident with injury charge, to run consecutively. The one year DWI conviction will be absorbed into his first year of incarceration.
MLive attended the first appearance hearing for Roberson, Monday, where his bond was set at $100,000 commercial bond, based in part on his Louisiana residency. His bond will be based on his signing an extradition order agreement, which Roberson refused to do.
It was also stated during the first appearance hearing that damage to the Walmart entrance is estimated to be $35,000-$45,000.
During the hearing, where Judge Bruce Anderson repeated inmate rights to Roberson (including his right to remain silent), the suspect exclaimed, “Dude was trying to kill me!” Before he said anything else, Judge Anderson reminded him of the importance of his right to remain silent.
Until Roberson agrees to sign the extradition agreement, he will remain in the custody of the Drew County Jail.
At approximately 1:45 AM, Sunday morning, MPD dispatch began receiving 911 calls about a white Chevy pick-up that reportedly crashed into a Toyota on Highway 425 south near Atwoods. The vehicle then left the scene.
Minutes later they received more 911 calls reporting a hit and run collision on 425 north near Mazzio’s, where a white Chevy pick up had crashed into a Nissan Versa, before leaving the scene, there. A DCSO deputy responded.
Moments later, 911 calls began, telling that a white Chevy pick-up had crashed into the front door at Walmart.
The Toyota at Atwoods was able to drive away from the scene.
Sources report that MASI transported 2 victims from the Mazzio’s crash, one to DMH, one to JRMC. J & A towing removed the Nissan.
At Walmart, MPD officers arrested Jamer Roberson, who is facing charges of Dwi(drugs), leaving scene of accident with injuries, reckless driving, failure to maintain control, and refusal of chemical test.
The Chevy was removed by Rods Wrecker. At this time, the Walmart main entrance is closed to customers. However, the grocery door is open, 24/7.
Thank you Joe for keeping us informed.
looks like he just can’t stay outa trouble–jail time should teach him a lesson but seems it don’t