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Hamburg School Foundation Awards Over $17,000 In Annual Education Grants

February 5th, 2019 by
Mrs Johnston, at NAES

Mrs Johnston, at NAES

The Hamburg School Foundation awarded $17,161.68 in grants slated toward 24 education based projects in the Hamburg School District.

Due to space restraints will be publishing projects selected for 2019 in separate articles.

Kindergarten at NAES has been selected to receive $492.68 to be used for the purchase family connection kits.

The kits will consist of family engagement math packs; family engagement language packs; and family engagement reading packs.

The grant proposal was submitted by Stephanie Johnston. According to Johnston, parents will be allowed to check out the kits to assist students in studying at home.

“Many parents want to help their children, but they aren’t sure what to do,” said Johnston. “These packets would allow for the parents to check out kits to practice skills at home.”
Hamburg Middle School trap team was approved to receive $1,000 for the purchase of 12 and 20 gauge shells and clay targets. The team consists of 40 students in grades sixth thru eighth. Goals outlined in the grant application states the funds will
aid in teaching students gun safety, discipline, and integrity as outlined by the Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports program. The grant request was submitted by Wendy Hale.

The Foundation also approved $1,000 grant for the High School Trap team. The team consists of 20 to 30 students in grades ninth thru twelfth. Both grants will be used for the purchase of ammunition and clay targets that will be used during weekly practice sessions. As well as preparing high school team members for regional and state competitions. The grant was prepared by Jennifer Carter.

According to Connie Timmons, president of the Hamburg School Foundation, has awarded $439,109.97 toward district projects since was initiated in 2001. One of the foundations main fund raising events, according to Timmons, is the sell of $1,000 tickets for a chance to win one of 52 weapons that are provided by Steve’s Guns in North Crossett. Timmons said, weekly winners are announced each Saturday at 7:15 p.m. following the Arkansas Lottery Cash Pick 3 evening drawing.

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