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Goffin Guilty of Manslaughter & Agg. Assault – Gets Probation

January 29th, 2015 by

imageIn a one day trial, a Drew County jury found a young Monticello man guilty of manslaughter and aggravated assault in the June 2014 shooting death of another young Monticello man.

The jury deliberated a sentence of three years probation to Harold Goffin III, in the shooting. The charge of tampering with evidence was dismissed.

On June 1st, 2014 at approx. 6:17pm, Monticello Police received a call of a shooting incident at 537 Lincoln Court.

Officers arrived and found Dangelo Martin, age 20, of Monticello, who had sustained a gunshot wound to the head. He was transported to JRMC to their heli-pad and was taken by Med-Flight to UAMS.

Mr. Martin passed away June 2nd, 2014 from his injuries.

Goffin was 19 years old at the time of the shooting.

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5 Responses to “Goffin Guilty of Manslaughter & Agg. Assault – Gets Probation”

  1. Susan says:

    Does this mean “NO” jail time? I am confused.

  2. beingmyself says:

    Them jurors had to just be ready to go home or something!That’s just not right!!!! Human life doesn’t have any value anymore !!

  3. Family First says:

    Being Myself, being convicted of manslaughter doesn’t mean your a murderer it means you’re guilty of negligence and as a result someone died. I personally know this family and this has torn them apart. Two cousin who were raised as brothers whom both for the most part have lived with their grandparents for most of their lives. One playing with a gun(the negligence) and one was killed. This is a tragedy and the one living will live on earth with the guilt for the rest of his life. Pray for the family and spare the judgement.

  4. Guy says:

    Thanks For Clearing This Up For Them Don’t Be Judgemental When You Don’t Know What Happened These Two Were Brothers I Know Them Personally He Would Never Take The Life Of His Cousin On Purpose & I Hope He Can Forgive His Self For This Accident R.I.P D-Lo Be Easy ????????????????

  5. Whatever says:

    I know this is an old story with old comments but this is a perfect example of what’s wrong with this town/county. Almost every person that has read this story thinks that justice wasn’t served and this kid got away with murder even though they don’t know anything about the case other than what little they’ve gathered about it from this story here. People are so quick to judge someone before getting and learning all the facts. Perfect example of why a defendant on trial in this county is guilty until proven innocent and why putting your life and freedom in there hands of 12 strangers in this county is more dangerous than probably almost anywhere else in this country. So often you see facts and evidence ignored and decisions on guilt are being decided on the feelings of a juror instead of actual evidence. One might really feel and believe one is guilty but unless there’s evidence and facts to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt then you can’t convict someone just because of what you think happened or how you feel. So often law enforcement and the courts in this county don’t follow the law but instead think they can make their own laws and do whatever they want regardless of the law and one’s rights just because in a small town/county like this law enforcement thinks they are above the law themselves and can do and get away with anything they want with no consequences whatsoever because so often people either don’t know they’re not allowed to do what they’re doing or they’re too scared to say or do anything. So often here do you see law enforcement doing illegal search and seizures and get away with it because of whatever reasons they’re able to get away with it but enough is enough and something HAS to be done because at the end of the day we still live in America which is a free country with laws and rights to protect us a citizens and without those then we won’t and don’t live in a free country. This “Good Ol’Boy” system bs here needs to stop and stop asap before more and more people get hurt and lives are ruined. Even though one might be guilty of a crime, law enforcement still has to follow the law because even the guilty of a crime are protected by rights.

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