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From Wreck, to Rescue, to Hospital, to Jail

August 16th, 2017 by

IMG_1779Sunday morning, around 8:20,  the driver of a southbound blue Toyota Camry lost control of the vehicle on HWH 425 North, near the HWY 35 intersection, causing the car to flip.

Monticello Fire & Rescue was paged out to extricate the occupants from the wrecked vehicle.

Christopher Alexander, age 27, was the driver. The passenger was Mason Smith, age 26.

Witnesses saw Smith take items from the crash, put them in a backpack and hide it in the woods.

In that backpack was a large amount of a rock/like substance, believed to be crack cocaine. Also in the bag was a set of digital scales.

Inside the car, Drew County Deputies found a semi-auto handgun. Both Alexander and Smith are convicted felons.

Alexander was transported to Drew Memorial Hospital by MASI, then transported to the County Detention Facility, to join Smith in custody.

Monday, Circuit Judge Bynum Gibson ser their bond at $15,000 each, on the likely charges of  possession  of methamphetamine or cocaine ( for the purpose to deliver),  possession of drug paraphernalia, simultaneous position of drugs and firearms,  and being felons in possession of a firearm.

JNA Towing removed of the Toyota

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