Friends of the Monticello Branch Library 2nd Annual Poetry Contest
February 24th, 2022 by SubmittedIt is that time again! After a successful contest in 2021, Friends of the Monticello Branch Library is hosting our 2nd Annual Poetry Contest.
Six divisions from the kindergarten through adult.
Children who cannot write may dictate their poem to be printed, written legibly, or typed.
Each entrant may submit up to three poems of no more than 20 lines on any subject, and in any style except concrete (shape poems) or black out poems provided that the content of the poem is not vulgar or offensive, does not employ profanity, and is the original, individual work of the entrant that can be appreciated by all ages and backgrounds.
Poems should not have identifiers to (accommodate blind judging) but be accompanied by the name, age, and adult contact information on a cover page for submission(s).
Submit using form located on the Monticello Library Facebook page from February 9th through March 31st
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