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Driver Identified in Friday’s Fatal Crash on HWY 278 East

August 4th, 2014 by

imageAround 6:15 this morning, the 21 year old driver of a vehicle with out-of-state license plates lost their life in a collision with an 18 wheeler.

Drew County Sheriff ‘s deputies responded ; and Monticello Fire & Rescue members were called to the scene to extricate the driver of the van, on HWY 278 east of Monticello, in an area commonly known as Dead Man’s Curve.

It appears that the driver of a 2006 Scion, Carly Avery of Hamilton, Alabama, was attempting to negotiate the curve while traveling eastbound, but lost control of her vehicle. It then entered the westbound lane, and was struck by a 2014 Freightliner.

The road conditions at the time of the accident were wet.

Ms. Avery was pronounced deceased at the scene by the Drew County Coroner.

Ms. Avery’s family was notified by the Marion County Sheriff’s Department in Alabama.

The Drew County Sheriff’s Office extends their sympathy to the family.

The driver of the Freightliner reportedly was uninjured.

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11 Responses to “Driver Identified in Friday’s Fatal Crash on HWY 278 East”

  1. Pam Beard says:

    This is so sad. Carly was an outstanding young lady. Praying for all involved.

  2. Linda Griffin says:

    How many lives have to be lost in this curve before something is done to remedy this problem?

  3. al pennyworth says:

    If the highway department won’t straighten out the curve they shouldat lleast put up more warning signs. Maybe signs announcing Now entering Dead Man’s Curve or signs announcing how many have been killed there might make drivers take extra caution.

  4. Edie carter says:

    very sad–dead man’s curve needs to be straightened out!!! looks like the hwy dept could do something about it!!!

  5. Kay says:

    Does anyone know how to go about approaching the Hwy Dept about this dangerous stretch of road? One would think that fixing the problem would be a high priority. Maybe Drew Countians need to start a petition.

  6. Bishop Sam Wherry says:

    Why Immanent Domain cannot be instituted at Dead Man Curve US 278 East on that small parcel of land that would eliminate that curve completely is beyond reasoning. There is no excuse that the Arkansas Highway Commission not demand this small parcel to correct this chronic and persistent hazardous curve eliminated. Constitutional elected regional Representatives, Senators and Federal elected do this for citizens and entities of the United States are in harms way at Dead Man Curve. Please

  7. jerry webb says:

    fix the road!!!!!!

  8. rusty says:

    How many life’s needs to be lost because of the “do nothing attitude” of our leaders to correct a problem that has been around for many years. Most of the people in Drew County have lost a friend, child, parent or just someone they know in “Dead man’s curve”. The young lady that just lost her life was a special person to everyone she came in contact with. If you had the pleasure of talking to her for just a few minutes you would realize you were talking about church and Christ. Please let’s get this road FIXED and change other peoples life’s like she was doing.

  9. lLori says:

    Carly truly was a special girl. She moved here by herself from Alabama to intern for the summer in Arkansas City. Friday would have been her last day to work and she was moving back home Friday when at 21 years old her life was taken in an accident in Dead Mans Curve. How many more people are goanna have to die before something is done to correct this problem???? She was such a sweet girl and her sweet smile will be missed!! My prayers go out to her family in Alabama she will be missed here and in Alabama!! She will not be forgotton

  10. Ginger Avery says:

    This road has taken someone from me that will never be replaced. I would like to know who is in charge of this stretch road? If they had to feel the pain I am feeling something would have been done a long time ago.

  11. Brenda Daher says:

    I grew up in Dyer County, Tennessee where there was a Dead Man’s Curve. Many people lost their lives on that road just as many have lost their lives on the one in Arkansas City. Carly Avery was the sweetest, loveliest, sincerest, most amazing Christ filled young lady that I have ever met. My son loved and still loves her with his heart and soul. She has left a void in our lives as she has in others. Carly shared her faith with everyone she met and just being around her was a joy. I pray that this awful Dead Man’s Curve will be replaced by a safer road in Carly’s honor. Please fix the road so no one else has to suffer as Carly’s family and others who have lost their loved one to such a dangerous, treacherous curve. So many lives were touched by Carly and she will NEVER be forgotten.

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