Drew Central Gifted & Talented Starts Recycling Program At Middle School
February 13th, 2019 by Drew Central SchoolsDrew Central’s Gifted and Talented Program is excited to share their latest project. They have started recycling at the Middle School. The GT students noticed how many students and faculty drink from a plastic bottle every day. They decided to start recycling plastic bottles.
After reaching out to the City of Monticello, the GT students discovered that Drew Central already recycles cardboard. The City picks up every Tuesday and Thursday, and they said they would be willing to pick up the plastic bottles on those days as well.
The next step they took was to find funding. They wanted a separate trash can for the plastic bottles in each room. That way everyone could participate and recycle. The students also needed to purchase two large trash cans to keep the bottles separate from the other trash. Commercial Bank was kind enough to fund their project.
Now that all the logistics are out of the way, they began sharing this project with the entire Middle School. The Middle School teachers were asked to present a PowerPoint to their students and discuss the importance of the recycling project with their students. Immediately after the students heard about this project, they started looking for bottles to recycle. They went to the playground and picked up trash. We had a large trash bag full of bottles in less than 20 minutes. This just shows how willing our students are to be the solution, not the pollution.
A BIG thank you to Commercial Bank, the City of Monticello, and Drew Central Staff. The GT students truly appreciate your support!
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