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District Judge Arrested for DWI in Lincoln County

July 14th, 2011 by

According to Lincoln County Sheriff Larry McGee, Tuesday evening, Lincoln County Deputy Hudson received a call reporting a reckless driver on HWY 425, north of Star City.  The caller gave a complete description of the vehicle, and it’s license plate number.

When the deputy responded to the area, he saw the vehicle described by the caller, crossing the center line several times.  He then made a traffic stop on Harper.

After a short conversation between the two, the deputy ordered Ken Harper, of Monticello, out of the vehicle, and requested he submit to a field sobriety test.

After the sobriety test, Harper was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated, driving left of center, drinking on the highway, and refusal to submit to a chemical test.

Ken Harper is the Monticello Municipal (District) Judge

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89 Responses to “District Judge Arrested for DWI in Lincoln County”

  1. yodaddy says:

    Will he still be Judge? Isn’t his brother Judge in Star City? Hmmmm.

  2. Mike sutton says:

    Good thing he was arrested in Lincoln county of he would have been on Monticello mugshots.

  3. citizen says:

    Wonder how many fines he has handed out and how many lectures he has given people for the same thing and news flash it is not his first offense jus first time he got caught hope he has to step down. What a role model but he probally will never pay a fine have to take some meaningless class and be back at it again

  4. just saying says:

    Even good people make mistakes, just glad he didnt kill anyone or harm anyone.

  5. Aways lookin says:

    Harper is a drunk & has been,I just hope something really gets done this time,I mean if you sit in court and listen to his tyrants about drink an driving you would think he was a precher,truth is his is worse than half the people he is “judging”!…

  6. concerned citizen says:

    wow… nice way to set an example for people to follow

  7. really..... says:

    after years of working and driving drunk in drew county it takes Lincoln County Sheriff to get him!! hats of to you Lincoln County Sheriff!!

  8. The Man in the Van says:

    Wow. This dude is ruined just like the rest of this town. Unbelievable.

  9. Law abiding citizen says:

    This just goes to show you best know the law for yourself becasue the Judges are breaking the law and the preachers on trial. So it behooves one to know right and wrong for yourself.

  10. Yep says:

    Been a long time coming!

  11. NAN CARTER says:

    It’s about time he got what was coming to him!! Guess that he thought that he could get away with anything.. He’s not above the law.. to think that this man was sitting on the bench handing out sentences to other people.. now.. he’s got to face the music.. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!

  12. Amber says:

    Is this the same judge who senteced the guy in the story on top of this one?? My. my. my can we say hypocrit!!!!!!!!!

  13. Amber says:

    “who will sentence”

  14. monticello person says:


  15. grateful recovered alcoholic says:

    alcoholism is a disease. sounds like mr harper has that genetic bullet. giving a suffecient reason to quit drinking you still cant. the only thing that removes this spiritual malady is working the 12 steps and a higher power. anyone that needs help with this go to and look me up.

  16. Jennifer says:

    @ The Man in the Van…you should speak for yourself. This TOWN is not ruined. Just because you may know of some “bad people” or “bad occurances” does not make the WHOLE TOWN bad. This is actually a nice little town, and if you don’t like it, maybe you should look into re-locating to another “better” town! JUST SAYIN’!!!!!

  17. Denise Smith-Frost says:

    Sorry…but a DWI driver is a DWI driver….no matter who they are!!!!!

  18. concern citizen says:

    Well we are all not purfect , let the first one without sin cast the first stone. I hope that he will get help for his problem . I am wondering how much good has he also accomplished in his years as a judge also ??????????

  19. NOSEY says:

    i agree with REALLY…

  20. cj says:

    well , blow me down —now sit back and watch at how he gets out of it !…

  21. Outlaw me says:

    Wow maybe some of the monticello police that are just like him will get caught too!! But for real a Judge? Personally I think this town needs a lil Military guidence cause only a few law men in this town are law abiding officers. But this happens everywhere so I say whatever. Just be glad noone was hurt and he himself will be judged by someone greater than him!

  22. Karma says:

    This wouldn’t have happened in Drew County. It would’ve been brushed under the rug. I’m glad he finally got caught. There’s an old saying “practice what you preach!”. Karma always comes back to bite you in the rear! Hmmm.

  23. this is a cryin shame says:

    This man should never preside over a courtroom again!! How can he judge a drunk driving case now??

  24. Think about it. says:

    Well yes his brother is a judge in Lincoln county. But he will not be able to hear the case do to that fact. Yes it is good he didn’t hurt anyone else or hurt himself. Thing is it don’t matter how many people he sentenced the fact is if they done wrong they was wrong and so is he. Hope he gets help

  25. Former Resident says:

    First of all alcoholism isn’t a disease. Just stop drinking. Maybe the whole 12 step program works but it really only requires 1. Stop drinking. There’s no chemical imbalance That controls his mind and makes him go to the store, open the container,consume the beverage, so on and so forth. Its a conscious decision. And if he doesn’t step down then I believe its a huge disgrace to the community and to law enforcement .

  26. Jim says:

    Mr. Ken Harper: Please save Monticello and Drew County any further embarrassment and resign! You assault a lady at the MEDC and now a DWI! What more must the people you serve endure before you resign? You accuse an honest father of assaulting woman and yet you assault an innocent woman. Just one drink before going to the MEDC that evening? How large was the glass? You need help. Please resign and voluntarily admit yourself to a rehab facility. The citizens of Drew County deserve better than the town drunk for a District Judge!

  27. Shelly says:

    What a great role model for our children!…for a small town Monticello ranks high on the list of crime, burglaries, and just plain stupidity! This is what you get when you have greedy people and no common sense!

  28. a thought out loud says:

    i thought it was mandatory that if you work for the city or county or school you had to have some arrest under your belt to be employed…dont believe me? check out monticello mug shots alot of them with every thing from petty crimes to felonys are from the school, UAM, and a few are still in their city uniforms when they say cheese to the mug shot camera man. and most went right back to work as soon as they made bail.

  29. Amy M says:

    If he gets off on this then a complaint needs to be filed. He’s not above the law and definitely shouldn’t be practicing it. Of course he is the sole reason so many DWI charges get thrown out or not guilty verdicts!!!

  30. mary says:

    sorry it happen to him, sound like he need help, everyone need help sometime in they lived . i went in front of him about a year ago. i rent houses one of them was sueing me about a fire, they won, i lost 2 mos of rent, they was behind,they was moving when it happen, funny,. it hurt his pickup, didnt think it was right, they only lived there 3 mos. now an wonder if he was drinking that day????

  31. To bad says:

    One down, a whole town to go!

  32. Krista N says:

    Ken is a personal friend of ours. We are here to support him every step of the way. We love him, and he is a good man.

  33. just saying says:

    I wonder if he told the officer “you better see a drink in my hand before you accuse me of anything”?

  34. billie blue says:

    How many people have got unfair treatment while this guy has been drunk he is the worst kind in a position like that

  35. Gus says:

    WOW!!! Satan is on a rampage folks! Our town needs for all it’s prayer warriors to start doing their jobs and start praying. We need to pray for our officials.

  36. The Man in the Van says:

    I think Shelly just put it out there for me. This town is going nowhere and fast. I, along with many other people I’ve spoken with lately, agree that this place is headed towards the dump. And yes, I will be making my departure from this town soon. You folks can have this madness. This place sucks.

  37. Setup? says:

    I know that another Drew Co. lawyer was setup for a DWI a couple of years ago — by a different Drew Co. judge. I wonder if Harper was set up too? He has a few enemies who might feel they have cause to do that? Harper has been arrested but he has not been convicted. I don’t know whether he is guilty or not. But I know his guilt or innocence does not change the guilt or innocence of those he judges in court.

  38. GRAMAW says:

    They will give him a fine sup.lic. I pray he gos to rehab and comes out a better lawyer. Judge doesn’t pay that much anyway less stress he won’t need to drink.The people throwing mean remarks at this man imo are no better than the man that does a crime.Why don’t you shut up with the hate he is someones Daddy. Could be yours!!

  39. ArTravlR says:

    If he was drinking before passing sentence, how do we know he made the right call? Surely, every defendent he has ever sentenced has grounds for appeal.

  40. Aways lookin says:

    Amen @Jim very well put.

  41. MHS says:

    Jim said it best!!!!

  42. Mary says:

    I took a local plumber to court. I had pictures and witnesses that the plumber didn’t do the work he was paid to do. Not only that, but he destroyed my central air conditioning unit. Mr. Harper, being a local friend of this plumber, ruled in his favor and sealed the case so that the plumber can’t be bought back to court. Mr. Harper kept my photos of the damage the plumber done. Be careful how you treat others. God’s Word is still true; you reap what you sow!!!

  43. harley cash says:

    How can someone be “setup” on a DWI? The suspect is either over the limit or not?

  44. MHS says:

    @Setup?- Arkansas law says you are guilty of DWI if you refuse a test. 4 refusals in Arkansas is a automatic lifetime suspension of drivers license. If Harper gets out of that charge,I know SEVERAL people that will file a complaint. Personally,for his own sake,I think he should resign while ahead,face the charges just like anyone. We all put our pants on the same way. All these “meetings” Harper has had to leave “because he became ill”,is BS!! He had to be helped out because he was so drunk! He needs help.

  45. yodaddy says:

    If he was innocent, I wonder why he would refuse the test? If you are under the limit, the test would have shown that. But he refused to take it.

    When they get a special judge to sit in, who will it be? It’s not like all these guys don’t know each other personally. I will be shocked if he is convicted. He should step down as judge, plead guilty to his crimes and check into rehab if he has a problem.

  46. Jessica T says:

    It is so easy for everyone to bash a public figure without having any understanding of what that person is going through that led to such a serious mistake. Everyone of you that have made a negative comment should be ashamed of yourselves. Ken made a mistake and he is being punished in accordance with the law. You people honestly disgust me to be so callous without any clue as to the hardships this man is experiencing which has led to the poor judgement that got him where he is now. You people need to get right with God rather than perpetuating this admittedly egregious mistake. I guess it makes the pathetic feel better when they see a good person fall.

  47. Jim says:

    If you wish to file a complaint with the State of Arkansas
    Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission concerning Judge Ken Harper’s public actions, check out the online complaint form at

  48. Jody P. says:

    A refusal to a “chemical” test is an automatic suspension for like a year. Even if he gets of it will be for him to have a chance at rehab. Everyone does deserve a chance but for such an authority figure I believe he should be an example. “Over the limit, you go to Jail.”

  49. proud to be from monticello says:

    I am proud to be a resident of drew county and monticello! There are a few bad people here but that doesnt make the whole town bad! Ken Harper has been our attorney for years and has saw that justice was done in every incident! He is still a good attorney and I would trust him to be mine again! There are a few other officials that need to be caught as well and stop getting off with a slap on the wrist. Ken got caught and brought into the publics eye but think about how many havent or rather how many you havent heard about before you start throwing rocks at one!

  50. Nikki says:

    Well obviously Mr. Ken needs some help w/ his drinking and yes he needs to resign and go to rehab. But not one of us is perfect and he is being judged harshly. And I would like to know if “former resident” is a doctor? Bc if you aren’t, I don’t think you have the right to say if alcoholism is or is not a disease. Bc you are not certified to make that statement. I’m just saying!!

  51. Small town nobody says:

    First, alcoholism is most certainly NOT a disease, cancer is a disease, I doubt anyone has ever woke up and said “Wow, I think I’ll give cancer a try today”. People with addictions make the choice to try drugs/alcohol for the first time, second time, and thereafter, it doesn’t just show up in their systems. Calling it a disease is just an excuse for their behavior, another way for people to enable them. Next, he may very well be a good man, but that does not excuse what he has done. He could have hurt someone really bad, or worse yet, killed someone (or himself for that matter). I hope that he resigns from his position, I don’t think that he should hold a public office and be a role model to others with this type of behavior.

  52. M Dog says:

    Ken is a hell of a guy. Everyone makes mistakes, even judges. The guy works his tail off, takes on cases that no one else will in the private sector, and has devoted his life towards helping the town of monticello filled with it’s gossiping turd weasels be a good town.
    Today I drink a beer to ken harper and hope that the religious butt clowns that run this town will have some sort of capability for forgiveness. I doubt it though…..
    Here’s to mommas meatloaf and the monticello billies.

  53. Anonymous says:

    Set up or not friend or enemy the dude was drunk and the dude was drivin what a hypocritical p o s

  54. sunshine says:

    In response to M Dog- Yes, Ken Harper & his brother Victor Harper do take on cases that noone else will in the private sector & they do work hard..Rule 11…There are people out there in the general public that enjoy the courtroom drama. This maybe a on going case for awhile-if it doesn’t go like Ken would like;he can always appeal and take it to the higher court system.His other lawyer friend did, and another businessman in town paid his way out of trouble;he’s on alot of committees,etc. Depends on who you know..That’s Life..

  55. just saying says:

    Funny how folks can start bashing another before they hear the whole story. I think many of you need to check into this further before you start making some of the comments that you have made. A few of you are going to end up with egg on your face when the truth comes out. Some times things are not what they seem. Think about that the next time you decide to bash another before you yourself have investigated and got the whole story. Just because it was written does not make it true.

  56. Pete says:

    This is to M DOG: If he had run over one of your family members would you still think he’s a hell of a guy or would you want him to rot in hell? I work my tail off too but I don’t endanger
    other lifes by drinking and driving.

  57. RE: Jessica T says:

    You are right about people make mistakes and he is no different than anyone else when it comes to those mistakes. I also agree people go through things that others does not know they are going through however, does that make it ok just because he is going through something to drive will intoxicated? I am thankful he didn’t kill anyone or himself that for the record would not be a mistake that would be irresponsible and WRONG. If the reason he ran over someone & killed them just because he was going through something would not bring that INOCENT person back. If he had caused harm to you or your family would you be mad that someone said he was wrong for what he did? He along with anyone else that chooses to get into a vehicle while under the influence is wrong. I am not going to cast stones at him or anyone else but I do hope he gets help and gets better. Anyone has the choice to drink, takes pills or does drugs that is their decision and they are the ones in danger of hurting only themselves but when they get into a vehicle they are putting everyone on the roads in danger and they don’t have that choice to hurt others with their bad decisions. As far as being “set up” its hard to set someone up for a DWI either they are or they are not. If you decline to take a test offered to prove you’re not under the influence guess that just means you are

    This is for anyone that gets in a vehicle and drives under the influence not just Ken. He is a good person but good people make bad decisions to.

  58. NAN CARTER says:


  59. country girl says:

    To M Dog, amen and bless you. your comment is great. He is a great person with a problem but who does’nt have problems around here. If everyone aroung here would admit to there on then they would’nt be so quick to judge.

  60. Cindy says:

    He absolutely did break the law and should have to pay the same consequences that anyone else would have to. Yes, him being a judge does seem to make it a bit ironic but he is also human. How many people each night stop by a local restaurant/country club and have a glass of wine/drink with their dinner and then drive home… but are not stopped? It was stupid, he should get the exact discipline that the average joe would get and if it DOES or DOES NOT cause him to lose his job over it, should be determined by his employer’s policy and/or his oath as a judge. And you people tickle me…… A person (anyone) gets a (=1) DWI or public intox and you assume they are an alcoholic needing re-hab BAHAHA Geez, I don’t even drink but if I chose to one night would that make me an alcoholic…

  61. Concerned says:

    Everyone is human. Let’s not forget that. We all make mistakes. Yes, this man made a mistake, but let’s remove the log from our own eye before we point out the splinter in his.

    And to those of you who think that alcoholism is not a disease, please do some research before you make such ignorant statements. Yes, you choose to take a drink of alcohol, but alcohol is addictive and begins to control you after some time. Any addiction is a disease. All we can do is pray that he gets the help that he needs.

  62. wondering says:

    M dog….. having a beer is not the problem! driving while over the legal limit is the problem ( drinking and driving period)! I wonder if you would think he was such a nice guy for driving drunk if he would have hit your child, mother, father, wife or any other family member. It is very hard to loose a family member to a drunk driver. Nice guy or not, he broke the law, the law that he holds others to in his court room might I add. Judge or no judge, he needs to be held accountable just like any other person. Not saying he is a bad person at all, just bad choices being made and thankfully he was taking off the road before something worse could have happened. I hope he gets help if in fact he does have a drinking problem.

  63. NOT SUPRISED says:

    Its funny how differently people look at this. But its still what it is. Ken Harper was arrested for DWI,Drinking on highway , Refusal to submit,Crossing center line. He is a judge and a lawyer but he is still an individual that crossed a line when he decided to get behind the wheel of that car. He could have killed other people.Thank the Lord that did not happen!! This is the same man that people stand before every week for him to judge for the same crime he just commited. He is one of many that do the very same thing , Drink and Drive, The lawyers,judges,prosecutors,they think they are above the law because they are part of the law. I hate it for you but you should pay for your crimes just as anyone else. I dont think you would have any mercy on me if I had been arrested. And I hope the rest of you eventually get caught too.

  64. goodness gracious says:

    Yes he got caught and yes he is being punished. You people are so callous and cynical. We are all human, everyone makes mistakes. Does it make you feel better to kick the man while he is down? Ridiculous. I’m ashamed for you.

  65. Just me says:

    well I think hes not a very good representative of anything. and those of you that think he performs well need to do a reevaluation. He judged me for my DWI and said that drinking and driving is illegal and made me go to a rehab, DWI class, pay fines and not have a drivers license for a while. I paid for my experience and honestly I think he should get the same treatment as anyone no matter who or what he is!

  66. Human says:

    Let’s all remember that even public officials are human and therefore apt to make mistakes now and then. No one is perfect. So maybe before we point out the splinter in someone else’s eye we should remove the log from our own.

    And another thing–to those of you who say that alcoholism is not a disease, please do some research before you make such ignorant statements. The American Medical Association has defined alcoholism as a “chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations” since 1992. (The Journal of the American Medical Assocation, 1992)

  67. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t know there is alot of investigating to be done in a dwi case eeinstein

  68. Layla says:

    Yes,everyone makes mistakes. It is different though when you risk the lives of innocent people. Haprer is supposed to uphold the law and set a good example to others.I have no problem how much he drinks at home,but when he gets in a car is another story.All of you defending him, what if he had hit a car driven by your mom,daughter,sister,husband??? What if they had died? Would you still feel the same? And as far as what he does in the courtroom, I’ll say this much,it’s not right for any judge to throw someone in jail because they THINK that person is doing something wrong.

  69. the law is the law says:

    rule of law centers on the idea that a safe and orderly society depends on governance by established principles and publicized sodes that are applied to everyone uniformly and fairly. Under the rule of law, no one is above the law. Those who make the law and enforce it must abide by it!

  70. broker says:

    It’s amazing to read all these comments. First of all , NOONE has proven any statements that have been made on here at all.
    I agree that when the facts are know , several people will feel like they prejudged this matter . I kinda remember the saying that “Everyone is innocent untill proven guilty in a court of law” ….
    If found guilty , then I can understand the statements that are being made but until then give everyone a break that has ever been accused by law enforcement of anything illegal untill they are proven guilty.

  71. Lincoln Co. Resident says:


  72. Brenda says:

    It’s sad that after all the good Mr. Harper has done that one mistake will be what some people will remember most. We have all made mistakes and I’m sure he is paying more than we know. He’s not the first or the last Judge ,Officer,Lawyer to break the law. We do not know the whole story behind this. I’m hoping his career is not ruined.

  73. tonya says:

    Oh believe me he’s made more than one. My previous comment was not posted. No reason for it not to be. There are court documents to substantiate my post. I am hoping his days as a lawyer and judge are over. He caused my family much harm and I’m sorry, but I know that my God is a just God and He makes all things right in His time. Looks like it’s ken’s turn to pay his dues. Everyone will finally know what several have known for a long time. I’m glad my ex hired you instead of me. My attorney cost more but in the end, the truth always wins! You might want to remember that.

  74. Shelly says:

    For those of you that think that mr. Harper is such an upstanding person he must have never represented you! He was my lawyer. As soon as we walked out of the court house I fired him! The way I see it, it was a long time coming! You screw up peoples’ lives you will get it back! God works in mysterious ways…

  75. Kimberly says:

    I see Ken Harper’s mugshot didn’t appear on It should appear there just like all of the “regular” people do.

  76. sunshine says:

    To Broker: He was arrested-that proved he was drunk-they took him off the highway. What if for example:He killed someone because he was drunk & ran into their vehicle setting at a red light/stop sign? Would you want him to pay his way out of this like some other people have? I guess the bottom line is: When it is your family member killed be someone else driving drunk you won’t think they are such a outstanding person of society. All those people that are in positions put there by citizens; on boards,committees, etc should resign if they are not of high standards and are felons or drunks.

  77. wth says:

    I don’t care what anyone says. I got into a fight in a girls dorm and he threw the book at me! I had tons of community service, leader at my university and he showed no sympathy!!! It’s not like I was risking the lives of random people!! He could not have cared less about the circumstances or who I was as a person!! Karma is a bitch and she bites hard!! I don’t wish him harm but maybe this will be a teachable moment for him. His judgement almost ruined my professional career! He did wanna hear my “people make mistakes” speech or “I’m a good person in a bad situation” speech. Again, K-A-R-M-A

  78. Get Your Facts Straight says:

    For everyone that claims that alcoholism is not a disease, I think that you should do your research a little more thoroughly. Or maybe you should research what is a disease. According to the CDC research, alcohol dependcy is a disease just a cancer is a disease.

  79. Be for Real says:

    Be for real, this is not his first time he has done this. If you ever been to some places in Monticello you know what Im talking about. However this time he wasnt in MOnticello so he could be escorted back home, but instead he was escorted to jail. Good job or bad job bad person or good, the law is the law drink and drive you go to jail. If you have ever been in his court you would know he has made monticello a lot of money and as thrown the book at a lot of people foer DWI 1. Now lets see what he gets. Its up to the people of MOnticello if they are going to call for him to step down. How can you judge someone one something that you have gotten off on.

  80. really..... says:

    so if i drive drunk and run someone over i can just say i have alcoholism……. and nothing should be done to me and everyone act like it didnt happen. yea right!!! i can say i have had a DWI years ago and i payed for it, almost lost my job and was out alot of money. but did i say it was the cops foult no it was MY foult not the cops not alcoholism! i was the one that got in the truck and drove so i payed for it! i can say i no longer drive after drinking! i hope he pays for what he has done..lears from it and move on. thats all you can do. good luck to you mr.harper

  81. RE: Kimberly says:

    I agree the only problem is he was arrested in Lincoln County not Drew County so he wont make the mugshots…this time.

  82. looloo says:

    Harper was not arrested in Drew county,That’s why he’s not on monticellomugshuts. Duh! As far as innocent until proven guilty,that’s a fairy tail people.Wake up and smell the coffee.If that was true no one would be in jail before they went to court.It is beyond me how they DO put you in jail before court since you haven’t been proven guilty in a court of law. And as far as him making this ONE mistake……one that we know of.How many times has he driven drunk and not gotten caught?

  83. is of arrest in Drew County, Arkansas. Ken Harper was arrested in Lincoln County, Arkansas. Thank you for viewing the site.

  84. Edye says:

    ah hah, noticed that he made Monticello live & the local paper but so far it’s not been in either one of the Lincoln Co papers. I wonder if he had to spend the required 6 hrs in jail for drunk driving or if some of his family there bailed him out? bet we don’t hear a lot on his case. oh yes I think he deserves the book thrown at him–used him for a lawyer once & once was one time to many–he ripped me off big time. I hope he’s through as a lawyer & a judge–he’s most likely one of those that won’t admit he has a drinking problem & needs help–next time he may kill someone!!! think about it!!!

  85. Yo mammy says:

    Ya know…. only in such a small boring town would this be as big a deal as it is! How about everyone mind their own business and do right themselves and stop passing judgement! He will get what he deserves one way or another. Lets discuss your faults a little! How about that?! I bet you dont want us to talk about your dirty undies like you are doing his!

  86. fed up with this says:

    no one is above the law,

    to everyone else,

    PLEASE SHUT UP,I’m sick of the guilty being defended here.

    I wish joe would dis-able all comments,it’s crap !!!!!!!

  87. Lynne says:

    Setup…….how does someone set you up for a DWI…..make you drink and give you the keys and say drive????? That’s funny!!!!!!!

  88. Let God be the judge!! says:

    Alcholism is a disease, first and foremost!! If this were anyone other than a public figure then this would not even be a big deal to most people. Everybody makes mistakes and the most important thing is that no one got hurt and hopefully he NOR ANYONE ELSE will ever make the mistake of driving under the influence again! Let God be the judge!!

  89. Be for Real says:

    Its not just anyone, Its a man who sits behind a big desk and dogs you out for drinking and driving gives you a long speech then takes your money, puts it in his pocket and Monticello pocket. Then goes and haves a drink at the country club or the river and then drives home drunk. No it wasnt in Monticello where he would have been taken home but in Star City where his family is. So what do you think is going to happen? Nothing unless the people of monticello takes it to the MAYOR Hello !!!!

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