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Noon Update – Audio Posted – Democratic Committee Nominates Tucker as Candidate for Interim & General Election Mayors Race

March 13th, 2014 by

imageThe Drew County Democratic Party committee, Wednesday afternoon, voted to nominate Zach Tucker, the city of Monticello’s assistant to the mayor, as their Democratic Party candidate for Mayor; as their unopposed primary candidate, as their candidate seeking the office of interim mayor in the upcoming June election

, and also as the Democratic candidate seeking to serve a four-year term in the November general election, replacing the late Allen Maxwell, who died early Sunday morning, while still in office.

Former Mayor David Anderson was also nominated for each of these positions, but lost by one vote in each case to Tucker.

Or information will be posted on this report.

11 Responses to “Noon Update – Audio Posted – Democratic Committee Nominates Tucker as Candidate for Interim & General Election Mayors Race”

  1. Bishop Sam Wherry says:

    The Democratic Party of Drew County and Arkansas are quick to declare Democrat and refuse to identify what Your Party and Leader for the Past Five Years stand and represent. It is amazing that each and every Democrat platform is parallel to the Republican/Tea Party Platform and it is not fair to the 44th twice nominated by the Democrat Party and twice elected Democrat Base of the President of the United States. This stance is robbing the people of Monticello and Arkansas realistic funding etc. The Democrats in Monticello via the American Recovery Act(Stimulus Funds via President Obama) is responsible for each and every major project from the Ridgeway Hotel, Drew Memorial Hospital, UAM, New By=pass, Intermodal, Highway , Bridges etc. and yet these entities try to give credence to Mike Ross, Blanche Lincoln etc. when it fact directly via ADFA, AEDC funds were/are deposited for simple procedure applications via professional certified Architects/Engineers, Accountants and Attorneys the funds are granted/loaned, but will not bring the President or any of his Undersecretary’s because of realistic reasoning. Arkansas is positioned to be a power broker for decades with it’s sister Red Base States and playing games with these entities puts this city and state in economic harms way. If you are Democrat you are for Obama Care or the Affordable care Act and the entire Administration budget, if you are not you are in the majority since 2010 who are Moderate & Conservative Americans in the Tradition of the new and innovative Republican Party. Monticello has come to far to be left out in the cold with straddle the fence entities and that is why we must be solid in our commitment to follow suite with the other regions of the State and support, elect Red Base and prepare ourselves for 2016 and beyond. This situation is not the Toy Department at Wal-Mart it is a must and the Majority must act to protect and enhance the common core and future of the Flagship Community of Southeast Arkansas. The South is solid Red, let us maintain the standard here or else these straddle the fence so called Democrats will turn our city into Dodge City, Kansas(A Museum).

  2. Still In Shock says:

    I also am deeply appalled that the Democratic Committee did not have the decency to let the Maxwell family bury the Mayor, a member of their own party, before they found his replacement. The City Council at least has the decency to wait until next week to appoint an interim Mayor. What was the rush? Waiting on an Independent or Republican alternative.

  3. I really don’t see the town of Monticello falling apart to go a few days without a mayor. Mayor Maxwell hasn’t been passed a week, why can’t you let him rest then search next week?

  4. Josh says:

    It’s because there are too many people associated with this party that want control. They want to make sure they get someone on the ballot that will be under the control of a few “big dogs” in this town. It’s that good ole boy system that we’ve always experienced. It is a shame that Allen’s family couldn’t mourn his passing and get past the funeral before politics came into play. We had an acting Mayor that could have handled the job through the end of the week. Dirty politics and control: that’s the Monticello political way.

  5. Monticellos legacy says:

    This is what we have left our legacy too ? I think Zack is a great assistant but mayor ? Not crazy about that idea . Is he even from here ? I think no . There are so many better options and I am appalled by my parties choice for a candidate. What about Joe Meeks ? Jack Lasiter , Scott Kutenkuler, or Tim Chase to fill his father in laws space ? I am saddened by our dear mayors death and I realize that life and business must go on but this candidate ? Please tell me that someone like Truman Hamilton who was a great mayor will be running again and we just haven’t heard it yet. I think it is unfortunate this is our only choice so far ….. Thanks Monticello live and please keep is up to date on this topic .

  6. just me says:

    well said Josh, that’s the way it’t been and will always be

  7. Billie fan says:

    How wonderful it is to know this group was able to take care of this matter at the same time the mayor was being laid to rest! What a great group of people!

  8. taxpayer says:

    I agree with Josh. This town is under the control of a few people. If they don’t come up with the idea or if they don’t like an idea, then they do nothing to support it. This town would see a lot more things happening to help better Monticello if these few ‘big dogs’ would support it instead of trying to keep it from happening. I know it has been that way for 30+ years and probably long before that.
    Monticello would not suffer any more or less by waiting for the Council to meet next week, giving the Maxwell Family a few more days to mourn.

  9. Questioning says:

    I am glad that we have so many important people thinking they are so important that this has to be done immediately with out any thought or time put into it. To select someone for the 4 year term that has evidently been a student from UAM is his only criteria with a major in something to do with politics and knows how to write a powerpoint and give speeches and he knows all the problems and etc. and he has acquired all this knowledge after being an assistant to the Mayor for only a very short time, which I doubt seriously. To launch him from basically a community developer to a Mayor. I thought we have done pretty well as a community until we got so many new developments whether we wanted them or not and closing out trying to get anyone else to run.

  10. A Return to Reason says:

    Clearly the nomination of a candidate (not a replacement of the former Mayor) will not prevent or devalue the funeral of the late Mayor. Let me ask you, did you go back to work the day after the Mayor passed? Probably, well hopefully. We complain that politicians get nothing done, are lazy, and don’t work hard. Here we see the Dems. suffered a major loss. We all did. Then they got back up, dusted themselves off, and said what do we do now? The answer: their job. Shame on them for doing it. Right? (Sarcasm) As for the partisan responses to this article, I would say they are misplaced. Do we the people know this guy? Do we know the republican nominee? Then how can we make sweeping statements about the entire platform any ONE MAN or WOMAN stands for? Let’s get to know these candidates before we call them, any of them, puppets or anything else. For the family and friends of the former Mayor, I offer my deepest condolences. We see things from our point of view and that isn’t wrong. Could the Democrats have waited another week? Yes. Would they be doing their job during that week? No. I get paid to do my job. You to do yours. I individually am glad to know that these individuals are working for a better Monticello without taking a week off.

  11. Assinine says:

    This meeting is ridiculous, and this is why the Democratic party is falling apart. Somebody needs a copy of Roberts Rules of Order.

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