City council meeting report
January 18th, 2007 byMonticelloLive is proud to provide you with an audio podcast of Thursday night’s, January 18, Monticello City Council meeting:
You may fast forward or rewind through the podcast by dragging the slider.
Results of the meeting included:
- Mayor Joe Rogers proposed the abolishment of the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion passed, 6-1, with Alderman Tim Chase voted against it.
- Robert Rosegrant was approved as Roger’s selection for Chief of Police.
- $262,000 of pool renovations were approved after lengthy discussion. Vote for approving renovations was 6-1, with Alderwoman Sherrie Gillespie voting against.
- A proposal granted the mayor increased authority to approve up to $20,000 in expenditures without accepting competitive bidding was approved by at vote of 6-1, with Chase voting against. The former expenditure level was $10,000.
- Contractual services to the following organizations were granted for the 2007 year: Monticello Boys and Girls’ Club, Monticello-Drew County Chamber of Commerce, and the Monticello Economic Development Commission.
- The city accepted a contract with Garver Engineers for airport layout drawing in preparation for the airport’s capital improvement plan.
- Mayor Rogers delivered his State of the City address.
A full story about the meeting will be posted Friday.
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