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Bathrooms, Doors, & Front Steps at MEDC / Court Building – Topic of City / County / Court Meeting – Update

March 16th, 2012 by

After an email was sent by Monticello Mayor Allen Maxwell to city council members, that e-mail found it’s way to the courthouse.  A meeting was called Wednesday morning, to “air out” the issues pertaining to the ongoing battle over the Juvenile Court’s use of the MEDC / District Court building.

This long-running soap opera earlier led to the “back door” sign being posted on the MEDC / Court door; the front court room door being locked; and most recently to City Hall’s “No Public Restroom” policy, which in turn led to an “old fashioned outhouse” being placed on the City Hall yard, outside of the Mayor’s window.

Wednesday’s meeting was attended by Mayor Maxwell, Circuit Juvenile Judge Teresa French, Judge Damon Lampkin, Sheriff Mark Gober. County Clerk Lyna Gulledge, and County Treasurer Shirley Hancock.

Judge French told the group that her court only uses the courtroom twice each month, and that cases are now staggered throughout the day, to reduce the number of people waiting at any given time.

Specific issues that were addressed were: the conditions and maintenance of the building’s restrooms (which led to more usage of the city hall restrooms), people loitering on the steps and foyer, trash and cleaning, and expenses. 

When asked if the court served the city or the county, Judge French responded, “both,” adding that there were actually more city cases than county cases, due to population.

Judge French continued, saying that there are 5 circuit judges using the couny courtrooms, with only five days per year that the main courtroom is vacant (not including juvenile cases).

The question about the duties of the court’s 2 bailiffs was answered with multiple tasks, including; one is ALWAYS in the courtroom; the other may be waiting with a juvenille (who is being picked up by a youth facility), calling the next court case, and crowd control.

Courtroom seating was discussed, with someone asking  why there are “around 60 chairs for District Court,” and far fewer for Juvenille Court.

Judge Lampkin showed the group invoices where the county pays from 50% to 75% of many of the facility’s supplies and expenses.

The condition of the restrooms was also covered with “no tissue and urine all over the floor.”    Maxwell asked that the bailiffs check and maintain the restrooms.  Sheriff Gober replied, “I didn’t know that I was supposed to change the toilet paper, over there.”  Gober also commented that he had given his cell number to the MEDC staff, so that they could call him anytime they had any issues where he could assist them. 

When trash and clean-up were mentioned,  Maxwell told Judge French, “Now, I’m not saying that you should take out the trash.” French responded, “I have, ”  She later commented that she (and her staff) usually brought tissue and other supplies from home to the Monticello courtroom.  She later added she, her staff, and an occaisional community service  worker, usually remove the trash and straighten the courtroom, at the end of the day.  It was also mentioned that she had even held court in the building’s foyer, to help with people waiting, but that area is not cooled like the rest of the building.   Maxwell told her that she had been “very co-operative.” 

There were no formal decisions made at the meeting, but at least the only scheduled to be posted will be showing directions to the courtroom and 3 restrooms in the building.

It should be noted that there are two public restrooms in the building.  There is a third restroom inside of the court clerks’ office, but public use of that toilet could cause problems, due to users passing through the office where fine money and confidential, personal information is kept.

13 Responses to “Bathrooms, Doors, & Front Steps at MEDC / Court Building – Topic of City / County / Court Meeting – Update”

  1. Susan says:

    I have been in the court room on days when they have court for juvenilles. Even though I was not part of the court proceeding, I walked around in the court room and heard any case I was interested in. My point is that court for a juvenille is to be confidential. There is no way that court is even close to confidential.

    I am suprised some parent has not sued as a privacy matter.

    The city desperately needs someplace where only juvenille, and other people needed for that case should be in the room.

    In most towns the newpaper would write articles about such, but not here.

  2. Lee says:

    Seriously Mayor, do you now want the Bailiffs to monitor bathrooms? Heaven forbid what if something serious happens while they are “monitoring” the bathrooms, instead of watching the crowd and the juviniles? Give me a break!

  3. Not Hard to figure says:

    Read what I posted under the e-mail sent out by the Mayor that went to the City Council. Ditto under this. Mayor Maxwell is going to have his way one way or another by stating which door you are going to go in and out or which bathroom you are going to use. The two buildings are public buildings to be used by the public. No wonder the Judges have such a hard time getting through all their cases, with the fact that the judges are supposed to be janitors too.
    Shame, shame, Mayor and can you imagine the public is making it hard on MEDC, We give them all our money, it is terrible that we don’t clean their toilets for them. And it is so stupid, you actually have to have a meeting with all the public officials and city council to listen to such bull. HIRE A JANITOR. You spend enough money on everything else. This is not a meeting for every one in the city and county. I am not elected, but this problem I could solve.

  4. ward 2 registered voter says:

    Well, my comments have been removed again. Someone must have slapped your hand, Monticellolive, huh?

    Response: Please look again, there are several posted, as well as on other stories.
    Only the borderline slander comments have been deleted.

    Also, thanks for using your real e-mail address; most folks dont’

    Joe B.

  5. Just Wondering? says:

    I am not a registered voter, so I do not have a lot of say-so when it comes to politics. However, I do work with a member of the City Council and she told me that the current Mayor has done more for Monticello than some of the previous ones. I did not start a debate/arguement with her, but I was wondering exactly what Mayor Maxwell has done that is so great? There are no longer any stop lights on the square and I drive down some TERRIBLE roads every day. I am also not trying to start any great arguements on here either, just was wondering what the Mayor has done that is so great. I have not really seen that many drastic changes to the town in the last couple of years, but like I said, I do not vote so I can’t really complain if there have been no changes.

  6. Just a thought says:

    If something was to break out and has in this court there’s not much the baliff could do. They need someone that have some enforcement behind them to handle some of the crowds and make people leave the courtroom that are not suppose to be there when another case is being heard. Isn’t that the baliff’s job ” To Maintain Order?”

  7. Spaulding says:

    Susan, please allow me to point out that juvenile court is under the control of Judge French. It is her responsibility to monitor the courtroom, NOT THE BATHROOMS. Most adults would not be trolling around courtrooms. Why were you?

  8. suzzie says:

    you are so right the mayor wants his way or no way we needed a street light bulb changed what a ordeal he made of this instead of replacing the bulb which he said was too expensive they dug a ditch put up a pole with a light and run aline to pole we are supposed to have underground wiring he was most arragenet about the situation he may win some but soon it will be election time

  9. Sue Harper says:

    Holy cow, this is ridiculous. Whoever has the authority to empower volunteers should contact me, I will volunteer to help with the clean up if the city/county buys the toilet paper etc., as a temporary solution.

  10. Sue Harper says:

    The easiest thing to do is a DA FORM 6 ( a duty roster) and have all paid employees who work in or use the building pull time doing the additional non funded missions, but I understand that might not work in the civilian world.

  11. Spaulding says:

    May I be so bold as to suggest to the Mayor and the City Council members, the formation of a COURT JANITORIAL COMMITTEE.

    Said committee would be responsible for making recomendations regarding the supplies and clean up of all the courtrooms, and all
    of the restrooms in the courtrooms.

    In addition, said committee would hire the people to do the work—many people need jobs this day, and someone to oversee that the jobs were done.

    Can I get a 2nd on said proposal.

  12. walter says:

    Are the bathrooms handicapped accessible. I may be incorrect but I was under the impression that not only were public buildings to have public restrooms but also had to have at least one that was ADA (American Disabilities Act) approved.

  13. GRANMAW says:

    This man is running OUR TOWN and has time to waste on BS. He needs to do what he promised befor ya’ll voted for him all I see from him is alot of lieing and talking bad about people and cussing. H e ever uses my Lords name in vain…….I may be in jail for slaping him.Who do you think you are?? lol the Pres. naw you are just a old lost soul…JMO

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