Alleged DWI Driver Crashes into Responders Helping Crash Victims
August 23rd, 2022 by Joe BurgessAt 9:30, Saturday evening, Drew County Deputies received a report of a Dodge SUV, traveling north at the 278/277 intersection, near Tillar, crashing into the woods.
Two vehicles, passing by, offered assistance to the driver and notified officers.
Deputies and a local ambulance quickly arrived, but so did an allegedly drunk driver, who crashed into vehicles at the wreck scene.
Although information is vague, at this time, we believe that there were injuries from both collisions, as SEEMS and MASI both transported victims to drew Memorial Hospital.
As shown in the photo, the white Malibu, crashed into the gray Malibu who was parked on the shoulder, assisting the crash victim, which was then pushed into the Marano, who was also helping at the scene. The driver of the white Malibu, reportedly has been charged with DWI, and other charges.
Rod’s, Reggie‘s, and Rangel Wreckers removed the vehicles.
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