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14 Responses to “A Message from Dr. Jay Connelley”

  1. suzanne says:

    PRAYERS FOR YOU JAY, AND YOUR FAMILY! Glad you are on the road to recovery!! We love ya!
    The Leonard Family!!

  2. Lelia Davis says:

    my best wishes for you Jay, I know your patients will miss you but will be glad on your return. Take care of yourself so you can take care of us. Look forward to your return

  3. Edith Carter says:

    hang in there Doc & be glad to see you back in the office–good luck & God Bless you & family

  4. Sara Hartness says:

    Steve and I pray for your speedy recovery.You got this!

  5. Prayers this nasty disease goes away forever! You have cancer..cancer DOES NOT have you! You got this doc! You will always be the best doctor i have ever met!

  6. Johnny says:

    Praying for a complete healing for you.

  7. Bobbie says:

    Jay ,So many are praying for you and waiting to hear that you are free of this illness and back taking care of your patients. You have a fight ahead of you that you can win. much love and prayers. Bobbie Kemp

  8. Denetra says:

    Wishing you all the best. You are missed. Can’t wait to see you back. You are my favorite doc.

  9. Sherry O'Neill-Rawls says:

    May God reach down his healing hands, touch you, & heal your body. I miss you & look forward to your return to full time practice. May God bless you & your family as you heal & rest.

  10. Ashley says:

    Praying for you!!! We are ready for you to be back!!!

  11. Martha Ryburn says:

    Robert & I are praying for you and your family. God has this!!

  12. Thomas Gray says:

    Praying for you and family. May God Bless you wiyh your health.

  13. Jamie says:

    Prayers going up, hope you get better soon this nasty stuff does not have you, keep your head high…see ya when you return..

  14. Brian J says:

    Get better soon!

    “O Lord my God,
    I cried to You for help, and You healed me” (Psalm 30:2).

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