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Delta Memorial

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Mingo Computer Consulting

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The Prescription Pad Pharmacy

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Dallas County Medical Center'

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Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

O’Fallon Vet

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Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

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ONE11 Southern Graphics

Desha/Drew County September Meeting Notes

October 16th, 2023 by

Cattle1The Desha/Drew County regular monthly meeting was held September 21, 2023 at the UAM Forestry and Agriculture Building at 7 PM.

VP Nita Carpenter brought the meeting to order and thanked McKiever’s and Town & Country Feed for sponsoring the meal.  Darren Eubanks bless the meal and everyone enjoyed the roast beef sandwiches and trimmings.

Scott Hayes, Drew Co Extension Agent, presented information on making preparation for fall and winter forage and feeding needs of cattle.  Testing of hay and soil for the available nutrients were important in reducing expenses and making efficient use of feed and forage.  Testing poultry litter for phosphorus & other nutrients to reduce over application.  When considering distribution of manure try to keep from concentrating in one location.  Eighty to ninety percent of consumed nutrients are returned in excrement, so spread it around.  After a feed location is no longer being used it is suggested to try seeding the area with clover in March to encourage weed suppression at the abandoned feed site. For additional information:

A motion to donate $500.00 to the Drew Co Fair Premium Auction, motion by John Staudinger, second by Jason Cater.  Vote passed.  Friday, October 6th is the livestock auction everyone is encouraged to attend.  Livestock exhibits are required to be in place by Wednesday, October 4th at 5 pm.

A motion was made to have a display for Desha/Drew Cattlemen in the barn with exhibits and pay $25.00 booth fee.  Motion by Jason Cater, second by Janet Staudinger. Vote passed.

Tuesday, October 24 is Fall Forage Field Day in Tyro.

UAM’s Beef Production class will be educating the public at local stores about beef and how good it is for you.

October’s Desha/Drew Cattlemen’s meeting will be at Jason & Sara Cater’s farm on Old Florence Road.  AgHeritage will sponsor the meal.

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