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Update- Town Square Fountain “Dead in the Water”

August 29th, 2018 by

Town square dead fountainFlags Square KiwanisAt the recent city budget committee meeting, Mayor David Anderson, when asked about the town square fountain, replied that it needed a new motor, with an estimated cost of around $2000.

He added that he hadn’t been getting many comments made about it being out of service, and planned to base his decision to repair it or not on the amount of public comments made to him or to/ from the city council.

UPDATE, After Tuesday city Council meeting, we spoke to Mayor Anderson, who told us that the fountain’s motor will ordered and should be in operation within a week or two, as soon as the motor arrives and can be installed.

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5 Responses to “Update- Town Square Fountain “Dead in the Water””

  1. Sabrina says:

    Yes, please fix it! I look every time I ride by there and I’m disappointed a lot lately. And no, I haven’t contacted anyone about it. I didn’t know I needed to in order to have it repaired.

  2. lacey resident says:

    it needs to be fixed.

  3. Tim says:

    This is the focal point of the square, so here is your first complaint!

    THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED! Money is being spent on things that don’t show our pride of our town but the pride of some people and places located outside of town like the airport that no one in town uses.

    Start taking care of our town and this fountain as stated it is the focal point of our town square. GET IT FIXED!

  4. Kay says:

    I would love to see the fountain going again. It is so pretty. Maybe a ‘fix the fountain’ fund can be established.

  5. Pey says:

    The fountain needs to be fixed! The square isn’t the same without the fountain. Money shouldn’t be spent on dumb stuff but for the stuff that makes Monticello what it is. Shouldn’t have to asked for it to be repaired it should have already been repaired.

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