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Go, Hogs, Go! Literally.

September 24th, 2012 by

The City of Monticello allows residents to keep dogs, cats, chickens, horses and any other pet or farm animal; except for pigs and hogs.

However, there is a resident who owns hogs.  The city has recently spoken with him several times, and he has promised to have them removed this weekend.

So today we can say “Go, Hogs, Go”, and not just because the Razorbacks are playing football.

24 Responses to “Go, Hogs, Go! Literally.”

  1. Curious says:

    Just wondering – if other farm animals are allowed, why are hogs forbidden?

  2. sam montgomery says:

    I bet you those real hogs could have beat ULM,lol.Just Sayin!

  3. C.D.L. says:

    I hope to see that happen, by the time I make it home. WHAT!!!! Months and months of complaining, talking to the Mayor, and the Cheif of Police. Yeah lets see what happens. It’s a clear violation of city codes/laws. NOOOOO HOGS IN THE CITY LIMITS.

  4. mary withers says:

    what is wrong with having hogs? when i was growing up we had hogs, i don’t think it is right telling him that he has to get rid of his hogs

  5. Conservative voter says:

    But are these hogs inside the city limits? I have seen the farm. Its beyond any residential area. This is a large acreage. Should have been outside the city limits because its only agricultural in that area.

  6. willvest says:

    pigs are as clean a animal as their human counterparts allow them to be! whereas some humans are as uhh…..less sanitary than the most dirtiest of hogs! all species, to be fair, should get the same treatment to be allowed to stay, or asked to leave? Hmmm…..

  7. Local Resident says:

    I don’t understand what the big deal is anyway. He lives out of the way from everyone. Those hogs aren’t bothering anyone. It’s just someone always has a problem with something. I just hope that one day, those complaining about him, dosen’t need help from him. If you keep your nose on your property and not down the street, there wouldnt be a problem.

  8. just saying...... says:

    It Sounds like to me someone has a personal problem with the owners to push it that far. People, if you mind your own business you won’t have time to mind others! He’s out in a agriculture area, on a large acrage. Leave him and his hogs be!

  9. concerned person says:

    Shame you cant have anything to try to make honest living and grow food to eat hogs worse than cows ???????? maybe some [eople need to get a life and leave others alone

  10. concerned person says:

    I agree this land should be outside city limits we had hogs on farm to eat and sell maybe find something else to complain that matters like drugs

  11. C.D.L. says:

    For those that dont mind post your address and the owner will be more than happy i bet to put them in your back yard, Then you can deal with the noise and SMELL ALL DAY. And yes its in the city limits and if anyone has seen the so called FARM, which I doubt because you have to pass several houses to get there just might call the old Burlington Plant a Beautiful Garden in Disney Worlds “Magic Kingdom. SAME OWNER…….. LIKE P.H. “Good Day”

  12. Debbie Hyatt says:

    So can I have a goat now?

  13. concerned person says:

    people should have more important matters than someone trying to make a living and giving people a job. should be more worried about drugs in that neighborhood. we all have to answer to the same person in the end and treat others as we would like to be treated

  14. Conservative voter says:

    The recycling center at the old Burlington plant serves a purpose. I did call your “neighbor” and asked if he had a place to take them. We were willing to give him a temporary place till he could find a permanent solution. I am going to suggest he request his farm be removed from the city. Then he can do whatever he wants on his own land. Stay on you land and leave honest, nice and hard working folks alone.

    Would you rather there be a met lab, crack house or bootlegger next door?

  15. Conservative voter says:

    Goats are legal within Monticello city limits. So are any other livestock: goats, sheep, cattle, horses, poultry. Just swine are forbidden. Except at city hall and the courthouse!

  16. Ben T says:

    Curious: same reason some laws are laws and some are not

    Sam Montgomery: Sad but true

    C.D.L: I truly hope this problem is solved for you and all your neighbors I would be just as unhappy about the situation as you all are. I have checked with local law enforcement and seems like the Chief of Police has been trying to get this problem corrected the owner has been given a citation and until he goes to court their hands are tied. They can have the animals moved but the city doesn’t have anywhere to house the pig until the court rules they have to be moved and they cant destroy, sell or give away someone’s property “Pigs” until they have a court order giving them the go ahead to do so.

    Mary withers: I am sure there are other things that were an issue when you were young but that doesn’t mean its ok today. It is against the law to have HOGS in the CITY LIMITS maybe was not the same when you were growing up but it is TODAY. However if you feel it is so wrong if you live outside the city limits why not offer to put the hogs at your resident.

    Conservative voter: YES it is inside the city limits if it wasn’t this would not be a problem. FYI being an agriculture area or farm area does not decide the city limit boundary there is a thing called city limits and outside city limits depending on where the land stops.

    WillVest: I don’t care if they give the pigs a bath, shampoo and shave along with sending them to the spa on a daily basis I personally would not want to be neighbors with a pig farm. Regardless it is against the law so no they should not be in the city limits. I guess you think just because its against the law to drink and drive its ok because those drinking and driving should get the same treatment and be allowed to do it or not?

    Local Resident do you live close to him? Do pigs smell cause the wind blows and whatever direction it is blowing are those whom have to smell it. If you don’t live anywhere around there how do you know if the others in there area have to smell it so shut your trap or move them in with you. Once again IT’S AGAINST THE LAW.

    Concerned person & just saying: Nobody is complaining about anyone making a living just where he chose to make that living. Him and his hogs can be left alone and just be IF he moves the animals outside the city limits. Once he does that he can campout with them eat dinner with them or sit and visit with them daily.Yes we all have to answer to the same person in the end and personally I don’t think that person will have a problem of anyone not wanting a pig farm next to them especially since they are breaking the law. Both of yall “believe” this area should be outside the city limits but sorry to be the bearer of bad news neither of you are the ones to decide where the city limit area starts and/or ends so you have no input on that decision ….next….

    Debbie Hyatt: Get after it have a goat farm if you wont to

    Conservative voter again…. Just swine are forbidden. Except at city hall and the courthouse! If you ever need one of those swine how bout handling your issue without even bothering them.

  17. JOBS o Rama says:

    Folks, that there is even a debate about this where anyone who can type MONTICELLO AR NEWS into google can see is a travesty.

    Add this to the list of things the economic development commisssion must overcome in order bring any investor to the community.
    To be clear… It is a sourece of comedy that we allow any farm animals in city limits, releif that we draw the line at pigs once folks realize we are not telling storys, and shamful that we are stupid enough to be debating it in plain site. Of course it is against the law. Now if we can just start mowing are lawns and parking the abandoned vehicles in are back yards.

  18. Colt Kennedy says:

    Well the hogs are moved they only had to be moved a few hundred yards. So you people are still living next to a pig farm and for those that don’t like it move.

  19. Just saying.. says:

    That’s just horrible, I don’t know why they call America the “Land of the free” because that we sertainly are not. We’ve got people telling what animals we can and cannot have on our own land we’ve got people telling us we have to wear a set belt eventhough the only person you are hurting by not wearing one is yourself. I see people in this town making drug deals left and right in parking lots and other public areas what what eveyone is SO concerned about is getting rid of the Pigs,… that’s rediculous,… we are NOT the Land of the Free

  20. actually says:

    Well when you have NO ZONING you have to put up with anything. JUST SAYIN…..

  21. Dennis says:

    Have you ever been downwind of a paper mill? A hog farm smells far better than that!

  22. Affected Neighbor says:

    My grandma likes to sit outside and get some fresh air. She can not even do that because in the early morning and everytime the wind blows, the smell knocks her out. If it is against the law to have the pigs in city limits, WHAT’S THE DEBATE???

  23. Youth Livestock Ownership Supporter! says:

    America: Land of the free and home of the brave!

    Way to go Colt! So you moved the hogs, swine, pigs etc just a few yards and complied with the city limits restrictions. Now place “No Trespassing” signs up and have arrested anyone who is found on your property without permission. You should also plant bamboo or similar ‘wind break” just inside your property line. That would give a screen between you and your unkind neighbors so they will not have to see your farm.

    Not sure what the issue was, as your only “city” neighbors were to the west and seldom does the wind blow from the east.

    Now if we could get the swine out of the local government……..

  24. wouldn't you like to know says:

    Wow! I can’t believe that adults act like this. To those of you who are complaining: How would you like it if someone told you what to do on YOUR land. And yeah it may be in the city limits, and I understand there need to be rules, but yall are making way to big of a deal out of this. I think it is hilarious that they only had to be moved a few feet. I hope now they smell worse then ever. If they were my hogs I would do everything I could to make sure that they got worse because of the drama and that the neighbors have stirred up over something so petty. BTW in Arkansas it also illegal for dogs to bark after 6:00p.m. and if you own a dog, you are probably breaking that law(or better yet your dog is) So let’s see how many people want to stir up stuff now.

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