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DWI #3 Conviction – DWIs #4 & #5 Pending

June 26th, 2012 by

A local driver was convicted of his third DWI, last week, for events that occurred on August 26, of last year.

Around 8:30 that evening, State Trooper had a safety checkpoint set up near the intersection of Jose Chapel Road and Florence Road.  As they were checking vehicles, they saw a vehicle come to an abrupt stop, 1/4-1/2 mile up the road, and turn in at a cemetery.

Colby Snow, told the officers that his brother had been driving, but had ran into the woods.  When asked, he also told them that he’d has “more than 6 or 7″ drinks”

After failing the field sobriety and portable breath test, Snow was taken to the County Detention Facility where he failed a BAC test, with a score of .08.

The jury of 6 men and 6 women sentenced Snow to 90 days in jail, a $900 fine, and recommended a 9 month rehab treatment stay.  Judge Sam Pope approved the 90 days and $900,, but didn’t rule for or against the 9 month rehab treatment.

Snow was represented by John Frank Gibson. The State was represented by Nina Pamplin.

Sources told MLive that Snow has a DWI 4 case in Desha County in July, and #5 set after that.

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32 Responses to “DWI #3 Conviction – DWIs #4 & #5 Pending”

  1. MADD says:

    Shouldn’t he be going (back) to the pen instead of county jail? Are there not standards someone has to maintain once they have been incarcerated?? 90 days is not enough. If he needs rehab he can get that while he is an INMATE. This guy has a rap sheet a mile long and it’s time for some of his charges to stick before he kills someone. I wish they’d post his record on here along with this story so more citizens would realize just how much he’s gotten by with!

  2. Laugh now cry later. U will! says:

    The guy is smilin real big in that picture but is on his way to prison. This is what your kids will be like if you let them run wild. It’s sad but I don’t feel sorry for him what so ever. He thinks it’s a joke.

  3. Karma says:

    I totally agree….what is so funny?? I can’t believe this actually went
    to jury!! He is guilty of all!! It’s amazing he thinks all his lies will make him not guilty!!! Karma is going to get you boy!!!

  4. yodaddy says:

    That picture is actually from another arrest. His book in picture of this conviction is up on Drew County Detention Center Facebook page and he isn’t quite so happy.

    90 days is what the jury gave him. They could have given him more. Maybe the next 2 jury’s for #4 and #5 will be more harsh!

  5. Karen says:

    Yodaddy…..the jurors did give him more. With the 9 months of rehab, at any time he left he was to finish out that time period in jail. The judge overseeing the case decided not to take into consideration the jurors decision.

  6. Mandy says:

    How many opportunities are they going to give this guy to kill someone? Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t and this judge and every one that he has had before now will have to live with putting his “loaded weapon” back on the road with OUR families.

  7. KDHogg says:

    The rehab seems like a better idea than jail time. In jail, he might have the chance to get sober, but in rehab he could learn not to relapse. It would also keep him off the roads for a little longer…

  8. JUS SAYN says:

    VERY well said “MADD” & “KARMA”

  9. Concerned says:

    5X Come on, and that’s just when he got caught.
    3 strikes and your out, in the Pen for life. He is never going to get straight in a rehab he’s a repeat, repeat and repeat offender.
    It is a matter of time before he kills someone, or a whole family, then it will be far too late.

  10. Nancy says:

    Sometimes people have to reach rock bottom to change and hopefully without hurting or killing someone along the way. Hope they don’t take anyone else with them! What a waste of a human being!

  11. Lucy says:

    He is going to end up killing himself or someone else. He needs help!!!

  12. Justinfo says:

    DWI 1,2 and 3 are misdemeanors. DWI 5 is a felony with mandatory 1 year ADC

  13. SMH says:

    Okay this is ridiculous, this guy has multiple DWI charges and gets only 3 months in jail pleasssssse!! I know someone close to me who had 3 DWI’s and he was sentence to 10 yrs prison in Monticello, AR!!! I thought 3 times your out, but in Monticello, AR i see they can do whatever they please. They can give you whatever sentence they very well want to give depending on the person i guess…WOW …i guess until this person takes someone life or almost take a life, because eventually he will if they keep giving punishments like this, then i guess that’s when they will give him prison time…but i hope his charges in the other counties get him 20 to 25 yrs in prison (double the time)

  14. Just sayin' says:

    How many were there before these that were reduced to lesser offenses? The third DWI is a felony with mandatory jail time,anyway. Whats going on here with this particular person?4th and 5th offenses yet to come???How many other times has he been sentenced to “re-hab”? He should have ended up in jail for 20 years,a long time ago!!!

  15. klw says:

    I went to school w/ Colby and I hate to see him throwing his life away. I think they should have thrown the book at him. The sad thing is when he kills someone that’s when they will but it won’t mean anything to the family members of the person/people he kills. I know it wouldn’t to me.

  16. LaNell McKiever says:

    My son, Dr. McKiever used to coach him on the baseball team. He was just like any other little boy. He evidently has an inbred addiction. He probably does not have the ability to quit. I don’t know what you do with someone like him. Maybe take the medication that makes you throw up if you drink and someone that cares enough about him if there is someone to make him take the medication. He doesn’t seem to have the will power or the want to to quit on his own. I doubt that rehab would do him any good.

  17. Jason says:

    I was on the jury that was picked to here this case, we were not aware of the 4th. & 5th. DWI……we didn’t even know that this was his 3rd.
    If there is some on who dropped the ball in this case it was the JUDGE for not ruling for the 9 months of rehab that we gave to him. The condition was that if he left rehab he would have to finish his time in jail.

  18. just saying says:

    I hope and pray that this guy does not kill someone because a Judge dropped the ball. This is Stupid! Put his butt n jail come on now 5 DWI’s how many more r u gonna give him? Lock him up and throw the key away!

  19. Ya know says:

    He is a bad seed from a bad tree. It is sad to see that others lives are worth so little. Is there a reason that the pros did not tell it was number 3? I understand why she could not on the 4 an 5 charge.

  20. yodaddy says:

    From my understanding, a jury cannot know of previous convictions before or during the trial. Only after a guilty verdict (but before the sentencing) can they know about previous offenses.

  21. Brianne says:

    If he wants to put his own life in jeopardy so be it that is his choice but when he gets drunk, turns the key and drives down the road he is choosing the fate of my children, my family & friends and that my friend should NOT be his choice. He is gown so he is the one to blame however, the comment “He is a bad seed from a bad tree” I could not agree more, I have seen his mother blame law enforcement for “picking on her son by giving him a DWI”. A mother should be there for her kid but not help and support him when he is choosing to play Russian roulette with other peoples lives. Rehab will not help anyone that does not want the help and as long as the blame is on everyone else neither are ready for help.
    I personally called an attorney’s office today a DWI 4 is a felony.

  22. beingmyself says:

    What’s really sad is he is smiling like he’s on candid camera! It’s a joke to him. When he hurts someone then what! ?

  23. RE: Being myself says:

    You are right, someone in an earlier post made the comment this was not the picture that was taken “this arrest” it was from a different arrest which doesnt make any difference to me! I dont think I would be smiling in any picture I was in showing I was being put in jail for numerous DWI’s or anything else for that matter. When he hurts someone he will still be smiling and his mother will still be blaming the law enforcement for picking on her soon when they are working the accident he causes. It is really sad all the way around.

  24. you're kidding me right? says:

    the people of Monticello never cease to amaze me! this community claims to be full of Christians but all i ever see on here when someone has broken the law, is how we should go about throwing them under the jail for doing something wrong… i’m not saying what he has done was even close to being right or OK.

    but why not get on here and focus on how you can help this guy? why not look him up and invite him to go to church with you? start up a help Colby Snow campaign. show him how many complete strangers care for his well being and are here to listen to him or help him in any way they can! isn’t that kinda what being a christian is all about?

    instead when he gets out he will look on here and see how many people think he is a low life human being make him depressed some more and drive him back to the bottle! its pretty obvious he is dealing with something many of us do not understand.

    i don’t know this guy what so ever! but i do know sometimes people just need a helping hand not a foot on their head pushing them further down!

  25. someone who knows.... says:

    the reason he is never asked to go to church is cause he isnt grateful for anything. thats how he is. dont care and he will continue to be the same. he gets alot of it from his parents and others cause thats what hes around drugs and alcohol. he was drunk in the hospital and still drinking with his dad the day his son was born. best thing for someone like him is jail. keep him away from society. hes had way more than 5 dwi’s. my question is if he killed your kid would you ask him to church? hes been in jail before and it didnt change him so why would it now. why give him so many chances?

  26. bytheway says:

    If you are a true christian yes u would invite him to church. Yes I agree it would be hard but u have to forgive no matter what it would be hard to forgive a person that kills ur child or a family member but GOD would forgive so should you. Maybe that’s really what he needs is a guiding hand from someone that doesn’t look down on him or his family. His family has nothing to do with what he does he is a grown man.

  27. neighbor years ago says:

    I understand everyones feelings completely. But one thing you may not know is when his little sister was ten, she was killed riding her bicycle on my street. Im not sure how old Colby was at the time. His family has not been the same since. I can’t imagine losing my child and then having to witness my other child destroying his life. It would be hard to give up on him. Although, he has to take responsibility for his actions before he hurts or kills someone else. My prayers are with his mom as she struggles through these trying times.

  28. JUS SAYN says:

    @you’re kidding me right?=”start up a help Colby Snow campaign”….ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Only he can help his self!!!! @someone who knows, you are absolutely right!!

  29. Family says:

    I’m his family and the best thing to do with him Is lock him up he has had 24 dwi and has only been charged with 3 now come on how many chances does he need??

  30. you're kidding me right? says:

    all i’m saying is everyone around here is calling for his head on a plate and he hasn’t killed anyone yet. he needs to straighten up, go to jail for a while, i agree! but what he doesn’t need is thinking that the whole town wants him in jail for life never to return to Monticello!

    i don’t even know this kid, obviously something in his life has caused him to deal with things by drinking. maybe with support from some perfect strangers he would see that there are better ways to cope.

    all i’m saying is this town needs to practice what they preach!

  31. neighbor years ago says:

    Correction. Colby’s little sister rode her bicyle on our street all the time. But passed away due to a car accident. She was ten years old.

  32. Karma says:

    He needs God for sure. Hopefully he will turn around. There are consequences to every action. I feel sorry for his children. He definitely needs prayers!

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