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60 Windmills Traveling through Monticello, 9 Oversize Loads Each

December 30th, 2012 by

This story originally posted in July, but is being updated, since transfers have began a second stage of shipments.


An estimated 60 windmills, consisting of 9 oversize loads each, are making their long convoy from Texas to Pennsylvania, passing through Monticello 540 times on the way.

Although details are hard to confirm, it is believed they are manufactured in Gainesville, Texas, and are being installed in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

Each windmill consists of 5 tower pieces, 3 blades, and a turbine.

Due to the size of the loads, US Highway regulators select the routes they must take, due to overpasses, turning lanes, etc.

They come into Monticello on HWY 278 West, and leave on HWY 425 North.

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3 Responses to “60 Windmills Traveling through Monticello, 9 Oversize Loads Each”

  1. Brenda Nowlin says:

    Been passing through Rosston-Camden area for several weeks now. HWY 278 has been a busy route lately.

  2. Boo hoo says:

    We really need to get the state to finish I-530 in between Warren and Monticello. Then hopefully the future I-69 will provide better transit opportunity in southeast Arkansas. We need any kind of boost back home.

  3. Conservative voter says:

    Issue will be the overpasses. These type of over size loads can not travel on interstates. Due to the size of the loads, US Highway regulators select the routes they must take, due to overpasses, turning lanes, etc. But look on the bright side. A company in Texas sold 60 windmills. That has got to be good for that city’s economy!

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