3 Car Crash at 425/Wilson Mill Sends 3 to Hospital
July 7th, 2021 by
At 5:30, Tuesday morning, Monticello dispatch received calls reporting a three car collision on Highway 425 S. at the intersection of Wilson Mill Road.
Drew County Deputies responded, assisted by MPD for traffic control, due to the lane closures.
Vehicles involved including a Hyundai sedan, Chevy pick-up, and Ford Taurus. The Hyundai ended up inside the wooded area, the Chevy remained on the shoulder, and the Taurus came to rest in the ditch, all on the northbound side of the highway, however debris from the collision coverage the northbound lane.
Markings at the scene indicate that the Hyundai and Taurus were traveling north, when the Chevy truck, for unknown reasons, crossed into their lane, possibly attempting to turn east.
SEEMS and MASI transported the victims to Drew Memorial Hospital.
Cpl. LaGarian Cross of the Arkansas State Police was seen performing the crash investigation.
Rods, Reggie’s and Rangel Wreckers removed the vehicles and cleared the roadway.
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The truck was hit head on by the black car and the white one rearended the truck. The truck was sitting still.