3 Arrested for Possession of 38 Rocks
June 29th, 2009 byWhile responding to a report about a woman running down the street, being chased by 2 men in a pick-up, Thursday night around midnight, Monticello Police officers stopped the truck, spoke to all persons involved, and then arrested all 3 persons.
Rodrick Parker, Melinda Wallis, and Samuel McKee were all charged with theft of property and public intoxication. Parker and McKee were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  Parker and Wallis were also charged with 3rd degree domestic battery.  Wallis was additionally charged with possession of a controlled substance, and McKee with using profance and abusive language,
The rocks in question were admittedly taken from the levees at Lake Monticello.Â
J.A.Goad towed the vehicle, and city employees later removed the stolen rocks from the vehicle.
Parker and Wallis listed Hamburg as their address; Mckee is from Monticello.
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ha-ha I have no words.
WoW! What were they going to do with those rocks? haha
I would have made them load and unload those rocks.People will do anything. Scares me .
Should have checked all their heads for rocks.
Amazing… people stealing rocks. You have to be very high for doing such stupidities.
I like Sue’s idea – make them load and unload those rocks – into the evidence locker for photos for court, back into the truck, and back out again to the rightful owner. Personal Responsibility for your own actions — that’s what we need more of in today’s world.
You can seriously be arrested for stealing rocks? haha!!
WOW unbelievable!!! I think it is unfortunate that the men in blue have nothing better to do than arrest people with rocks in the back of a truck!!! I mean really dont tax payers pay them to go after the bad guys. WOW!! I really dont think that Lake Monticello is going to suffer for a few rocks being gone. Sounds to me like one of Monticellos finest has some sort of vendetta against the parties involved, or some arrogant police officer abusing the authority they have. AMAZING I am in more disbelief that they got in trouble over something like this, than I am the fact that they took them.
I guess since the men in blue need to go after the “real” bad guys and not people that “steal” things, That One Girl probably wont even mind when some one steals something that belongs to her, heck she probably wont even want to bother the police so she will just ignore the fact that someone took something that belonged to her because after all, it’s just “stealing”, right? I guess she got so excited that they got arrested for just stealing, she overlooked the fact that they were drinking alcohol, fighting, suppling alcohol to a minor and in poss. of a controlled substance.
Might I also suggest that she check her facts before she starts making comments about vendettas and abuse of power.
Last time I checked, tax payers pay the Police to uphold the law and even though That One Girl doesnt think so, stealing is against the law.
The comment about the folks stealing the rocks not being a “real crime” is a joke.
Those rocks were put at Lake Monticello to make the levee strong enough to hold the lake’s water safely, and keep levee’s road sturdy enough to drive vehicles on.
The rocks may not be that important since they only keep levees from breaking, and prevent a lot of people from drowning.
Shame on you “bad policemen” for arresting those people that were trying to run that woman down in the street. I’m sure that she wouldn’t have fallen and gotten run over by the pick-up truck that was chasing her
Andy C.
Against the law or whatever, I think it’s stupid that somebody cares enough to waste their time to publish an idiotic story like this and the people waste their time arguing about it. Get a life people!
As far as the controlled substance I can understand that DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL, but running that girl down???? hahaha that girl was not some innocent woman walking that they were trying to “run down”. There are two sides to every story. I am sure everyone on this board is not a girl scout or boy scout. I guess everyone that gave us all acohol when we were younger should go to jail as well. The rocks in questioning were in a pile NOT part of a levy. I have went to construction sites and have gotten drywall and all sorts of things from the scrap that was there THEY WERE ROCKS!!!!! I suppose if I am walking down lake Monticello and pick up a log, that is theft because it is “city property”, I GUESS I AM STEALING AS WELL!!! As far as drinking and being out….has anyone ever gone to the lake and had a few beers??? UH OH public intoxication. I guess if anyone drinks STAY HOME IN MONTICELLO you will be facing jail time, and DO NOT GO TO THE LAKE AND TOUCH ANYTHING OR REMOVE ANYTHING OR YOU ARE STEALING IT. Put some signs up or something warning people ANYTHING FROM THE LAKE should not be removed or criminal action will be taken. I have picked up shells, wood, so much stuff from the lake. I AM A THIEF??? I dont think so I have never been any trouble at all FOR ANYTHING…I guess lock me up and throw away the key. RIDICULOUS!!! I would be afraid to even leave my house if I lived in Monticello.
sounds like that one girl may have a few rocks in her head.
You are just a big ball of sunshine! :)
WOW unbelievable!!! I am totally in shock “That One Girl” would even say the officers were wrong with their actions…I dont care if they are in Blue, Brown, Black or polka dotted uniforms they did what needed to be done. READ before you start putting someone down!!! Read why they were going on the call to begin with then while on the call they found the STOLEN rocks which only added to the many other charges. I personally am a tax payer that helps pay the “men in blue” and think they did a mighty fine job. In no way did they abuse the authority they have they did exactlly what the tax payers pay them to do. And by the way if it was rocks in their yard that they had in the back of the truck it would have been no problem BUT since they knew it was against the law they waited to go steal the rocks during the night while nobody was around ! To all the guys in blue,,brown, Black or whatever color uniform you may have on keep on keeping on you are doing a great job!!!!!
I am still trying to figure out how you seem to know so much about what happen if you were not there? As far as the girl not being innocent I dont know if she is or not I wasnt there but I do know regardless of what kind of person she is chasing her down the road in a vehicle is WRONG. As far as everyone that gave you “acohol” when you were growning up had they been caught they would have at least got a ticket. Who cares if the rocks were in a pile or on the levy they were on city property so it wasnt theirs to take, and how do you know where the rocks came from????As far as drinking at the lake or anywhere else why not stay home instead of “drinking and driving to get home and take the chance of running over someone that is not breaking the law? But yes if you are out and you are drinking that is against the law so you may end up in the jail which is better than the funeral home. Most people with any sense knows without any signs being put up that it is against the law to remove anything that doesnt belong to you. If you dont live in Monticello why are you so worried about what is going on in Monticello? I hope I never live in the town you live in because from the way you are talking it is okay to break the law from drinking in public to driving and drinking to get home from anywhere you decide to drink a beer to its okay to pick up things that dont belong to you. You seem to be the one with the vandetta against the police who are paid by the tax payers to do their job which is what they are doing. FYI all law enforcement in Monticello goes by the law and does their job. Thank you to all the police & deputies in Monticello for the awesome job you all do!!!!
That One Girl – just where did you read that the rocks were in a pile? The article said they were admittedly taken from the levees. Even if they werre in a pile near the levees and not a part of the already constructed levee – they were paid for by taxpayer dollars, owned by the City, and not free-for-the taking. They may be needed to shore up the levees later on, or the engineers may have some other plans for them. You should also not be taking sheetrock and other items from construction sites until either (1) it has been placed in a waste receptacle for removal, or (2) you check wiith the contractor to make positively sure they are through wwith it all. They may need to use some of their leftover materials to fill in or complete something – just because YOU think they are through wwith it doesn’t necessarily mean they are It is THEFT unless you have permission. And – picking up a shell or small keepsake rock here at there is a WHOLE lot different then taking a whole truckload of rocks.
Good job, police officers. And good job, Joe, for creative reporting. Since you couldn’t post the pictures of those arrested, the picture of the truckload of stolen rocks was a good photo.
That One Girl is right, there are 2 sides to every story, but in this case there are 3. The witness that called from a residence who heard her screaming and observed what happened. She is also right that anyone who gives a minor alcohol should go to jail. Yes the rocks were in a pile, but they still belonged to some one else. And now we see why she doesnt understand why they were charged with theft because according to her statement about the construction sites, if she wanted some of the rocks, she would of helped load them up.
One major point she made was if you drink in Monticello STAY HOME. Yep. Monticello is one of the strictest towns in south Ar. on enforcing alcohol related arrest and we are very proud of it.
As far as picking up things at the lake, you have to use common sense, but you have to have it to be able to use it. Hmmmm… better not go there.
As far as being afraid to leave your house if you lived in Monticello, you need not be. You see, the police do there job here, so there is no reason for you to be afraid. Oh, unless you break the law.
just a question…since someone thinks it’s okay to take the rocks from the lake because nothing was “posted” not to does that mean that if i go to the lake and park my car and walk off i better put a sign on it that states “do not take” or if i go anywhere that is public property and have anything i need to keep signs with me to put on everything? that is ridicioulus!!!! the city should not have to post anything…we are adults and should be responsible for our actions and know right from wrong. what is wrong is taking things that DO NOT belong to us!!!