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Dallas County Medical Center_B

Dallas County Medical Center'

Head of the Class

Pines Broadcasting Company

Pines Broadcasting Company

Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

ESA Staffing 2


Be A Weevil





One 11 Southern Graphics 1

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Cass Martin Realty

Cass Martin Realty

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A

Delta Memorial

Mingo Computer Consulting

Mingo Computer Consulting

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Dallas County Medical Center_A

Dallas County Medical Center'

Prescription Pad Pharmacy

The Prescription Pad Pharmacy

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Farmer’s Insurance Two

One 11 Southern Graphics 2

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City Drug


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Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

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0'Fallon Vet

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Bradley County Medical Center

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Archive for December, 2022

USDA Awards Forest Resources Center at UAM $3.7 Million Grant

Thursday, December 29th, 2022

Members of the project team participate in a discussion regarding the USDA Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities grant.

On December 16, Dr. Homer Wilkes, Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), met with faculty from the University of Arkansas at Monticello (UAM) and the Arkansas Forest Resources Center (AFRC) of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture housed at UAM to award them a grant for $3.7 million. The meeting took place at Five Oaks Ag Research and Education Center in Humphrey, Arkansas, where part of the work for the project will be conducted.Interfor 444 Good news (more…)

Wilmar Water – 11 am Update

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Portable National Guard water tank

Portable National Guard water tankBetween 10 and 11 AM, the National Guard delivered a 800 gallon portable water tank to the Wilmar Community Center, for water customers to get bulk water from

Please bring your buckets, ice chests, and milk jugs, for water to drink, bathe with, hygiene needs, etc.

We are also told the water tank is gradually filling up, so things are looking better for the City of Wilmar and its water customers.

Wilmar Without Water – 8 am Update

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Tank truckBetween Friday and Sunday, Wilmar water, customers have been losing pressure, and eventually all water service, in the city, and surrounding area served by the system, including the sports complex area, Dixon Road, and S. Allis Rd.

City workers, and others, are still out, this morning, early, searching for water leaks that may have caused  the city’s water tower to drain.

Drew County OEM became involved, yesterday, and Judge Robert Skin declared the situation to be an emergency, so the state could become involved.

National Guard resources are bringing in tanks of water to help refill the town’s water supply, as staff continues to search for what may have caused the tank to drain empty.

The city brought in cases of bottled water yesterday, one bundle for each water customer.

The city also open the community center, for the use of its restrooms.

Wilmar Water Monday, 1 pm Update – Emergency Declared- Tankers Enroute to Help Refill City Tank

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

OEM 911Shortly after 11 AM, County Judge Robert Akin declared the Wilmar  water situation to be an emergency.

Drew County OEM has arranged for emergency tankers to help refill the city’s water tower.

The city of Wilmar has announced that water customers can pick up one case of water, at City Hall, this morning and afternoon, while supplies last.
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Wilmar Water Tank – Monday, 11 am Update

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Wilmar Water Tank
“WILMAR RESIDENT we are about to COMPLETELY shut the water off in Wilmar for everybody so the tank can fill up.

Here is the latest statement from Wilmar Mayor Toni Perry, after speaking with Drew County, OEM.

“Please be patient with us while we try to find the solution to this problem. At this moment we do not know how long the water will be off.”

WILMAR RESIDENTS we have EMERGENCY TANKERS coming in to help with our water supply.

We are also purchasing cases of water, so each household can get 1 case.

Again, PLEASE be patient with us because your city workers & former city workers, & a few citizens, who are doing everything possible to get our water system back up & working.”

Water Drain Empties Wilmar Water Tank – Boil Order Issued, posted Monday

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Water boil orderEveryone on the Wilmar Water System has been placed under a boil order, due to the town’s empty water tank, which is believed to be caused by residents opening faucets, during the sub-freezing windchills, in Drew County over the Christmas Weekend, in order to prevent pipes from freezing.

MLive spoke to the town’s mayor, this morning, who emphasize that city employees are out looking for any leaks that may have occurred, but none have been found, leading to the conclusion that in-home drains, that are causing the stress of the system.



Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Seark Motorsports

Seark Motorsports

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

Depaul Community Health Centers

South Arkansas Business Solutions

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Malco Theater 2

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