Dallas County Medical Center_B
Head of the Class
Pines Broadcasting Company
Monticello Animal Clinic
ESA Staffing 2
One 11 Southern Graphics 1
Cass Martin Realty
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A
Mingo Computer Consulting
Advertise With Monticello Live
Dallas County Medical Center_A
Prescription Pad Pharmacy
War Eagle Boats
Farmer’s Insurance Two
One 11 Southern Graphics 2
City Drug
UAM News
UAM Sports
Monticello Exxon
AM Rental & Sales
Searcy & Associates
State Farm Mark Gray
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B
Monticello Tire (Goodyear)
Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.
Monticello Realty
O’Fallon Vet
Secure Storage 2
Bradley County Medical Center
Commercial Bank
All persons included on this site are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Charges posted do not mean the suspects have been officially charged by the prosecuting attorney, but imply that these are the “probable charges” that will likely be recommended to the state.
All information posted is provided under the FOIA, through the appropriate law-enforcement agencies. Photos are provided by Drew County Detention Facility.
The delegates chosen were….
The Democratic Party of Arkansas (DPA) has announced it has called the local party committees of Ashley and Drew Counties to host a special district convention to fill the party’s vacancy in nomination as a result of the resignation of House District 9 Representative Shellia Lampkin. (more…)
The Ashley County Democratic Party elected these party members to serve as their delegates to select the Democratic Party’s candidate for State representative District 9, replacing the late Sheilla Lampkin on the ballot for the 2017-2018 term – Summer Robertson (alternate), Emily Wisener, Jimmy Jeffress, Candace Jeffress, C T Foster, Johnie Bolin, Doris Smith (alternate)
The 2 county convention will be held next Thursday at 6 pm at UAM’s Spencer Gallery.
Unweaned baby Quaker parrots
Blue & yellow
Great talkers
Additional fee to wean
Pick up in PINEBLUFF / Whitehall Ar
870 718-8236
For Sale:
2016 Haulmark Cargo trailer
5 ft by 10 ft, v front, used 2 times, new bridgestone tires, roof vent and power assist rear ramp door.
Call or text 317-674-5033
For Sale:
Multiple OSHA approved Safety Cabinets. New with a few dings and dents.
Ranging in price from $350 to $600.
For more info call :870:723:5753: in Monticello.
For Rent:
Single wide mobile home, 1 bdr, 1 bath, located on a fenced area of land in a quiet neighborhood, with a covered garage.
No pets and no smoking.
$450 a month plus $450 deposit.
Located in Monticello. 870-723-7152
Union Bank 1
La Terraza
Mullis Insurance
Small Bites Pediatric Dentist
Farmer’s Insurance One
Citizen’s Bank 2
Seark Motorsports
Bone’s Auto Parts
UAM Trotter House A
A.J. Huffman Graphic Design
Frazer’s Funeral Home
Depaul Community Health Centers
South Arkansas Business Solutions
Searcy & Associates 2
AGUp Equipment
Citizen’s Bank 1
BCMC Family Care Clinic 1
Malco Theater 1
Farm Bureau
Mr. Bug
UAM Trotter House B
Union Bank 2
Immanuel Baptist Church
ESA Staffing
BCMC Family Care Clinic 2
Drew Farm
Burgess Process Service
Baker’s Electrical
Quality Plus Dry Cleaners
Malco Theater 2